chaos of the brothers

Brothers Without Borders

“What did you dream about earlier? Are you okay?”, Sehun asked as he took Luhan’s hands and clasped them with his. Luhan, upon hearing the question, he began to shuffle his position and tried to let go of his hands from Sehun’s hold. He lowered his head and bit his lips nervously.


“What’s bothering you, really? Tell me”, Sehun said as he took Luhan’s chin and tipped It upwards to meet his gazing eyes.


“Nothing, I’m fine. It was just a bad dream”, Luhan said nervously.


“You’re obviously lying, Lu. Your eyes, they’re looking everywhere except me. Those sweats on your head, your fingers are shaking. You are obviously lying, Luhan. Such a bad actor. Tell me, what happened?”, Sehun narrowed his eyes as he talked and teased the older so that he could tell him what happened earlier.


Luhan stayed still as he listened to what Sehun said just now. “It really is nothing. I’m okay”, Luhan suddenly blurted— nervously playing with his fingers as he hung his head low.


Sehun gave up. He was tired of asking, pleading, consoling and begging the older to tell him about what actually was bothering him. Sehun sighed and clicked his tongue annoyingly.


“Idiot”, Sehun clicked his tongue again and immediately turn to his left side, facing the windows.


Luhan opened his mouth to defend himself while hands reaching for Sehun’s tension-looking back— then he closes his mouth again then open it back. “Okay, I’ll tell you”, he sighed and pulled back the hands reaching for Sehun earlier. He placed them slowly on his heart-thumping chest.


Sehun was still facing sideways, totally ignoring of what Luhan was going to explain. By now, he does not give a damn on what his twin brother is up to or about what he had dreamt about in the watching room earlier today.


Luhan took a deep, long and shaky breath as he starts the conversation.


“I was on a big rock, in the middle of the ocean— alone”, Luhan stops.


Sehun was putting on deaf ears as he was too fed up of Luhan’s attitude.


Luhan continues as he saw Sehun did not even move an inch from his position on their bed.


“I could see a beautiful sun setting down from the place I was standing— the rock. All around me was water. I was surrounded by a big ocean of water with deep and terrifying depth. The water was crystal clear… I could clearly see the depth of the ocean. It was horrible, but then I let it be. I wanted to enjoy the view in front of me. But then, I realized”, his breath hitches and he momentarily stopped talking as he choked on a few sobs.


From the other side, Sehun was quietly listening to what Luhan has been talking about. He frowned, narrowing his eyes as he heard Luhan’s breath hitches. Sehun slowly shift his position on the bed and turn to his right side to face Luhan. Luhan welcomed Sehun with his head hung low, breath-hitching— obviously choking and restraining the sobs and cries he wanted to cry out.


Sehun completely turned his attention to Luhan and stared at the latter. “Then?”, questioned Sehun.


Luhan didn’t move, he stayed still in his position which is now near to curving and rolling his body into a ball. “B-but then, I realized that you, Daddy and Mommy were not with me. Panic attacked me. I was terribly confused. I shouted for you guys but none of answers were heard from anyone of you. I walked to the front, hoping that I could find you or Mommy or Daddy there but things were the same. You guys were not t-there. And then I looked at the sunset in front of me. I-I was starting to lose…hope. My voice cracked, as I was really scared. Then, your image suddenly came up to me”, Luhan stops again. Sehun widened his eyes as he heard that his image came up to Luhan. Why is that? He gasped quietly.


“Y-You were telling me to go nearer the sunset…and I did. I took my first step to the front then followed by the others. By the time I set my feet on my fifth step, I-I…I fall down, onto the ocean. I was shouting for help. I really hoped that you would come to save me or be there with me but—”, Luhan’s words were abruptly stopped when Sehun pulled him closer to his chest.


“Idiot”, Sehun sighed and embraced the older in his welcoming arms as he rubs circles on Luhan’s back. Luhan immediately bursts into tears as he made contact with Sehun’s chest. He clasped hard on Sehun’s shirt, damping it with his tears. Hiccups and sobbing of Luhan could be heard all around their room.


For a moment, Sehun felt a tiny fleeting stab of sadness and disappointment.


“I’m sorry, Lu. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you”, he said soothingly as he kisses Luhan’s hair and hugged him tighter.


“If something happened to you, because of me…”, Sehun’s voice trails off, his brow creasing and pain flashes across his face. It was almost palpable.


They both stayed there in silence with Luhan’s crying and Sehun constantly hushing, consoling and embracing Luhan.


