the trios

Brothers Without Borders

Luhan really thanked God of how thankful he is right now. He kept on the younger’s hair and smiled upon seeing Sehun frowning in his sleep. He carefully ceased back the younger one’s crooked forehead and his hair again. In a few minutes, Luhan fell asleep with head hanging down, hands on Sehun’s chest and head, snoring lightly.


The sunset was beautiful. It was Luhan’s first time seeing it, by the beach. He stood on a black hard rock surrounded by water around him, looking at the sunset alone. He stared at the sunset setting down and his shiny orbs no longer lingered for anyone right now. Neither do his heart and his own self. No one. But as soon as the sun sets, Luhan turned around to call someone out. “Sehun? Mommy? Where are you?”, he turned his gaze around while nervously standing on the rock. He called them, calling them to join him sitting down on the hard cold rock. “Daddy?”, he called. “Sehun?!”, he called his twin brother. Without even looking down or thinking twice, he took his first step towards the sunset, thinking maybe Sehun, Mommy and Daddy were near the sunset. He took his second step, third step. Luhan didn’t realize he was already at the end of the not-so-big rock after taking his forth step. “Where are you guys…”, his voice cracked. The image of Sehun’s face suddenly appeared in his mind, telling him to go straight, near the sunset where he, Daddy and Mommy are. Luhan, upon receiving the signal, took his fifth step and in seconds, he was in the water. Luhan was careless, helpless, lonely and drowning. Luhan asked and shouted for help but no. No one was there. There was no Sehun. No Daddy and no Mommy. “H-help!”, he accidentally swallowed a little amount of the salty water of the ocean.


Sehun suddenly blinked open his eyes upon hearing his older twin asking for help above his head. “Luhan! Luhan, wake up!”, he quickly got up from the elder’s lap and shook his body hard, trying to get him conscious. “Luhan, wake up please! Why are you being like this?! Luhan! Wake up!”, he cupped Luhan’s face into his palms and called the older one. “Luhan!”, he called again. But Luhan was extremely, too extremely into his dream. Sehun was getting panic from the respond that he didn’t get any from Luhan. He immediately knelt in front of the older and pulled him onto his chest, calming and shushing Luhan down. “Luhan, shhh. Luhan, it’s just a dream. Luhan, wake up”, he whispered on Luhan’s now sweaty and reddish ears.


“Ah!”, Luhan’s sudden scream shocked Sehun when Luhan immediately wrapped his arms around Sehun’s waist and hugged him tighter. Luhan’s rushed breathing could be heard. No. He’s not breathing as usual, he’s more like panting. Panting from the nervousness and the frightening thing he dreamt about. “Luhan?”, Sehun called him, rubbing the older one’s back softly. All he heard was sobbing and crying sounds, and they all came from the figure just below his chin, Luhan. “Lu, are you okay?”, he rubbed the older’s back gently and asked him. “N-no”, he said.


Sehun slowly pulled themselves apart and hold Luhan’s arms tightly, eyes now looking at the boy in front of him with tears flowing from his eyes. Although he was facing downwards, Sehun could see the tears flowing from his eyes. He could see everything. Everything about him. “Lu, look at me”, he told Luhan who was now kneeling in front of him, looking down. He slowly shook his head, refusing to look at Sehun. “Luhan”, he called again. He shook his head again, obviously telling no to Sehun. “Luhan!”, he roughly yet carefully lifted up Luhan’s chin and shoved it right in front of his face. In front of him was a boy with brown teary orbs, eyebrows sadly pointing down and face messy with all the tears flowed.


“Luhan..”, he called him softly.


“Hunnie…”, his voice flattered with sadness and nervousness.


“Sehun”, he called the younger one and immediately jumped and wrapped his arms around the younger’s neck, helplessly clinging and hugging onto him. “I’m scared, Sehun. I’m scared…”, he told Sehun. Sehun’s hands immediately made their way onto Luhan’s back, drawing circles on it. “What are you scared of, Luhan?”, he asked. “You, Mommy and Daddy…”, he said.


“Why would you be scared of us, Lu? What did you dreamt about?”, he curiously asked the one hugging him. “I…”, his words were cut half when suddenly screaming and shoutings of their names could be heard from downstairs. Sehun immediately pulled apart and stood up, heading downstairs.


