Ch.6 A Winter's Warmth

How I Shot Kim Jaejoong

Sorry for the delay...November and December were not my months issues and school's finals...but on the good side im going on winter break~ :DD...but i've got to work this whole week =.=...I know i'm late but...Happy Holidays~ :))


Ch.6: A Winter’s Warmth Ew~ Look at that cliché title XD!! Yes I thought of this JUST now while in….the shower (>////<)


Yunmi and Jaejoong haven’t seen each other in years except on t.v., in fact they never actually talked to each other. All they knew was that they used to be trainees in the same company. Now they have risen and had their own names in the big entertainment world, dominating the charts daily. Jaejoong only knew Yunmi as someone who used to have a crush on him back in those old days, but they were never together for he then just had broken up with his girlfriend and wasn’t in the mood to move on, especially to a girl he never spoke to. And to Yunmi, Jaejoong was just someone she could never reach; he was so much more…perfect…than she’ll ever be, so she dropped the stupid idea of even having a chance. That was pretty much what they knew of each other personally, and it wasn’t great.

The first time Jaejoong had spotted her again, was when he was sitting comfortably in a bookstore and enjoying every moment of his book, but a loud disturbance had broken his trance and he turned his head to see the situation. She was there bowing to an employee and asking where to find a latest novel, it seemed like she was in a rush as she mumbled to herself and jogged to each section finding her item. Once found, a proud smile rose on her lips and her eyes soften. This was when Jaejoong was entranced to her, but he quickly shook the idea away when she turned and saw him sitting there in the armchair. Yunmi smiled lightly and bowed to him in respect. He looked at her oddly—but still spell bounded—and didn’t know how to act to her gesture, and soon she straightened up and left to check out.

They thought that would be the last of their meetings but then, like fate had prepared them, a party was held by one of their close friend—which they didn’t know they had mutually—for all those single people out there who was going to spend Christmas alone. It was no hook up or blind date; it was just a big hang out party for the singles to enjoy.

Yunmi had arrived first and sat in the middle of her surrounding friends. The conversation had led to laughter, but Yunmi's soon died down when Jaejoong entered through the door and everyone cheered at another guest. He shyly bowed and observed the group of people until he spotted Yunmi staring intently at him. Once catching his eye, she gave him that same smile she had before and bowed lightly, trying not to show tension in their awkwardness to the rest of the group. And damn, their friends just had to make him sit next to her. The conversation continued, and they tried to make it seem like everything was cool between them, oh what great actors they were because they surely pulled it off. But really, their hearts were beating in a faster pace than usual.

Time went by and soon they, themselves, were used to each other’s presence, the awkwardness somehow disappeared completely. Jaejoong had noticed how she would curl a

strand of hair behind her ear, look down nervously, and bite her bottom lip sensually whenever embarrassed. They learned new things about each other that they never knew, like how their wits and jokes were at the highest of level of anyone there and they could play on words for the longest time just trying to crack the other up first. Which only ended up with everyone laughing until tears came out and stomach aching in pain. Yunmi—it was just her natural personality and she hadn't noticed it—but whenever she said a strong statement she would turn to him and say "Right?" and when she needed to demonstrate something she would use him as a puppet to show, Jaejoong had to admit, he liked it. She was so easy to get along with and so...lovable. A tiny part of him regretted that he had rejected her before.

It was dark, 2am dark. Everyone had knocked out in the spare bedrooms, leaving only Yunmi in the living room, sitting on the floor leaning against the couch and sipping on the last bits of champagne, enjoying the view outside the window. Jaejoong had just exited out the bathroom and saw that all the lights were off except a lamp in the living room. He followed it and smiled in happiness as he saw her there, she replied with a wave of acknowledgement. He quietly joined her on the ground and poured himself a glass of sparkling wine. Jaejoong sighed and sneaked a peek at her, her eyes shining from the reflection of the city lights.