After about a good 15 minutes in Sehun’s arms, Luhan called his twin. “Sehuna”, he broke the peaceful yet tranquil silence they had just now, just the two of them. Luhan looked up to Sehun’s eyes and the younger one hummed in response.


“Why are you suddenly like this?”, Luhan asked the latter.


“Like what? Being nice to you?”, Sehun scowls, lifting one of his eyebrows and asked Luhan.


“Yeah”, Luhan answered, getting out of Sehun’s arms and lay on his back, facing upwards while looking at the ceiling of their dim lighted room.


Without any answers, Sehun immediately gets up and sit cross-legged on the bed. “Luhan, come here”, he called the older and tapped the space in front of him, clearly asking the older to sit in front of him. While Luhan slowly made his way in front of Sehun, the latter turned around and bent down from the bed, as if he was searching for something under the bed.


“Okay”, Sehun smiled and the look on his face gave a good vibe to Luhan. He looks satisfied.


Wait, what? Drinking glasses? Where did he get those?


Luhan blinks as if he’s finding it hard to process. What is he trying to do with the glasses?


Apparently, Sehun brought two empty drinking glasses and on their bed. He looks at Luhan, giving out his suspicious grin. He smirked and turned his gaze to the glasses in front of them.


“You see these glasses?”, Sehun asked, his voice is serious and Luhan could sense some tension in between his voice.


“Of course”, Luhan answered. Deep in Luhan’s heart, he knew Sehun would do something very illogic with the glasses, but he hoped he won’t do something dangerous or things that could harm him.


Out of the blue, Sehun took one of the glasses on the bed and hold it out of the bed. In seconds, he dropped the glass down on the floor. Luhan’s eyes widened twice its size and he gasped in shocked. The crashing sound of the glass could be clearly heard by both of them. The shrill noise when the glass shattered into pieces really put Luhan in panic. He turned his gaze to the shattered pieces of glasses over him and turn back to Sehun who was calmly sitting on the bed.


“What did you just do?”, Luhan is almost whispering as he asked Sehun— he was horrified.


“Can you see the difference?”, Sehun asked Luhan without answering the question earlier.


“O-of course! That one was shattered to pieces and this one is still in its good condition. What were you thinking!?”, Luhan grunted and pulled his hair frustratingly.


“Luhan, shut up. You’ll make Mom and Dad wake up”, Sehun said as he gaze Luhan directly on his eyes. They glare at each other for a while and Luhan immediately broke the contact. He was really annoyed. It was in the middle of the night. Why would he be breaking a glass by purposely dropping it onto the floor?


Luhan was irritated. He had no idea why Sehun would do such things. And why the hell would there be glasses over their bed? Luhan immediately climbed out of their shared bed and set off to pick up the shattered glasses on the floor. “Luhan, what are you doing?”, Sehun asked, hiding his amusement.


“This isn’t funny, Sehun!”, Luhan growled as he began to roll his sleeves— to pick up the shattered glasses. “I’ll clean it later. Get up, it’s dangerous. You might hurt yourself”, Sehun began to be serious. He was surprised by Luhan’s outburst.


“Why would you be breaking a glass that we use daily, in the middle of the night, in our room?!”, Luhan glared at Sehun as he angrily asked Sehun. Sehun’s face falls and darken. The thought of Luhan unhappy about something that he did is not a palatable one. Why am I still sitting here, listening to him? Sehun slowly rise from the bed and went behind the squatting Luhan. “Luhan…”, he called him.


“What?”, Luhan snaps as he begins to pick up the broken glasses.


Sehun immediately sweeps down Luhan carried him onto the bed— surprising the latter.


“What are you doing?!”, Luhan clenched his fist and shouted.


“C-can’t you see it?”, Sehun started to stutters and he hung his head low as he climbed up on the bed, sitting down beside Luhan.


“See what? You destroying the glass?”, Luhan snaps again.


“Can’t you see that one of the glasses is broken? And one of them is still fine? Don’t they represent something to you?”, Sehun asked Luhan.


Luhan thinks about the things Sehun asked him just now. What are they supposed to represent? Me and Sehun? Luhan was puzzled but as soon as he got it, he cursed himself.




He gasped in surprised and he guiltily peeks at Sehun besides him. He slowly reaches his hand towards Sehun’s and squeezed them softly. Sehun looked up and saw Luhan’s face masked with guilty. He was trying to apologize.


