

I was growing infatuated.

After endless thoughts of her I had to come into terms with my feelings. I liked Hyejin.

But I'm not sure what this exactly meant. I mean afterall, I have met a lot of women and there have been quite a couple that I've fallen for. I just never thought more of it.

Oh this girl is pretty and nice. We even have some of the same interest, I like her.

It never really amounted to much at the same time. A few phone calls and messaging here and sometimes a night out there. If she asked me to go somewhere with her I would oblige. If she said it would be better if we didn't get to close, I would agree. Nothing more.

I think the only case where I actually though I was in love with a girl was when I turned 18. She was older than me, but always treated me well. I was young, it could have been any girl, but the affection and attention she gave me thought I could have her. I thought of her all the time and got all fidgety when she was around. When the hyungs would bring her up my ears would immediately perk up and I would start to beam. Looking back I realise now it was only a puppy dog love I had, but I felt like I could spend the rest of my life with her at the time. I was an idiot.

Then one day she announce she was getting married. I also found out a couple months afterwards that she had been dating that guy secretly for more than a year. I felt like everything I thought could happen just burst finally. Knowing all the conversations and meetings we had where nothing more than that. It was one-sided and imaginative.

Back to Hyejin.

A long sigh escaped me as I lifted my body from the bed. It was early morning on a day that I didn't had much planned. I was planning to get up and run a couple errands, but I only managed to wake up around 9am and think of my love life to pass away the time.

I walked to my dresser and put on a shirt then walked to the kitchen. Yongguk was at the studio preparing some stuff, last I heard Himchan was filming a drama so his schedule had been very busy, Jongup went to the gym with Youngjae, and Daehyun was asleep still.

I made myself some cereal and sat at the table. Lately nothing else filled my head except Hyejin. Only the occasionally thought like "what am I wearing today?", "what's on the schedule?", and "where are the hyungs?"

At first I only thought what kind of person she was. I was curious. She appeared so shy and quiet around others, but when I see her in the dance studio she would light up. Her voice would become louder and her eyes seemed to perk up more. I found her funny.

But then I started filling my days wondering how she was doing. Was she settling in well in her new home? Has she made friends? Does she work? What does she eat when I'm not around to buy her lunch? 

Is she okay?

She's not lonely or anything right?

I couldn't help thinking like this because of her small presence. I wanted to be positive she was happy how everything was and wasn't worrying over anything, but I had no way to. I would like to send her a text messages asking what she was doing or a call to pass the time, but I didn't even have information such as a number from her.

I only knew her name, basically. But I wanted to know everything about her.

That was when I realise I started to like Hyejin.

My constant worrying made me start missing her. Her voice, actions, even just the silhouette of her body. I had begun to miss her presence.

I finished my bowl and then lightly set it in the sink. I made another long sigh as I rubbed my eyes of their exhaust before heading back to my room. I walked towards the middle of it after closing the door. After standing in place taking in all the peaceful silence of the whole house I finally spoke out to myself,

"What now, Junhong?"

I got a call earlier this morning from my sister asking if I was doing anything today.

"No, what's up unnie?"

"Well, I know this might be a bother, but my husband was asking if you could help him at the office for a bit. He says that his assistant couldn't come in today and he can't find anyone on such short notice. All you would need to do is fetch a couple things for him, I'm sure he won't make you do anything complicated."

" see...I need to do-"

"It could be great experience on you resume."

She had me there. Being a foreigner wasn't necessarily something that helped you in Korea. Only the fact that I new and could write English fluently gave me bonus points, even then I heard a lot of people already have that quality from school. I needed this and my sister knew it too.


"Yay~ be ready at 9am!"

With that she hung up. I glance at the alarm clock sitting by my bed for quite awhile before the time indicated on it actually sunk into my brain. It was 8:26am.

"I was glad to here you decided to come Hyejin."

"It's nothing, I'm glad I could be here." I exchanged smiles with my brother-in-law after coming to the office and meeting him in his office. I was a little late, the elevator had been out of service sense earlier I heard— meaning I had to climb a ungodly amount of stairs.

