Back to the Beginning


"Departure for flight..." I heard echo throughout the airport as I sat in the waiting room for my gate. Today was the day, I was finally going to be reunited with my family in Korea.

Well reunite sounds a bit dramatic, more like just see again. When I was still a baby my parents moved to the states, but recently they returned back to Korea because my older sister got married and decided to live there. It was always their wish to go back, and sense half the year they've been there I've grown awfully lonely. I guess you could say I love my family a lot, but there's also the fact that well I graduated college early and have no where to go now. So I'll be joing them in South Korea you see, Seoul to be exact. 

I was excited, I've been looking for something new to expierence and people to meet, but I just couldn't find that in the States. Maybe that's only natural though, to think that the place you grew up in can no longer satisfy your thirst for raw situations. I knew that's what I wanted. To be exposed to the world and just live.

I was so terrible at living.

Ever sense I was a child I was introverted. The kid that never spoke up unless called upon and one that never stood out form the crowd. I didn't mind much of it at the time though. I didn't have much to offer to people anyways. I was to socially awkward for my own good. I remember when I entered a new school around the age of 8, so what 3rd grade? Anyways, the teacher was calling out roll, but she mispronounced my name. And so me being me, I tried telling her how to pronounce it only for her to brush me off like a little bug. I couldn't blame her, when you have a kid infront of you that mumbles every words and your not even sure if there even speaking to you, what are you going to do?

So in other words everyone called me High-jin for 2 years. I really wish my parents would give me a English name, but they where the type to not like that and want to as invovled in their own culture as possible. 

I walked onto the plane trying to avoid being utterly squished up against the person in front of me. Everywhere I looked there where people bustling about and sometimes even fighting for places to put there luggage. The crying baby in the back and the girl playing music without headphones caused a whole disturbance to everyones peace they tried to manage in this kind of atmosphere. I sighed as I slid into the window seat of my row and prayed that the person sitting next to me wouldn't mind. Because of course if they asked, I would have reluctantly switch seats with them.

I tried blocking out all the sounds by inserting my headphones and closing my eyes. I felt the presence of someone sit down next to me and glanced up to find the back of the head of a blonde haired boy. I hadn't noticed many Americans on this flight, but I shouldn't be surprised. I read somewhere that Seoul actually has a lot of tourist attractions.

I tried to recall the time at the library when I was suppose to read about the Korean War for history, but ended up rummaging through a tourist guide of East Asia. Did you know Hong Kong wasn't actually a part of China?

But that's besides the point here. I got lost in my train of thought until the blonde one actually waved his hand infront of me with a confused expression, "Are you okay?" I snapped out of my daze to realize I had been spacing out a bit to much, making it look like I was directly staring at him "Oh um yeah sorry I- uh" I stumbled over my words, how was I exactly to explain this to him? I stopped mid sentence to find him laughing. 

"It's fine, well I'm Zelo. Looks like we'll be stuck with eachother for awhile so I hope we get along." As his lips spread apart I spotted small dimples appear onto his face.

How did I not notice he was insanely attractive before?

And then it kind of sunk in he was speaking Korean. "Your Korean?" This time I converesed in Korean also. All those hours of watching Korean dramas without subtitles really helps huh, mom? But was it normal to have blonde hair in Korea... I mean more than just having blonde hair, how was he able to pull it off so perfectly is my question? Albino Asian? Again those dimples appeared,

"It's nice to meet you, too." I could feel my cheecks starting to tint a pinkish color. "I'm sorry, I was just a bit surprised. My name is Hyejin." 

That was about as far as we talked for the rest of what seemed a 139 hour flight. It really didn't help how I got extra subconscious around attractive guys making me fix my bangs every 4 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I tried more than enough times to talk to him even once in a hour, but being my socially challenged self trying to ask a question like 'so what brings you here?' seemed terribly horrifying. At one point I had to pee and for how long it took me to just ask him to let me out the seat would have made a regular person's bladder burst right then and there. This was going to be a long flight.

"Attention this is your flight captain speaking, we will be arriving to our destination in approximately one hour." I could hear the intercom blair throughout the whole plain. How unbearably loud it was. I tried snuggling my head closer into my pillow to block out the sounds as they again repeated the same message in what seemed like 4 different languages. Seriously how many different types of languages can you say this in?

Wait... pillow?

With a sudden jerk I snapped my eyes open and straightened myself in my seat, if that was even possible in those squished seating arrangements. I look to my side to find the so called man named 'Zelo' slowly stir from my sudden movement and awake also.

He probably didn't know I was even there right? I tried feigning innocence as I realised I had just been sleeping on his shoulder with no shame whatsoever for who knows how long. I digged my ipod out of my carry on bag and play it on shuffle and then proceeded to turning my head and staring out at the country below me. It took all my strength not to peak at him more than 5 times in a minute to see his adorable face. Okay Hyejin don't make eye contact or your going to blush like a little freak...

His cologne smelled really nice.