"I never knew you were so..." Jaejoong started but soon paused as she turned to him, looking up at him in such an innocent gesture. "Different."

Yunmi sweet laughter echoed through the room and enveloped him in pure bliss. "Different? What did you expect?"

He flustered for a bit, "I don't know, I didn't mean it like that."

"Then what did you mean?" She .

"I mean...hey, you probably thought I would've acted differently too!" He changed the topic.

She chuckled at his expression. "Nope."


Her eyes soften in his as the memories of why she had liked him in the first place rushed through her mind. "You're exactly how i had imagined."

Jaejoong stared at her in awed. Usually people misjudge him because of his cold image, but she...was so different, something he needed in his now bore life.

Without thinking his eyes flashed down to her lips, having the sudden urge to kiss her…and he did. Which surprised her at first, but soon she too slowly melted into the kiss. He gently grasped her small waist as she brushed her fingers through his silk hair. Their euphoric moment lasted for only a few seconds when Yunmi broke their kiss and stared at him disbelief. She cleared and started to gather the empty glasses. "I-I'm so sorry," she stuttered and carried the glasses to the kitchen sink. Jaejoong furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and stubbornly followed her.

He met with her back as she finished rinsing the cups. Yunmi took a deep breath before turning around to face him. "This," she gestured to both of them and stepped right up to him. "Never happened," she breathed out and his heart broke a little. For once he found someone who seemed to be perfect for him, and yet she seemed to be denying him. “Promise me,” she started again. “That when we meet each other next time, we’ll still be friends, we’ll still talk and joke around like today,” Yunmi said and stuck out her pinky for him. It may be childish, but she was sincerely honest. He stared at her with the feeling of rejection soar through him, but he couldn’t blame her, she must have felt the same when he silently denied her feelings years ago. And that was true, she was breaking down as well, but she couldn’t let him hurt her again after what just spiked back into her heart.

With no movement, she grabbed his hand and gently intertwined their pinkies herself, but he quickly stopped her, clasping her hand into his two warm ones. “No,” he softly spoke. “Next time we meet, I want be able to call you mine, I want to talk about our future together, and hold you and kiss you with all my might, like now.” And he demonstrated it too, by holding on to her and surged in for another round of a deep kiss. This time, she couldn’t ignore him anymore and accepted him completely back to his rightful spot in the center of her beating heart.

* * *

GAH~!!!! I can't take it anymore!! All that failed gushiness...i'll just end it to that ^^; And yes i unrated this story as a whole, it just didn't feel right lol, but no worries, since im SO unsatisfied with this chapter...expect the next one to be...rated XD!! For you, and..i really need to practice my lol!! Happy Holidays once again ^^

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sure, i haven't stopped thinking about writing :))


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useless_1 #1
Chapter 9: Horribly constructed story it shows that women don't have a brain and sadly this is written by a girl
useless_1 #2
Chapter 9: this is the worst one
Chapter 4: And here i was thinking you are gonna shoot Kim Jaejoong in every chapter..........
faridpraderago #4
Chapter 11: this is totally funny^^
i love it!
Chapter 4: Aish,really!You shouldn't doubt your writing skills.You can describe better than I can.
Chapter 4: Chapter 3 and 4 were my favorite.Never read a story that a cat turned into a kpop idol.So cool.Very memorable(the cat turning into jaejoong)You have excellent writing skills than i do.Love it and every other chapter too.
maiquie24 #7
Chapter 8: I thought the precious stories were good already but this one is my #1 right now xD
shinsookyo #8
Chapter 15: That last chapter really beautiful, ah so its complete? You have talent♡
Chapter 15: oh my God,,why it must be ended like this??T_T
thanks so much for the story dear,,well done^^
Chapter 14: Oh my god dear,,its been a year u not update..T.T
But thanks dear,,u still love ur readers n update the last one-shot chapter..
Ofc i'd like to read ur another jae's story:)
hank you <3