After the President briefed me of the currents I had to complete (I had to refer to him as 'President' like everyone else) I started directly towards my first assignment, to get him coffee. After walking down another flight of stairs or two and coming back (The coffee was practically cold now), I found him stationed no longer sitting behind his desk, but sitting on a couch towards the back left corner of the room. The office seemed to be as big as a hotel suite, maybe bigger.

"Hyejin, come sit with me I want to discuss a small matter."

I bowed my head slightly before silently taking a seat on the chair opposite of him after handing him his coffee. I felt as if my feet heaved out a long sigh once they felt the weight shift off anywhere, but them. It had barely been half an hour was I suppose to survive the whole day? Note to self: Next time where flats. I plastered my face with a small smile to cover up any sign of my tiredness so early in the day.

"I know you've been here for a couple of weeks now. How do you like it? Are you settling in fine?"

"Perfectly, every ones been nice. My neighbors are peaceful and I've met no problems yet. I start my new job in a couple of days." I wondered if my sister was the one making her husband asking me all these questions. For I could see no other reason the President would care for such trivial matters such as my lifestyle momentarily. 

"Good, good. I've also noticed that you've been frequenting the office for a bit now? I sometimes spot you in the lobby. I'm a bit curious myself what you've been doing?"

"To tell you the truth I've been taking dance lessons from Junhong, the one that first showed me around the company." I tried to laugh it off a bit to lessen the tension rising in the room. I could see blatantly that the president obviously wanted to talk about this and not my living arrangements.

"Really? That kid, he's to nice. How often are you having these lessons?"

"About 3 days a week. They're usually about 2 hours long. I've already learned a lot from him and I really appreciate it."

"But.. how is that boy balancing out that when his schedule has been pretty booked for a couple days now..." I heard the president mumble. His eyebrows jumbled together and he stared out towards the floor, thinking. 

Full schedule?

The first day we had my first lesson I kept pestering him, asking him if he seriously was free enough to even do this. I clearly remember asking and asking him if this was okay with him. Which he would always reply with a cheeky grin and a small laugh, "Yes Hyejin, I'm positive. Don't worry!"

I hope he wasn't overworking himself. Just after I have those lessons I take a hot shower and a power nap before even doing another task. Was he going from place to place right after we met? I don't understand why he would lie though. We didn't know each other, we where practically strangers. He had the right to turn me down the first time I asked or abruptly say he could no longer uphold our deal at anytime he wished. I felt I was suddenly only a weight added to his back.

"President, is it okay if I ask you for his contact information? I just remembered that my job called me telling me I would starting earlier than what I was told. I won't be able to take many lessons anymore from Junhong, but I don't have any way of contacting him to let him know."

I let out a sigh mentally. I felt like my whole life could be described with a mere 'mental sigh'. 

I probably should have realised before that Junhong is an actual idol. I had no right to walk into his life and demand things from him. He had things that where already demanded from him daily anyways. I needed to stop being a burden. I moved out here to become independent and find adventure! I couldn't do that thinking my fun was giving others everything, but fun.

The president kindly gave me his information before dismissing our conversation. I was sent on more errands and by 3pm I was thoroughly exhausted. I had the over whelming feeling to ask the president when work would end, but I didn't think that was all to appropriate for a temporary assistant. So I took a deep breath and prayed that the day would just end soon.

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Chapter 4: Its awesome really. Sweet but sad. I like it ^^
alliebug128 #2
Chapter 3: omg i dont even know what to say!! chapter one was just so sad but written just so beautifully, i loved it!~and the other 2 chapters(which arent boring at all) set up the scene perfectly!!!~love love love! update soon!!^^
bapdaehyunnie #3
Chapter 1: Awww, im like crying :( u made me tear so much ;(
quietchick #4
Chapter 1: that brought tears to my eyes. you seriously made me cry, and not a lot of things can seriously make me tear up like this. like im really crying. really. it was just so beautiful and so sad. im speeechless