“Now you get it?”, Sehun asked, his voice seems a little bit relax from before. He was back, satisfied.


Luhan squeezed harder his hold on Sehun’s hand as he heard Sehun spoke.


“I was trying to say that I don’t want us to be like that. I don’t want you to be sad, like the shattered glasses. I want you to be well, like me, the glass which is still fine. And I want you to know, we will always be the same. I don’t want to be different and so far away from you. I can’t bear to see you suffer alone. You are always with me, remember that. Whatever happens, tell me. I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere. We’re brothers, remember? I’ll always be here for you”, Sehun exhales as he finished talking.


Luhan heart begins to flutter from sadness. He was moved by Sehun’s words. He can never ask for a better twin brother other than Sehun. Sehun is perfect. He understands me very well. From the look of what Luhan was showing, Sehun knew he was trying to ask for an apology from the him. But he was too guilty to say it. Sehun then moves forward, leaning to Luhan’s cheek and gave a peck on it.


“But…the glasses”, Luhan stammered guiltily.


“It’s okay. Come. Let’s sleep. I’ll clear them tomorrow”, Sehun said as he kisses Luhan on the cheek and pulled him together onto the bed. They both lay down on the bed after switching off their bedside lamps. Both of them are facing the ceiling, which is now accompanied by only the light of the moon filling through the windows of their room.


“Goodnight, Sehunnie”.


“Goodnight”, he replied. They both drifted off to sleep after somewhat they called ‘brothers’ chaos’ that they had.


Morning came. Luhan stirred sleepily as the rays of the sunlight lighted up the room, entering from the gaps of the curtains between their windows. As the light hit Luhan’s face mercilessly, he blinked open his eyes. He stretched and groaned lazily. Luhan stared in a good few seconds at the ceiling while remembering things that happened yesterday. Yesterday was exhausting for both of them, but it was meaningful for him. He smiled upon remembering yesterday’s events. It is 8 in the morning. Luhan yawned. He was rubbing his eyes lazily then he turned to the side where Sehun is. He looked at Sehun’s sleeping face and giggles cutely. Who would ever think he would have a twin?  Pushing himself up on one elbow, he leans over Sehun and blows air to Sehun’s ear. Luhan’s mouth turned into ‘o’ shaped as he blows on Sehun’s ear. Sehun did stirred a bit in his sleep but nothing big actually happened. He is still in his dream land.


“Sehuna”, Luhan calls him. The younger one did not give any respond to Luhan’s calling.


“Hey, wake up! Rise and shine!”, Luhan shouted directly at Sehun’s revealed ear and he shakes Sehun’s body hard, trying to wake him up. The only response Luhan could get was Sehun humming lazily, as if he is going to wake up.


“Sehun! Wake up, wake up! Wake up!”, Luhan gets up and harshly taps on Sehun’s cheeks. Sehun’s eyes slowly blink open, one by one, slowly yet so lazily. “You awake? Come, let’s go clean the glasses?”, Luhan asked and pleaded his brother.


Sehun was forcely dragged off of the bed by Luhan pulling him. He forced Sehun to take a bath after he did and after that, they clear up all the shattered glasses.


“Boys, breakfast time!”, Mommy’s voice shrilled upon their ears.


“I’m going first. Food time!”, Sehun immediately left Luhan by himself to keep all the blankets and stuffs. Luhan sighed helplessly and he chuckled upon seeing Sehun’s childish behavior.


After a few minutes, Luhan comes down and heads to the kitchen to have breakfast with his family. Mommy made sausages, bacons and half-boiled eggs for all of them. And of course, milk for Sehun and Luhan. Orange juice for Mommy and Daddy.


“Mom, why do I have to drink milk?”, Sehun whined cutely as he hold up his glass of milk in front of Mommy. His mother chuckles quietly as soon as he saw his son’s attitude. “You have to grow up some more. Just a little bit more”, their father answered while chewing his chicken sausage.


“What? But I’m totally a grown up, Mom, Dad. I’m even taller than Luhan right now. I— Oww!”, he shrieked in pain as Luhan smacked him on the back of his neck.


“Just eat up. And I’ll make sure I’ll be as tall as you one day”, Luhan ogled and said to Sehun, almost scolding him. Sehun ogled back and stick his tongue out annoyingly to Luhan who is now happily eating his breakfast.


“Sons, do you have any plans from this Saturday to next week?”, Dad suddenly blurted after he had finish his breakfast.


