President's sister


"Hey Junhong, I just got word that practice doesn't start until around 9am. So we'll just head to the dorm right now and rest as smuch as we can." Yongguk spoke as he rubbed one of his eyes lazily. I looked around at the other tired members as they slowly trudged with their luggage. I couldn't quite here what Yongguk said at first, making me lean my ear closer to him and he sighed as he repeated his words. It couldn't be helped though, who could here over the loud chattering of the fans around us. 

I nodded as we continued walking, only sometimes bowing and greeting the fans. I saw people outstretch their arms to give me gifts and I happily excepted. I appreciated my fans for even waiting for me at the airport at this ungodly hour. We all exited out of the stuffy airport and entered the company van. 

I started thinking about the time we landed in a different country and the fans where so crazy that we had to rush into our car and we actually took off without our manager. He called us right when we where about to exit the airport parking lot. Yelling into our leader's ear loudly over the electronical device saying that they had forgotten some important luggage, meaning him. Everyone tried there best to contain their laughter when they went back to pick up our hyung who was wearing a angry face.

In a matter of 15 minutes we where located in front of our dorm. We all hopped out of the car and gathered our luggage once again. When we entered our home I watched as Jongup exageratingly dropped all his bags on the floor and collapsed onto them. I was to tired to laugh at his actions and proceeded to my room. Thank god the company upgraded our living arrangments so each of us could get there own private room. I was happy that the company cared for us enough to do that, we felt like all that hard work was really being paid off.

I dropped my suitcases by the closet and fell onto my bed. Then set a alarm on my phone to wake me up an hour before practice.

Once we got to the company we got a call from our manager saying the President wanted to see us. We weren't quite sure to think of it as good or bad news because the scenario was always different for us. When he gave us permission to enter his office he glanced up from his paperwork and smiled towards us. I felt everytime I saw the president there was stacks of papers on his desks. I used to think that maybe those all where for show and they didn't mean anything until one day I noticed how the stack would be completely gone and the next week seemed 10 times larger then the last one. I think that's around the time I started thinking about how hard the President must be working too. We all stood there silently until he spoke with that unchanging voice of his,

"Welcome back B.A.P."

And then with a unison all us drew out our breaths slowly. Himchan then spoke up, "It's good to be back sir."

There was a talk of how the trip was, the President always made sure to ask how it was. I smiled as the whole group began to recall all the smallest details and emphasize on the fans and concerts. I even mentioned a coupled things here and there, sometimes getting caught up in the moment and speaking in to much detail on how Youngjae almost lost his passport again.

The President didn't speak, but listened attentively. Laughing at out small stories and showing great interest when we explained how hyped the crowd was. I used to always think the President's son really had a great father.

"Now I know all of you had your fun and games and I'm sorry that maybe you would have liked a little bit more time of it, but I have news for you guys. I know promotions have just ended and you probably are all looking forward to a nice break, but I just got a call for you guys to star in a commercial and a oppurtunity to go on a show. I'm giving you the choice to choose which one you want to participate in this time because each are on the same given day, making you only being able to choose one. Both of them are for later on this week, I'll give you more details when you decide."

We all turned towards Yongguk hyung and he began asking each member what they wanted. In the end we both chose to just do the commercial because a show sounded a bit tougher. The President agreed and dismissed us, we began to walk out of his office when the President spoke once again,

"Ah, Junhong. I forgot I wanted to ask you a favor, everyone else can leave except you." I turned back around to face him with curiousity gleaming on my face. I felt like the president never asked for a favor from anyone before.

"Listen, my sister-in-law just arrived from the States and came to visit the company. I was going to give her a tour myself, but I got hauled up with some new paperwork. I figured I should ask you because your the closest with her in age among the groups and all the girl groups are still not here at the moment. Would you mind just showing her around a bit?" 

I agreed when a knock on the door was heard. The person at the door then proceeded to open it without even waiting for a reply, I turned around to find a small looking girl with glasses framed on her face. Her hair seemed to reach almost all the way to her hips. I watched her as she smiled shyly and bid the president a hello. Then it clicked,

"Airplane girl?"

We both exited out of the presidents office and began to walk in silence towards the elevator. I felt hyper aware of even the tiniest sound that was made because of how the silence just seemed to engluf us into this weird state.

"As I recall your name was Hyejn?" I watched as she looked down towards her hands and fiddled with them a bit, then looked towards me. "Neh, and you where Zelo correct?" She seemed so fragile a delicate like if I raised my voice just a bit louder she might shudder. I nodded my head and again there was a overwhelming silence. Something drew me to her though, something in me made her seem so fascinating.

The way she tapped her foot lightly for only a few seconds then stopped and glance up at the elevator buttons. Then she started to lean on one side and shift to the other, I felt like I was watching a kid. I tried to surpress another snicker from watchng her childish actions. The beep of the elevator indicating our destination snapped me out of my daze and we both walked out into the lobby of building.

