Taemin's POV

[Lee Taemin] The Love Of A Wish [Shinee POV]

I couldn't help being late, practice lasted longer than usual. Not to mention, my only ride was Jonghyun. Who had to hit on all the girls waiting outside for us before we got to leave. I can't imagine what it's going to be like living with him from now on in our new dorms we're getting tomorrow.

I sighed looking at my watch as I exited out of the car when we finally arrived to my apartment. It's almost one a.m. Mom's going to kill me, I though before reaching the door.

I was takin back to find a body lying down in front of my apartment door. Are they dead? I asked myself bending down to them. I got a view of the person's face. It was soft, but angular; angelic, but had a hint of masculinity. This person's a guy, I could state with certainty. I felt the wrist to find a pulse.

I let out a big breath of air. Good, he's alive. Did he drink to much and pass out? I noted that he was wearing scrubs three sizes to small for him.

"What the.." I whispered to myself. What is going on here.. The logical thing to do would be to call the cops and let them figure it out. I pulled out my cell phone and started dialing the number when I heard him talk.

"Mom, I'm sorry...I didn't... mean to.. scare you.." He mumbled in his sleep. I looked at my phone again. All I had to do was hit the green button and I won't have to worry about this guy anymore, but something was telling me otherwise. I let out a deep sigh as I shut my phone. I pulled the guy up and draped his limp body around my shoulders.

"Mom! I need help!" I yelled trying to lift the boy around my age up the few steps to the door. My mom came bursting out of the house.

"What's all this ruckus! You're going to get the whole neighborhood-.. Oh, dear lord! Bring him in!" She finally said, taking in a good look at the situation.

"What happened?" My mom asked as we finally made it to my bed, where I laid the boy down. I let out a frustrated sigh and scratched my head.

"I have no idea. He was just passed out in front of our apartment!" I told her. She seemed concerned and placed her hand on his forehead.

"My goodness! He has a fever that feels like the temperature of hell itself! No wonder he passed out. Taemin go grab a rag and some cool water." I followed my mothers orders just as she told me, and placed the folded wet rag on the teenagers forehead. I kneeled down beside my mom and studied the boy.

"What do you think happened?" I asked her. She looked up at me, shaking her head.

"I have no idea... Whatever it is, he must be very uncomfortable being in those clothes... Taemin why don't you dress him in one of your old T-shirts." I nodded as she left the room. I grabbed a random shirt and some comfortable pajama pants, as I struggled to take off the scrubs.

I ripped off his top to notice a bra was strapped onto him. What the heck? Is he like a cross dresser? I questioned to myself. I shook off the thought taking it off and placing on the t-shirt over his slim sculpted body. Then I went to his pants, again the same thing. He had girls underwear on... What the heck?

Should I give him some of mine, or would that be weird? I fought against my choices and decided to give him decent underwear, and confirmed myself even more, he definitely was a boy. I felt my face turn slightly red dressing another man that I didn't know, and quickly put on his pants and pulled the blankets over him.

"What ever happened to you... I hope you are okay, and will figure it out..." I whispered as I exited out of the room. I brought a pillow and blanket with me from my room and went to go sleep on the couch.

Throughout the night on every hour I went to check on him, I don't know why. My body wouldn't go to sleep and so I changed his wash cloth and refreshed it with a new cool one every time. I bit my lip annoyed at myself for being worried so much over one person that I couldn't even get any sleep over it. I tried blaming it on the couch, but I knew quite well that it wasn't. I've fallen asleep many of times on that same couch so why couldn't I sleep now?

I must be going crazy...



woot! First chapter out! Some stories aren't only going to be in 1 POV the whole time, this one just was because it's always a slow start :P.

Also I'm going to try and keep it match up with the chapters this one ends with the other to chapter 1 and so on and so forth, so it doesn't get to confusing. ;)

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Chapter 3: lulzing at this. Levi is sooo funny xD
Siblings-Curse #2
Chapter 1: ...how can he not notice the s and the lack of intimate parts on the 'guy'???
Chapter 1: finally you posted the first chappie ^^ i was dying in a hole just waiting . THANKS FOR UPDATING. update soon neh?
:o it's so close to 100 views I'm so proud! lol ^^