“Sehun hyung! Luhan hyung! Guess who’s here!”, voices of three little kids shrilled in the empty and quiet house just now. “Hyung!”, one of the kid came running upstairs as soon as he saw Sehun walking down the stairs. “Hyung, Junhong’s here!”, he giggled and shouted at Sehun happily. “Hi Junhong. You came with Brian and Alex  too?”, he squatted down to meet the young kid’s face and asked him kindly, with a plastered smile on his face. “Yep! We just got down from the airplane! We wanna come here first!”, he looked at Sehun with excited face and told him.


 Luhan then came down from the watching room, only to be greeted with the hugging and cheerful shouting from eight years old Brian and youngest, five years old Alex. “Hi babies. What are you guys doing here?”, Luhan faked a smile that looks almost the same when he was happy. He had to. He didn’t want anyone to know what he went through earlier, not even Mommy and Daddy. No, not even them. Only Sehun, his only brother, Sehun. Only him. “Luhan hyung, are you okay? Why are your eyes look so red and puffy?”, Brian who have a sharp sight asked Luhan as soon as he saw Luhan’s eyes. “Nothing guys. I just woke up from sleep”, he pretended to yawn and stretched his body. The two kids laughed at him as soon as he saw Luhan’s ugly face when he was yawning.


As Luhan was happily playing with Brian and Alex, Sehun turned around and gazed at him, keeping an eye on him, his older twin, Luhan. Seeing Luhan pretending to be so fine and happy, it hurts him. It really hurts Sehun. How can he do that? Torturing himself with the fake smiles and stuffs. Luhan, stop it please. Sehun said in his mind.


“Hyung? Sehun hyung? Are you okay?”, Junhong suddenly poked Sehun’s left cheek, making the latter looked at him with surprised. “Oh yes, Junhongnie. Hyung’s fine. Now can you go bring Brian and Alex towards the watching room? Luhan hyung and I will be there later. I want to go see Mommy and Daddy first, okay?”, he patted the kid’s head. Junhong instantly nodded his head and called Brian and Alex, dragging them towards the watching room.


Luhan saw Sehun walking downstairs towards the kitchen and he followed him. They both walked towards the kitchen and yes. Mommy and Daddy were there. “Hi sons”, the father spoke out. “Hi Daddy, Mummy”, Sehun and Luhan said in unison as soon as they took a seat in front of their parents at the kitchen table.


“Are you both okay, dear?”, Mommy asked them when she saw the frown on both of his twins’ face.


“Where did you guys go?”, Luhan asked. “We went to the airport to fetch those three cuties, dear. Why?”, the mother asked back.


“I had to go to the grocery store to buy myself and Luhan lunch. We were hungry”, Sehun told the parents who were sitting in front of him. “Oh damn son. Sorry, I forgot to say to you both that we are going to be late before we head out this morning. We’re sorry, okay?”, Daddy said while face palming himself on the marbled table.


“Never mind. We’re both full now. Can we go play with them now?”, Luhan forced a smile and grinned when he asked that to his mom and dad. “Sure, go play with them. They’ll be spending the day until night today. Aunt Jihyo and Uncle Fred will come at night to have dinner with us”, the mother told them.


They both nodded and went back upstairs. Sehun went first into the watching room and quickly sat beside the trios who were watching Scooby-Doo on the television. “Luhan hyung! Come join us!”, Brian called a now dazed Luhan. Luhan looked up and smiled at Brian who asked him to join them just now. He went besides Brian and sat beside him.


After a few minutes watching Scooby-Doo, Luhan was bored. He felt bored. Cartoons weren’t his favorite, really. Well, except for Donald Duck though. He then quietly poked Brian on the waist and whispered to him something. “Brian-ah, wanna go downstairs? Play something else?”, he whispered. Brian instantly turned his head to the right and nodded quickly at Luhan’s invitation of playing downstairs.


