
Winter Serenade

"Hey. Has anyone seen Donghae?" Eunhyuk asked as he walked into the kitchen of the twelfth floor. He got six blanks stares back at him before Heechul finally answered.


"He said he was going out. That’s all we got." Hangeng explained trying to think of when the younger left.

"You sure? He didn’t say anything at all about where he was going or what he was doing? I sent him a text and haven’t gotten a reply."

"Sorry Eunhyuk, we don’t know anything." Leeteuk said before rushing out of the room.

"Where is hyung going?" Eunhyuk asked confused by the sudden rush from their leader, but found everyone else looking just as confused. Eunhyuk let the subject go when he phone beeped, signaling a text.

From: My Fishy

Sorry Hyukie, I didn’t catch your text.

Don’t worry I’ll be home a little later. I’m working on something important.

I’ll tell you about it once it’s ready.

Love you <3

Eunhyuk sighed but left the twelfth floor to go back to his room. For the next week Donghae would disappear sometime in the evening for two to three hours at a time. He never told Eunhyuk where he was going or what he was doing, just that the other would find out later. It was just over a week since Donghae’s secret outings started that he dragged Eunhyuk out with him for the first time.

"Where are we going?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Hold on. We’ll be there in a minute." True to his words, it was only about a minute longer before Donghae stopped in front of a homemade ice rink surrounded by snowmen, a bunch of fake flowers, and some well placed lanterns.

"What is this?"

"You’ll see. Here, sit." Donghae guided the older to the bench facing the rink that was covered with a blanket to make it warm and comfortable and a second blanket at the side. Once Donghae was sure the other was comfortable and warm he slide to the other side of the small rink and set down his ipod dock and pressed play once it was all set up. Eunhyuk wanted to ask what he was doing but stopped once Donghae began to dance to the music. Eunhyuk was shocked at the sight of the younger’s fluid movements on the ice and couldn’t take his eyes off of the man he was dating. A part of him wanted to join Donghae in his dance but he knew the younger had practiced hard to be able to move so well on the ice and he didn’t wish to ruin the show. At the end of the song, Donghae spun onto his knees and slid over to Eunhyuk, still on his knees. He got off of one knee to brace himself once he stopped and pulled a sting that Eunhyuk didn’t notice was lying in front of him. The string pulled the snowmen over a little, showing the words built out of the snow that the snowmen had hidden.

Will You Marry Me?

Eunhyuk looked back down at Donghae to find him smiling and holding out a ring. Eunhyuk couldn’t help the tears that began to fall down his face. He only nodded before tackling Donghae on the ice. Donghae was careful not to drop the ring when he suddenly found the older on top of him.

"Does that mean you say yes?"

"Of course. Pabo." Donghae sat back up and placed the ring on Eunhyuk fingers before kissing him passionately. "So this is where you disappeared to everyday?"

"Yup. I had to make this ice rink and then practice dancing on it. And of course I had to make the snowmen and set them up on the track. But it was all worth it, I hope."

"It’s amazing." Eunhyuk said after he got up and wondered around the rink to admire his fiancé’s work.

"Well care to skate for a little bit?" Eunhyuk nodded and glided over to Donghae as he set up the music as they enjoyed the rest of the evening.

"Did you tell Leeteuk hyung about this?"

"Well I couldn’t exactly go out without him knowing."

"I wondered but I’m glad I didn’t ask. I liked the surprise." Eunhyuk stopped and pulled the younger in for another kiss. "A very wonderful surprise."

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kazzy_5 #1
Chapter 7: Join the club..i'm from ohio as well. GREAT STORIES!
EndlessFlame #2
These are so sweet and adorable! They're mostly my favorite couples as well. I think that my favorite one was the Eunhae one. But they all made me smile. :)
so very cute ; v ; i especially loved the kangteuk one, but the eunhae and simin made my heart (almost) literally melt too. and your style of writing is so nice! <3
siana-chan #4
Chapter 6: The Kyusung was so sweet <3
LittleMissMoony #5
Chapter 7: How cute!!! Zhoury is so naive and confusing. Hihi
siezzy #6
Chapter 2: Kangin only being cute in front jungsu XDD
nice job Kangin!!
2pmfan #7
Hey serrena! ^-^

If you need a poster for this story I would like to help you! ^-^
Here is the link to my shop:

I'm a new artist so I'm not that good but I try my best! ^-^

Sorry for taking up some space here and I hope you are fine! ^o^
Please take care!
Love 2pmfan <3