Personal Message

-Always looking for ways to improve myself

-Do what you like, love what you do

-One day you'll realize everything I say is right


-Live today like you'll die tomorrow

About Me

Baby, BBC

I like it when we used to walk together hand in hand. Sometimes I'll lead you and walk a little faster, sometimes you'll pull me along to hurry me up. Whatever the case was, you never let go.

Then a stranger joined us on our journey, you grabbed his hand and went away, releasing your grip on mine. I was too afraid to move forward without anyone to go with.

There was a force that shoved me forward, and I went as slow as I could. The skies passed quickly as I tried to plant my legs down.

I've seen the changes from my position here. I've never moved. If one day you were to come back, I'll be glad to hold your hand again.