

Hyejin stepped onto the platform. The train station was bustling everywhere with people, her body meshed with others as she scurried quickly, in hopes she wouldn't miss her train. 

She found her way out of the crowd and stood right behind that yellow line indicating 'any farther would be dangerous'. Hyejin lifted up her sleeve to reveal her watch that read 11:42am. She began to tap her foot in a hurry, afterall she had buisness to attend to at 12:30.

A voice came on the stations speaker, "Train station to Seoul will be arriving soon, please make sure to..." Hyejin didn't pay much attention to what he said after she heard her train was on it's way. The ground became to rumble a bit under her feet and bright headlights shined through the April morning fog.

She heard yelling, the crowd became all of a sudden restless from some foreign movement that was making it's way through it. Hyejin didn't think much of it, "probably just someone running again" she thought. She continued to scroll through her iphone in hopes of pasting the time more quickly, her ears only focusing on the sound of the train's horn approaching, becoming louder and louder. But the crowd got to loud, she couldn't focus on the trains noises anymore. Hyejin tried to find out was happening without making to much effort to at the same time.


It was definetly someone running, but the tone from the crowd started to change dramatically. Yelled comments of anger towards this person started to sound more horrored like.


Then there was a gasp that almost sounded in unison that came from the crowd.

It was just a push, maybe a nudge could classify it better. But that's all Hyejin felt before losing her balance. Her mind went blank, but at the same time searched for logical answers on what kind of situation she where in.

It was like time slowed down, a second felt like a hour. Then everything rushed back to her, as if her newly found discovery was something that could help the human race, but it didn't.

Not at all.

She where falling, after not much thought she concluded that the person running had safely made a stop before the train came, but unfortunately calculated their landing wrong and accidently hit a innocent bystander. Causing them to lose there balance from the impact and start to rush head first.


These type of things must have happened a hundred times. Places have dangers and this situation was inevitable. Her mind knew that it wasn't anyones fault, it was an accident. But that wouldn't stop her from thinking the mere thought it was all of that persons fault. Hyejin's hand felt empty and she realized her phone was no longer with her. Only her left foot still undeniably touched the ground, almost giving her hope that someone could still save her, but the rest of your body dangling in mid air made her lose that hope.

1 second.

That's what so far had amounted to, but again it felt like an hour really. 

The thought of Hyejin's parents came into your mind. Hyejin's mother would be devastated, she was her second child, but her mom always had a soft spot in her heart for Hyejin because she resembled her so much. Hyejin's father probably wouldn't know how to react at first. He was never good at dealing with his emotions properly, like a lot of fathers, he would probably resort to first making angry comments. Then slowly start to realize everything and grow quiet as he silently dealt with his pain. What about Hyejin's sister? She was like her bestfriend. She understood her so well. They fought growing up, but now their relationship was at it's best. She would feel like she was loosing more than just a sister, but a life long friend. Hyejin mentally slapped herself because her sister told her to pick up her clothes today from the cleaners at 4pm before she stopped by at her house. She said she was really busy and she couldn't find time today for it, they would make her pay extra for not picking it up that day.

Then Hyejin's mind focused on the thought of him.

Him as in the man she loved. The man she yearned to be around every minute of everyday. The man that supported her through thick and thin. The guy she sometimes hated. The guy she sometimes idolized. The guy she thought was her everything.
This was her third year being with him. Three whole years had passed by before the two had realise it. Hyejin was happy most of the time, I mean his job sometimes brought conflict, but she always managed to get past it. Whether it would take one day or one month to make up. They always made up. It was like they where magnets that would always attract to each other some way or another. He was both her umbrella and her rain.

It was so cold in April, especially this morning. The fog was still there even though it was almost the afternoon, but from the look of the sky she could tell that the sun would shine through soon.

It reminded her of that time Hyejin woke up one morning and the weather was like this. Hyejin's apartment was freezing cold and even though she covered herself with multiple blankets she still shivered. Her tea cooled down in a matter of minutes, making her neglect it on her night stand. The only reason she had it in the first place was to warm her hands really. She just laid there. Staring at the ceiling trying to shut her eyes only to have them flutter open the next second. Hyejin grabbed her phone and called him, knowing he would probably still be asleep.

"Hello?" She could still here the sleep in his voice and feel the slight annoyance in his tone.

"Annyeong, it's me." Hyejin said admiring his 'I just woke up' voice. It brought her goosebumps.

"Oh hey, why are you calling so early? Is something wrong?" He always assumed something must have happened when Hyejin called him. She chuckled smally at his assumption once again. Hyejin started to feel a bit warmer hearing his voice.

"No, Junhong. I just woke up, but couldn't go back to sleep because it's so cold." She made her voice a bit higher than usual and pouted her lips over the receiver. She could hear Junhong holding back a laugh as she used her 'aegyo voice'.

Her 'aegyo voice' was something she used at random times, but it wasn't cute at all. Somehow Junhong enjoyed it though. He always laughed when she used it, but then right after would use some display of affection towards her. Hyejin obivously caught on that he actually like it and she continued to use it in situations when she knew he would maybe get mad.

"Then come over here. I'm cold, too." In that moment Hyejin knew why she had called him. Because she just really wanted to be with him. Hyejin quickly replied okay and said her goodbye before jumping out of bed. The sudden contact of the cold air gave her another set of goosebumps, but not the kind Junhong gave her. She went out in your pj's and took a cab to his apartment. Hyejin then punched in the code and slid in a key, walking into the familiar place of his apartment. 

"Junhong I'm here, where are you?" She said quickly taking off her sneakers and walking towards his bedroom.