Luhan and Sehun quickly raised up their head and looked at each other. They shrugged and looked at their parents.


“I guess, no”, Sehun said.


“What about you, Luhan?”, Mommy asked him.


“Same as Sehun”, he answered as he takes a sip on his milk.


“We’re going somewhere”, Dad informed them.


Sehun’s eyes lit up with excitement as soon as he heard they were going somewhere, most probably a vacation. Luhan looked at his parents worriedly  and mouthed them ‘exam’. They get it and Dad suddenly stood up, indicating Luhan to follow him. They leave and went to the living room.


“Dad, I do have nothing. But what about my exam and the decathlon competition?”, Luhan asked his father.


“Don’t you remember? On the letter Mommy and I gave to you yesterday, it says there that you do not need to sit for the exam anymore. You can just enter the institute whenever you want. They already booked a place for you at the institute. So, don’t worry child”, Daddy told Luhan as he tapped Luhan’s right shoulder.


“What about decathlon?”, Luhan asked again.


“You decide it. Asks your brother about it”, his father shrugged and patted his shoulders once again. 


“Ahh, umm okay then. I’ll try asking him about it”, he looks up and smiles.


They both went back to the kitchen and continued their breakfast.


As Luhan sat back at his seat beside Sehun, an arm pokes him on his waist. Luhan immediately know it was Sehun’s and he turned around his face to Sehun. He looked at Sehun and mouthed Sehun a “What?”.


“You gonna have to tell me what you talked with Daddy just now”, Sehun’s voice serious, demanding.


“Fine”, Luhan said, irritated.


“Mom, where are we going?”, Sehun immediately went out from the conversation he had with Luhan a while.


“Just somewhere we’ve never been to”, Mom raised her eyebrows in excitement.


He shrugs and continues his breakfast.


Luhan needs to use the washroom, excusing himself from the table. While he went away to do his business, Sehun broke the silence between them three— his Dad, his Mom and himself.


“Hey, do we, Luhan and I have any nightmare disorders when we were kids? Mom? Dad?”, Sehun asked casually as he took a sip of his milk.


Abruptly, the parents stop what they were doing and curiously put their eyes on Sehun. The narrowing of their eyes made Sehun stiffens in his seat. Sehun became more nervous when he saw Luhan came out from the washroom and walked towards them at the table.


Oh crap, Luhan. Why now? Go back into the washroom.


“Hey, what’s with the tension?”, he asked as soon as he encounters the sight he has in front of him.


p/s: i don't know about this chapter. this is crap. it's been a long time since i updated. i'm sorry. i was busy with schools and stuffs. urgh this is crap i'm sorry. this is so over board for hunhan as twins hahha okay so fluffy i don't know. and i'm gonna start the dramas in next chapter. hehe gimme your thoughts or comments thanks for reading i love you bye muah :*


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brothers without borders chapter 6 updated! thank you for reading ;)


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kim_exolover #1
Chapter 8: Omg!! Authornim!! Dis story is dae to the BAK DAEBAK!!
What happened to hunhan in the past?? Iam dead curious and now I can't study!! Pliz update soon, preety Pliz with hunhan on top : ) your story, it needs more love , Authornim I really like your writing style it's simple yet cute and sweet, I really wonder , are Luhan and Sehun real brothers? If yes then will they have a happy ending? And why are their parents acting strange? Arghhhhhhh I'm really dying of curiousity.....
Chapter 8: Hii author-nim!~ this story is really good and I feel really bad that it hasn't had as much love as it deserved. I hope you know that and you continue with it ;) FIGHTING~~ <3
shawolshipperjongkey #3
Chapter 8: Are you going to still continue this story? It's sooo good, and I want to know what happened to them when they were kids!!! And their parents seem kind of odd, I'd like to know the deal with I need some HunHan!!! I am eagerly awaiting for one of them to make a confession to the other. Please please PLEASE update soon!! I can't wait!
Chapter 8: Author-nim please update soon! I'm so excited to read the rest~ <3
Chapter 8: please update soon authornim...these two gives me life...HunHan forever..
will u continue this, Author-sshi??
Great story. Update soon please(:
Chapter 8: Update????????!!!
fantastic-wow #9
Chapter 8: past???? im so ing curious omg i read many fics in a day but i still love this. they are so cute!!!!!!!! oh my god authornim omg
Chapter 8: O_o past?!!!! WHAT PAST?!!! What happend author-nim please update soon can't wait for the upcoming chapters