They then quickly got up from the floor and ran downstairs. Alex and Junhong were too absorbed towards Scooby-Doo so they won’t even asked and bother why Brian and Luhan went downstairs, both of them. But however, Sehun wasn’t. His eyes trailed wherever Luhan was going with Brian. As soon as Luhan and Brian reached downstairs, he went out from the watching room and looked at the duo downstairs, on the couch, playing Jenga together.  He swiftly made his steps downstairs and went out to the garden, ignoring the stare Luhan was giving him.


Sehun stood on the threshold of the conservatory in their house, watching his twin socializing with their cousins, Junhong, Brian and Alex. Junhong and Alex just now followed Sehun downstairs and joined Luhan with Brian playing Jenga. The three little boys look cute and handsome in their white shorts and colorful shirts with bag packs behind their back.


With all the plants, and the late afternoon sunshine pouring in through the many windows, it was an idyllic scene and brought a smile to Sehun’s face. Brian seemed to be looking carefully and estimating the length of the wooden block he was going to pull in a minute. Alex and Junhong were whispering to each other—obviously making fun of Brian who is going to pull one of the blocks later. Sehun felt a little twist in his heart…they were so young and vulnerable, and cute. While on their side, there was Luhan sitting down, eyeing Brian carefully and whispering slowly to him, asking him to calm down and choose the block wisely. Sehun giggled upon seeing his twin.


Then suddenly, the mother’s voice could be heard from the master bedroom. She was calling for Luhan. Luhan immediately stood up, leaving the three boys playing with each other and headed towards his parent’s bedroom.


Luhan felt uneasy. The room however wasn’t quite right. There was something curiously wrong about it. His stomach clutched in fear. Luhan hesitated in the doorway, not wishing to enter.


It was far too dark. It wasn’t like his mother and father not to have the electric lights blazing. They loved sunshine and brightness. But these weren’t like them in any bit. Only two small lamps were in the vast room, even though it was late afternoon and gloomy as dusk descended. Opening the door wider, he went inside. In the dim light he could make out his mother and father standing next to a high-backed wing chair at the far end.


Slowly, Luhan approached his Mommy and Daddy, his mind racing, every one of his senses alerted to trouble. Fear, he decided, fear is present here and the hackles rose on the back of his neck at this unexpected and irrational thought.


Taking a deep breath, he murmured, “You wanted to see me, Daddy, Mommy?”


They said nothing.


But the out of the blue, the light brighten up the room with his mother and father both jumped and hugged him. The just-now dim lighted room has turned into a bright and as usual, his parent’s style. Luhan was shocked out the hell of him. What is this, really. “Mommy, Dad, you made me scared just now. What happened?”, Luhan pulled apart and pouted in front of his parents. “Lu baby, I have a great news for you!”, his mother shrieked happily.


“Huh? What is it?”, he asked.


Then his mother suddenly handed a white envelope towards him. Luhan stared at the envelope for a good few seconds and took it hastily. He opened it and there was written that it was from S Medical University, saying that his place was already reserved and he could go there at anytime he wants. Luhan didn’t know how to react upon receiving and reading this letter. His parents were there, in front of him, happily and joyously celebrating that their son has gotten a place without even sitting for their entrance exam. Luhan was one step closer to his dream.


But something stopped him from widening his lips. Sehun. It was Sehun.


“Does Sehun knows about this?”, Luhan looked up and asked his parents.


“No, Lu. He doesn’t know yet. Why?”, his father spoke up.


“Don’t tell him yet. I’ll tell him myself. By the way, thank you for telling me and scaring me just now. You guys did it. Aishhh”, he shook his head and went nearer towards his parents, kissing them on the cheeks before going out from the room.


“Hyung! Luhan hyung! What is that?” Junhong came running towards Luhan who just took a step out from his parent’s bedroom. “Oh Junnie, nothing. It’s just a paper. Come, let us continue playing Jenga, okay?”, Luhan folded the envelope and slipped them into his pocket. He looked at Sehun before he sat down on the floor next to the kids. But no, he could not tell Sehun about this right now.


Before Luhan could continue playing the game with the kids, Sehun stood up and walked towards them. He told them that it was now the time for them to take a shower. It was already 6.30p.m. though. Luhan sighed as Sehun brought the kids upstairs towards the guest room, leaving him alone to keep back all the games they played.


