
I Had Enough


Ambers POV
We all sat down in a big table that would fit us, They were chatting, Me? I was freaking thinking how can they not tell me that they were taken? It was the easiest task in the whole world.A simple "Hey! I have a girlfriend/boyfriend" would be enough! Gosh this people really. I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes, I opened them again and looked at the couples.
Yuri looks happy with Jessica, same with my sister and Taeyeon, as well as Jonghyun and Key. I wonder if Hyoyeon is in a relationship aswell, I'm sure I won't be surprised if she told me she has one. I looked at the table one last time and noticed that me and Krystal are the only single in the table.
Then the memory of the accidental kiss flashed through my mind, I unconciously smile. I had fallen inlove with her without me realizing, I chuckled at my thought and drank my bubble tea. Wait... When did Unnie become Taeyeon's girlfriend?  How did Yuri meet Jessica? How did Jonghyun and Key became a couple?
This is really confusing me, I need answers. "Hey!" I talked with the voice only we could hear "When did you guys became a couple?" I asked them and they started saying their reasons at the same time. My face went like this :
"Woah! Woah! Everyone has their time, Tif-unnie first" I said and signaled Unnie to tell her story.
Tiffany's POV
After I ended the call with Taeyeon I headed back to the dining table and handed Amber her phone, She smirked and asked "Unnie do you have a fever? Your burning" I scoffed "That won't change the fact that your walking Krystal to school" I said at her and her smirk faded. HA! Beat that dork!
Amber whined and asked "Why?" I looked at her ans said "Me and Jessica talked about it last night and decided that you would be Krystal's slave for hmmmm...... 4 months" I said teasingly."What? Why?!" Amber wondered "Jessica said 'its because she stole a kiss from my sister, that damn llama' " I said and collected our plates. Amber stared at me in disbelief "What?" I said " Whatever, I'm going" Amber said and left.
That dork really, I put the plates on the sink and was about to go to the living room, when I saw Amber's phone. I walked infront of it and hesitantly took it, I looked left and right, like a kid who was afraid to be caught getting a cookie from the kitchen. I searched for Taeyeons number and copied it in a piece of paper.
Suddenly the door opened and I immediately grabbed the piece of paper and put it in my pocket. "I forgot my phone" Amber said and I handed it to her, she muttered a "thanks" I walked her to the front door, when she was going to open the gate when I said "Don't forget to walk with Krystal" She nodded and waved goodbye.
I sighed and went inside, I sat down on the couch and pulled the piece of paper. I debated weither to call Taeyeon or not, in the end I decided to call her. I dialed her phone and after about 3 rings she picked up the phone.
Yosh! I was in the mood of writing cause my period is ending today! Weeeeeee! Also I was wondering if you guys want me to continue TaeNy or just short cut it and skip the others story? Please leave comment below what you think I should do ^^
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This is my first time having a story with 25 chapters 0.0 YAY! For me, great job me!


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YourSmile-I #1
Chapter 55: Great story...thanks
TwinTurtles #2
Chapter 55: Oh man, this story was so good! It was so sweet and I definitely loved the fluff! Though I'm still wondering how Yulsic got together! I loved Kryber in here and thank you for writing such a good story!
ariss_nf #3
Chapter 55: I really love this story
Chapter 55: Just finished reading the story. It's a good story and it's long..yay~
I really enjoyed reading this and I can kinda relate to it keke
I love the pick up lines :)
It's good that this ended as a happy ending and even though there's drama, it's not a severe kind of drama but just a slight one but still amazing.
Keep up the good work and ehy fellow pinoy :)
annieber #5
the best story!! (thumbs up) keke kryber :3 nice one authornim
kimpie136 #6
Chapter 55: How did the hell that they have kids? I thought amber is a girl in this story ?
Chapter 55: This story is amazing beautiful!! It has a bit of sad scene and a happy ending that I wanted!!! Wooohoo!!
nclmzy #8
Chapter 55: This fic is really amazing !!! I loved it! I jus have one problem. They're both girls, right ? Then how the hell did they have a kid together ? It can't be amber's ! Right ? But that doesn't really matter I still love the story ;)
Chapter 55: This is very confusing.. hah but whtevr the plot works at least :p
kimhyuraa #10
Chapter 17: Tiff is ambers big sister right cause shes friend with jessica