Once I got off the plane I didn't see the blonde haired fellow ever again. I travelled through the whole building, lugging my 2 large suitcases behind me, as I tried my best to read the signs to find the freaking exit. Why didn't anybody come to pick me up atleast?

My sister married a succesful owner of a music company so when I asked her to pick me up from the airport, instead of replying with a yes like a nice big sister (or should I say Unnie?), but "it's okay I'll just send someone from the company to pick you up." H a h a h a h a okay love you to, sis. Couldn't she atleast be the first to greet me at the airport?

Outisde wasn't any better. Everywhere I looked there where people surrounding me and wow I now just realised how people where right when they said Asians looked the same. Like damn, they where everywhere. Leave it up to the girl who went to a school with only a 25% asian population, Korean ethinicity only being only 10 of that percent to distinguish even maybe a American out of this bunch. My eyes searched for some type of man dressed in a suit with a sign with my name like in all the movies I've seen with those people that travel to different countries.

That's when my eyes landed on a girl in regular clothing with a badge around her neck, holding a sign that said 'Anh Hee Jin'. Seriously she didn't even care to spell my name right? I approached the girl and introduced myself, right from the get go I could tell she was utterly disatisfied with this job. Sorry I'm a nuisance to your plans, but atleast your getting paid.

She asked where I wanted to go and I told her the adress of my newly owned apartment that my parents got for me to stay in. They both agreed that I should have my own living space away from them because I was getting older now, I appreciated it greatly. I continued looking out the car door admiring all the new scenery around me. The fountains centered in the middle of huge streets like a center piece. All the buildings that seemed mushed together, some small and others that seemed could go on for ages. The bustling and chatter of the pedestrians on the streets and the shops. The sounds of the cars honking and radios blaring. I felt like I could feel the city breath underneath me. I was so curious to find out what lied in those huge departments stores and hidden away secluded buildings. The history of the old temples I seemed to pass by effortlessly and the storys of the statued people that lay everywhere.

But sooner or later the scenery started to slowly calm down and then I found myself parked infront of a apartment building off the corner of a street, across from a small food mart. "We're here." I heard the unamed girl (for she never cared to even tell me atleast that) said without even turning her head. I made not hesitation to get out of the car and pull my luggage out of the back seat. Once I shut the trunk I could hear the engine turn on, I sighed and walked up the driveway. Only stopping a split second to thank her for driving me and thens she was off. Without even a sarcastic your welcome may I might add. 

I recalled my mother saying she would leave a spare key under a plant pot, apparently she already stocked it with basic neccesites (curtisity of my now rich sister I guess) like furniture, but I would have to get food on my own time. I opened the door to my new home, but I would like to think of myself as a poet and maybe refer it to a new beginning.

"God I'm bored," I said for what seemed the trillionth time as I scrolled down the webpage on my laptop. I have been in my apartment for approximately 3 hours and in Korea the time was only 8am, but it felt like only 7pm to me. My body clock is all out of wack and the jetlag hasn't clicked in yet, I prayed it wouldn't at all actually.

I called my sister and parents earlier telling them I arrived, but my parents on replied with a small session of excited cheers and then plainly said they where going back to sleep, while my sister was surprisingly out and about already. What a busy housewife she was. She told me to call her back around 8am so I grabbed my Iphone that was now eqipped with some type of chip so I can use it in this country, and dialed the number she gave me. 

"Hey your little sister wants to get out of her house, help her." I spoke into the phone as she anwsered, speaking in a monotonous tone emphasizing my boredom.

"What do you feel like doing? I mean I'm a bit busy today unfortunately so I can't show you around." I sighed, was me being here really not interesting them even a bit?

"Is there anything I could do..." I trailed off, the conversation broke into a gloomy silence as I dropped my head downward making all my hair fall forward.

"Mmmmm, well my husband was asking earlier if you would like to see his company. I don't know if you would be quite interested, but you could take a tour of it?" I recalled all the information I had of my brother-in-law. The name of the company was TS Entertainment and from my understanding it was a record label. I didn't know how succesful it was or who even is signed there, but anything seemed more appealing then this loft.

"Okay when can I go?" I clicked off my phone and ran upstairs after my sister told me she would be coming by to pick me up in an hour. I quickly hoped into the shower after practically dumping out one of my suitcases on my bed just to find a towel. Then I changed into some shorts and a button up shirt. I brushed my hair down and let it dry naturally straight. Once I was ready I headed off with my sister after some talk upon our reunion and again gazed out through the passenger window towards the city of Seoul.

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Chapter 4: Its awesome really. Sweet but sad. I like it ^^
alliebug128 #2
Chapter 3: omg i dont even know what to say!! chapter one was just so sad but written just so beautifully, i loved it!~and the other 2 chapters(which arent boring at all) set up the scene perfectly!!!~love love love! update soon!!^^
bapdaehyunnie #3
Chapter 1: Awww, im like crying :( u made me tear so much ;(
quietchick #4
Chapter 1: that brought tears to my eyes. you seriously made me cry, and not a lot of things can seriously make me tear up like this. like im really crying. really. it was just so beautiful and so sad. im speeechless