After a good 30 minutes of waiting the kids to get ready for dinner, they finally came down and ran straight towards Luhan. Brian was the first one to talk to Luhan. “Hyung! Look at this! I’m wearing your favorite cartoon pyjamas. Donald Duck!!”, Brian told him. Luhan, upon seeing Brian wearing his childhood pyjamas, laughed and ruffled his hair. “You look cute. Just like me, when I was younger”, he told Brian.


“But hyung! I wore Scooby-Doo’s pyjamas! It looks nice too!”, Junhong suddenly interrupted, pouting while showing off his pyjamas to Luhan. “Junnie, yours looks nice too! You are all cutie dudes”, he laughed. Alex didn’t say anything though. After telling the kids to go upstairs to the watching room to play Xbox, Luhan headed towards his shared room with Sehun.


When he was in the room, Sehun was in the bathroom, taking a bath. He smiled seeing the changing attitude Sehun was giving him since just now. He felt so thankful and somehow he felt beyond happy for just being a brother for Sehun. Somehow.


But then, something was poking him on the . The letter. The letter mom and dad gave him from S Medical University. He took it out and unfolded it. He held the end of the letter nervously, deciding whether he should tell Sehun after this or when. He shook away his thoughts about telling Sehun and stood up, making his way towards his study table. He pulled one of the drawers and slipped the envelope in it quickly when he heard door of the bathroom clicked open.


“Luhan? What are you doing?”, Sehun asked him while rinsing his hair.


“N-Nothing”, he answered.


 Luhan stood still at his study table when he saw Sehun nearing him with only a towel on his waist and a towel around his neck.


“Sehun, go get some clothes”, Luhan said.


 A tiny spot of tint pink was formed on Luhan’s cheek. Luhan cursed himself for having this kind of reaction when Sehun was only wearing a towel. This is normal, he’s your brother. Calm down, Luhan. Calm down.


 “Luhan, are you okay?”, with a blink, Sehun was already in front of Luhan, taking his hands into his. “I’m fine. Look, I’m smiling happily. Besides, our cousins are here!”, Luhan fakely said that. He thought he did it well, pretending nothing was wrong but yep. Absolutely, he was wrong. Sehun knew him. Infact, the taller one knew his twin very well. Very very well.


“Don’t lie, Luhan. I know you”, Sehun lifted up Luhan’s chin again, making him facing Sehun’s eyes. “I-I’ll tell you later, okay? Can I go take a shower now, Hunnie?”, Luhan asked while straightly pleading into Sehun’s orbs.


Before Luhan could go to shower, Sehun suddenly neared his face onto Luhan’s and gave him a quick peck on cheek. Luhan’s eyes widened twice its size as soon as Sehun kissed him. “Now go”, he told Luhan. Luhan nodded and went straight into the bathroom after getting the shocking pecked from Sehun. But really, why does Sehun’s acting strangely. Is he really changing now?


They both dressed up in their own sleeping clothes. Sehun wore a black short with a plain white shirt and Luhan wore a checkered long loose pant with a plain white shirt too. Luhan went down after Sehun as he took the shower later than Sehun.


“Hyung! Come, let’s eat! Mom and Dad are here!”, the kids screamed happily when their parents came. Well actually, Sehun and Luhan’s parent went to the airport to fetch the trio whom just got back from London. Their parents went to take care of some business while they were staying at the Oh’s residence.


“Welcome, aunty and uncle”, Luhan greeted them politely. The aunt and the uncle smiled and went straight into the kitchen after being greeted by the twins and their nine year old Junhong, eight year old Brian and five year old Alex.


While having dinner, everything was perfect. Laughter filled the air around them, the foods were scrumptious and the presence of the kids made it more fun to have dinner. After dinner, Luhan and Sehun continued playing with the trio at the garden outside. Sehun and Luhan were taking turns of swinging the trio each one of them. The kids were so happy to meet their older cousins though. Sehun also could see that Luhan was really enjoying this time he’s having with Junhong, Alex and Brian.


Luhan was happily swinging and turning around with Junhong when suddenly Alex came behind Luhan and pulled his pant down. Oh . Sehun cursed to himself when he saw the underwear Luhan was wearing. It was none other than his favorite, Donald Duck. Luhan stopped moving, so as Junhong. Junhong saw what his younger brother did to Luhan hyung, he then made his way to Alex and screamed at him for doing that. “Yah! You bad brother! Why did you that to Luhan hyung! I was playing with him!”, he shouted.