Hyejin peeked into his bedroom to find him, back facing her, laying down in his bed. She quietly walked over to him and slipped in beside him on the other side, facing his front. She could see him sleeping, his chest slowly rose up and down which slowly chastised her into closing her eye lids peacefully and keeping them closed. But before she drifted off she felt the bed stir a little, a slow peck on her forhead, and the words "I love you" whispered quietly. Hyejin tried to hold back her smile, knowing Junhong would get so embarrased if he knew she weren't yet asleep. Hyejin made a mental note to say I love you back when she woke up. No amount enough of times would be sufficient for her to say those words to him.

She slowly moved her head to one side and opened your eyes. A bright light blinded her and then she realized. This wasn't the same cold morning as then, this was a death situation she where in. She weren't safely in the presence of Junhong anymore. She weren't going to be in the presence of anyone at all anymore.

Hyejin reprimanded herself for standing to close to the yellow lign and reacting to the crowds screams so late. She lectured herself for even waking up late and coming to the train station in such a hurry like this. She scolded herself for even getting into this scenario at all when she knew there where people waiting out there for her. There where people waiting for her.

And then everything hit her like a train. She wasn't going to see her Mom and Dad as planned that weekend. She wasn't going to be able to meet up with her Sister to give her her clothes from the cleaner and play with her nephew once again. She weren't going to be able to tell her friends about that one story she forgot to tell them the other day about what happened at work. She weren't going to be able to tell Junhong about that new place that just opend in town she wanted to go to. She weren't going to be able to tell the rent lady she where going to move out soon, too. 

She wasn't going to be able to announce to everyone that she where moving in with Junhong, actually.

I guess those early mornings of taking a cab and just sleeping in his bed beside him where becoming to frequent lately.

3 seconds.

That's all it took before she was actually gone. She was gone.

Hyejin would become a story written in the Tabloids the next day, if she where lucky maybe even somewhere on the front cover. Her face would be plasterd onto a stand as people mourned over her. Hyejin's existence would only be in people's memories now as they recalled that one time they spent with her. May it be once, twice, or to many to count times they had spent with her.

But slowly they would forget, slowly she would desinigrate from there mind and her existence would be come more dim then it already was to the world.

There would be those people though, that couldn't forget about her no matter how much they tried and for that she was so sorry. Hyejin never liked to see people hurt over her.

Hyejin where sorry for the pain her sister would receive at exactly 12:17pm from a police officer indicating her own death. She where sorry that her sister had to then call their parents and tell them the news all over again. She where sorry that then, would only Junhong find out about her accident.

Junhong would probably be mad at her right now for being late, afterall it was already 12:30pm and the two where going to go catch a movie because this was the only day of that week he had off from his busy schedule. He even told her not to be late because they had a lunch reservation after the movie. How when he got a call from her sister saying that something had happened to Hyejin and to come to the hospital, he basically sprinted to the nearest street to catch a taxi. On his way he probably thought that something happened to her, but not in any way things did. He assumed that Hyejin was being her all to clumsy self and tripped, maybe even broken a bone. Atleast this is what he told himself to keep from worrying.

When he arrived and was directed to a hallways he found Hyejin's sister sobbing uncontrollably in the arms of her mother and her father sitting down at a near by chair staring out into space. The hospital was quiet because it was such a early morning on a Wednesday. But the crys of her family echoed throughout half the place, making other people realise the fact people pass everyday. People come and go everyday.

Everything slowly sinked into him as he realised the severity of the situation and began to sob to. He was smart enough to put the puzzle pieces together.
Although he wish he didn't, he knew what was going on.

Hyejin's life had stopped.

Hyejin's timeline of events had ended.

She was forever stuck in those 3 seconds at the station. 

There was nothing left, right?

No, somehow she lived on, in other peoples hearts. She stayed quietly in the back of there mind as they lived out the rest of their lives without her. Sometimes thinking about her.

For the first few months Hyejin's closest friends and family members still mourned. But then her parents now only wished that she where resting well because they knew she deserved a peaceful rest. Her sister took every moment she had with Hyejin more preciously. Her friends remembered the bits of advice she would share and carry it out day to day as much as they could. All the could do now was honor her death. They knew she was frightfully to young and good to have passed like this, but what could they do? Nothing. Nothing at all, and that's what pained him the most.

Junhong still stayed stuck in the past.

No one knew though. He smiled, laughed, and lived. But that was only because his occupation required him to. People didn't think he could still feel Hyejin's warmth radiating from her side of the bed she always slept on and the smell of her from the jacket she always wore that was his.

He would grow sad again when he accidently ordered two cups of coffee out of habit for both Hyejin and him.

When he saw her favorite dessert in the dispaly window he would smile and think of her. They would often walk down the streets with eachother and when she would catch the site of any choclate-y dish, she would beg and plead for just a small quanitity. How many times would he give into her and end up eating so many sweets way past dessert time? 

"Your going to give me a cavity.... and I will make you pay for it!" Junhong always joked.

When every year on her birthday, holdiays, and death anniversary he would come visit Hyejin and lay down her favorite pair of flowers.

Hyejin was only 26 and Junhong 27, but their love for each other was love compared to a 90 year old couple and a 16 year old relationship. It ended in both your youths, but continued on in his heart until he grew old.

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Chapter 4: Its awesome really. Sweet but sad. I like it ^^
alliebug128 #2
Chapter 3: omg i dont even know what to say!! chapter one was just so sad but written just so beautifully, i loved it!~and the other 2 chapters(which arent boring at all) set up the scene perfectly!!!~love love love! update soon!!^^
bapdaehyunnie #3
Chapter 1: Awww, im like crying :( u made me tear so much ;(
quietchick #4
Chapter 1: that brought tears to my eyes. you seriously made me cry, and not a lot of things can seriously make me tear up like this. like im really crying. really. it was just so beautiful and so sad. im speeechless