"This here is the front desk, the ladies over there will direct you to wherever you need to go. They also book apointments and asnwer calls and all that junk. My advice is if you want to get on there good side, just bring them a coffee every now and then. They'll tell you whenever a new show is casting for some idols or if theres any advertisements that are being offered. Well that probably doesn't pretain to you very much though..."

I just told her a lot of useless information.

I tried to nervously laugh it off as I began to walk toward the back of the building. Trying to think up of all the intersting places here seemed a lot harder than usual.  Maybe because in my eyes it all just seemed like work and no play. Especially sense this girl doesn't even have anything to do with the activities here. 

"Okay well these doors all lead to different things. The first 3 lead to practice rooms for dancing and all that junk. Theres a schedule posted for each one on the computer screen thats located on the wall by each door. Basically it tells you who's arranged for each time slot, and if there's a free slot anyone can sign up for it as extra practice hours. Then the fourth door is a lounge, the snack are alright, but I recommend bringing a boxed lunch or ordering." Why do I feel like I'm talking to myself. I glance to Hyejin to find her eyes wandering all over the place. Only occaisonally focusing on the things I was actually speaking about. 

"Would you like me to show you the recording studio?" Please just say something so I can actually remember how your voice even sounds like. "Sure."

Was it just me or was this girl starting to fustrate me? I mean it was all cute and timid when she played with her fingers, but now I'm not sure if she's completely uninterested or just lacks in her Korean vocabulary.

Cool it Junhong, after this you'll probably never see her again.

"And that's TS Entertainment..." After what seemed forever I finally finished showing her the basic structure of the whole company. I checked my phone and it already read 10:15am, I already missed practice that's for sure. I texted Jongup asking if they where done, which he replied with 'Just right now, yes'. Terrific. I was looking forward to practicing the choreo to a song Jongup and I like. With the freetime we had we're stupid enough to make a routine for a song we like on top of all of our songs we had to practice for. We where so good at relaxing, right?

'Well is there any open available slots for me to practice by myself?' I texted back in anticipation.

'Yeah the next one isn't until around 11am so it's all yours, we're all heading out to eat. Meet you at the dorms!' I let out a sigh, they always go out for the best food when I'm not around. Damnit and then they just bring me back crumby leftovers.

"Okay sense where done here I got to head out and practice for a bit, I'll see you later Hyejin. It was nice seeing you again." I said with a slight bow and then continued towards the practice rooms.

"Um, would you mind if I watched?" I stopped in my tracks and turned around to find Hyejin seeming actually a bit excited for once. I agreed because the way her face seemed to light up made me wanted to laugh because when I first told her about the practice rooms she didn't seem the least bit interested. What was with this girl?

"Okay this remote controls the stereo. I already set up the music so I just need you to play and stop it for me. I'll tell you when to play it and when you just seem me stop dancing you can paused it, got it?" She nodded and I handered her the small control. I then pointed to a bench located in the back and postioned myself in the middle of the room, looking into the mirror at my reflection.


The blaring of a hip/hop song shot through my ears and I instantly recognized the rythm. It was a surprsing fact to some, but I loved hip/hop music. The way the beat was just so smooth and the fast or slow lyrics would lay over it in the most perfect manner. The way a song could speak words I could have never even thought to put together and the way beats made my body want to move in ways I never thought I could.

I loved it.

So when I pressed the play button on the remote anziously awaiting the dance routine Zelo would perform, finding a song I knew all to well I thought I might not be able to surpress the smile that was growing on my lips.

I watched as he moved his body sharply moving along with the beats. The way his feet would glide over the floor so easily it looked like he was on ice. How he could make his body move so fast then what seemed like slow motion in a matter of seconds. How he seemed so capable and free of moving his limbs anyway he wanted. I was mesmerized. 

I pressed the pause button once I noticed he was no longer dancing. I saw him move to the other side of the room and grab 2 cups of water. Walking over to me he handed me one and after chugging his all down in one try he then asked,

"So how was it?" I watched him as he ran his fingers through his hair. I'm not quite sure what came over me, but I had this sudden impulse to suggest an idea so completely out of my comfort zone. 

"Can you teach me how to dance?"


(A/N: I know these previous 2 chapters have been quite the dud, but that's because I got to set the scene! Forgive me! I promise it will get interesting from now on! Thanks for reading!)

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Chapter 4: Its awesome really. Sweet but sad. I like it ^^
alliebug128 #2
Chapter 3: omg i dont even know what to say!! chapter one was just so sad but written just so beautifully, i loved it!~and the other 2 chapters(which arent boring at all) set up the scene perfectly!!!~love love love! update soon!!^^
bapdaehyunnie #3
Chapter 1: Awww, im like crying :( u made me tear so much ;(
quietchick #4
Chapter 1: that brought tears to my eyes. you seriously made me cry, and not a lot of things can seriously make me tear up like this. like im really crying. really. it was just so beautiful and so sad. im speeechless