Luhan then quickly pulled back his pants and went squatted down beside Junhong, calming him down. “Junnie, it’s okay. We’re all guys. Don’t worry, I’m fine”, he kissed the kid on the cheek and hugged him. “Alex, don’t do that to other people okay?”, Luhan said to Alex who was having a guilty mode on. He was just trying to have fun. He likes Luhan hyung. He wants Luhan hyung to play with him like he played with Brian and Junhong today. But he never told that to Luhan though. He was a kid, after all.


After having a good time playing with the kids, their parents brought them back home and thanked Luhan and Sehun for taking care of their children. Sehun and Luhan bowed and bid goodbye to their aunt and uncle. Mommy and Daddy went inside the house, Luhan and Sehun following. Before going upstairs, they as usual, pecked a kiss on their parent’s cheek as a goodnight sign.


After taking a brief shower and wash-up from the sweat they made just now, both went straight into bed. Luhan and Sehun both groaned in tiredness as soon as their back met the fluffy and plushy mattress. Sehun was facing Luhan’s side, looking at the blonde curiously. Staring at the ceiling above him, Luhan’s mind started to gain back the memory of telling Sehun about his university matter.


Before he could speak out, Sehun has done it first.


“Luhan”, he called the older.




“Turn around. Face me”, Sehun said.


Luhan then shifted down a bit and turned to his right side to face Sehun. He was welcomed with a sleepy and curious looking Sehun when he turned around to face the latter.


“Yes, Hunnie?”, he wondered.


“What did you dream about earlier? Are you okay?”, he asked as he took Luhan’s hands and clasped them with his.


a/n: okay hi guisee sorry for the late update. if theres any grammar mistake, im sorry :p i'll fix it later. Im sorry if this chapter is boring or uninteresting because its about Sehun's changing attitude and the trios. it was a lil bit boring for me though but i promise i'll do better next time hehe. I was sick and busy though. homeworks are so ughhhh can't say anything about it. and i'm really thankful to you subbies who subscribed to this fic. hehe and also the 7 upvoters. kisses to you, muahhh! hehe. and hey check out my new fic, i made a new one called Lost Wings. I hope you subscribe to it though haha it's my first time writing fantasy/fiction. okay, bye. see you soon <3333 gimme ur comments okay hehe bye subbies <3 thnks and love you :)

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brothers without borders chapter 6 updated! thank you for reading ;)


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kim_exolover #1
Chapter 8: Omg!! Authornim!! Dis story is dae to the BAK DAEBAK!!
What happened to hunhan in the past?? Iam dead curious and now I can't study!! Pliz update soon, preety Pliz with hunhan on top : ) your story, it needs more love , Authornim I really like your writing style it's simple yet cute and sweet, I really wonder , are Luhan and Sehun real brothers? If yes then will they have a happy ending? And why are their parents acting strange? Arghhhhhhh I'm really dying of curiousity.....
Chapter 8: Hii author-nim!~ this story is really good and I feel really bad that it hasn't had as much love as it deserved. I hope you know that and you continue with it ;) FIGHTING~~ <3
shawolshipperjongkey #3
Chapter 8: Are you going to still continue this story? It's sooo good, and I want to know what happened to them when they were kids!!! And their parents seem kind of odd, I'd like to know the deal with I need some HunHan!!! I am eagerly awaiting for one of them to make a confession to the other. Please please PLEASE update soon!! I can't wait!
Chapter 8: Author-nim please update soon! I'm so excited to read the rest~ <3
Chapter 8: please update soon authornim...these two gives me life...HunHan forever..
will u continue this, Author-sshi??
Great story. Update soon please(:
Chapter 8: Update????????!!!
fantastic-wow #9
Chapter 8: past???? im so ing curious omg i read many fics in a day but i still love this. they are so cute!!!!!!!! oh my god authornim omg
Chapter 8: O_o past?!!!! WHAT PAST?!!! What happend author-nim please update soon can't wait for the upcoming chapters