
Brothers Without Borders

internet line is so damn ed up. i had to re-repost for many times. shoot

After hanging up the phone call from Chanyeol, Luhan put his head on the desk, bouncing the ballpoint pen he was holding. The pen reminded him of his past with Sehun.



They were both fifteen. It was summer and the sun shone brightly, entering the small spaces between the curtains covering the windows of their room. Sehun groaned sleepily as the ray of the sun shone on his face. He tried to put his hand on Luhan’s stomach, occasionally hugging him, but Luhan was not beside him. He suddenly stood up and rubbed his eyes groggily.


“Luhan?”, Sehun called his twin brother.


“Boo!”, Luhan suddenly came from under the bed, surprising Sehun with his ‘boo’.


“Luhannie, what are you doing!?”, Sehun was startled. “Ehehe. The look on your face just now was so funny. It was hysterical. The best I’ve ever seen!”, Luhan laughed while clutching his stomach on the bed in front of Sehun. Sehun pouted upon seeing his older brother laughing at him. “Come on, Hunnie. Get up. Summer morning, carebear~,” Luhan said in a sing-song voice.


Sehun looked up and groaned as Luhan dragged him towards their bathroom. “Luhannie~”, Sehun whined as the cold tiles hit his feet. “Shut up. Now let’s brush our teeth!”, Luhan said cheerfully as he put up his blue toothbrush and waved it in front of Sehun’s sleepy face. “I don’t get it”, Sehun scratched his head lazily.


“Hmm?”, Luhan wondered. “Even though you’re my twin, I’m not really sure and understand how you always so happy and excited in the morning. Ughh”, Sehun groaned and took his toothbrush from the sink counter.


“It is summer, you kiddo”, Luhan said while chuckling. Before Sehun could finish brushing his teeth, Luhan had done brushing his. He hurriedly went inside the shower and shut the door tight. “Hey, Yuhan! Yat’s not fair! Today ish my turn firsh!”, Sehun mumbled loudly with the toothpaste accumulating in his mouth, producing some bubbles while he was talking. “That is not true! You were in the shower first for the whole month! It’s my turn today!”, Luhan shouted through the translucent shower glass. “Booo”, Luhan booed Sehun. “Just hurry up, okay? You made me wake up and now you’re making me wait. Hurry up!”, Sehun banged on the locked translucent glass. “Okay, brother”, Luhan agreed.


Sehun sat on top of the sink counter, trying to see through Luhan’s body from afar. He blushed slightly when he saw Luhan’s blurry body soaked with soap. Suddenly, “I got you~under my skin!”, Luhan sang his favorite song of TVXQ while washing his hair. “Luhan, stop it! Hurry up~”, Sehun shook his head and whined.


He really needs to get into the shower before the bulge came up. Yeap, he was aroused when Luhan was just singing in the shower, with soap covering his petite frame and hair filled with the shampoo liquid.


“Okay, I’m done!”, Luhan came out from the shower with a towel on his waist and hair stuck on his forehead. Sehun suddenly rushed into the shower, pushing Luhan aside. Luhan almost stumbled but he held onto the sink counter and balanced himself. “Yah! Don’t do that again!”, Luhan shouted annoyingly.


Luhan got out from the bathroom and picked some light and thin shirt for both of them to wear. He wore his and put Sehun’s on the bed, spreading them so that Sehun could see them as soon as he got out from the bathroom. Luhan waited for Sehun at his study table, excitingly waiting for the time for them to go enjoy themselves.


When Sehun came out from the bathroom, Luhan looked back and saw his brother with only his boxer on. Luhan gasped silently and blushed. I must be mad for gasping and blushing upon seeing him just in boxer. No, no. Stop Luhan. Luhan snapped back in reality and looked back to see Sehun folding back the clothes he had picked earlier.


“Hey! I picked them! You should wear it, just like me!”, Luhan angrily shouted at Sehun. “Luhan~ No, I’m not going to wear this plain blue shirt with button up till the neck and a white loose short pants. And I know what you picked for our shoes. It must be the Fipper sandals, right? That rubber one?”, Sehun raised his eyebrows while folding his arms on his chest. Luhan looked down and bit his thumb.


How did he know it? “I’ve been with you for the rest of my life until now, Luhannie. I knew it”, Sehun answered as if he just heard Luhan’s thought in his mind seconds ago.


“I-I just want you to wear the same clothes like mine”, Luhan rubbed his hands.


“I’m not a nerd like you, Luhan. I have my own sense of fashion. It doesn’t mean we’re twins we have to wear the same clothes, do the same thing and eat the same food every time. We’re different”, Sehun told Luhan. Luhan suddenly felt a lump in his throat and tears were threatening to fall down at any minutes. Luhan quickly looked down and told Sehun that he’ll be waiting for the latter downstairs.


“I’ll w-wait for you downstairs…hurry up”, Luhan immediately turned his back to Sehun and walked out of the room quickly. Sehun was hesitating to call back Luhan. His mouth was parted, trying to call Luhan out, but nothing came out. Not even a word came out from his mouth. He knew he had just hurt his brother’s feelings. He damn knew it. , why did I say that just now? Ughh. Sehun clutched his hair and pulled them in frustration. Sehun instantly unfolded the clothes that Luhan picked for him from the wardrobe and wore them. He put on some gel on his hair and styled it his way. He put on some cologne and went downstairs.


Luhan was fiddling with his fingers while his father was reading a newspaper and mother was cooking breakfast. And when he reached in front of Luhan, he suddenly saw that Luhan was pouting as well while he was fiddling with his fingers.


“Morning, Mom, Dad”, Sehun greeted his parents as soon as he took a seat beside Luhan. Luhan was ignoring Sehun and Sehun clearly knows why his older twin was ignoring him.


Sehun then lightly nudged Luhan on the waist while handing him a piece of paper under the table. “Umm?”, Luhan looked at Sehun, widening his eyes curiously. Sehun smiled and instructed Luhan to read the thing on the paper he gave just now. Luhan looked at the paper and saw Sehun’s cheeky handwriting.


Hannie, I’m sho sorry about just now. Look! I’m wearing the same clothes as you! Let’s have fun today, alright? It’s the first day of summer.



Luhan read them carefully and after finished reading it, Luhan looked up and smiled at Sehun. Luhan suddenly grinned happily and pecked Sehun on the cheek. “I love you. Thanks”, Luhan said while grinning at him cutely. Sehun nodded and tried to hide his reddening cheeks by cupping them with his palms. Their father watched them and giggled at his lovely twins interacting with each other. He knew they were very close to each other, so he didn’t mind about it.


“Okay boys, breakfast is here”, Mother said cheerfully. She served them a plate of bread with sausages, and baked beans alongside tea for herself and father, and milk for Sehun and Luhan.


They had breakfast and after that, the twins cycled to the ice cream stall. Sehun decided to go buy the ice cream. “Vanilla as usual or a different one?”, Sehun asked, sitting on a bench beside Luhan. “No~ I want bubble tea”, Luhan complained. “But it’s summer! We should eat ice cream, not bubble tea”, Sehun stomped his feet on the concreted ground. “Okay okay, vanilla”, Luhan gave up and sighed. “Okay! Wait here, okay?”, Sehun tapped Luhan’s thigh and went to the ice cream stall to buy them ice creams. Sehun decided for a chocolate flavor.


Sehun’s sight was disrupted while he was walking back towards Luhan when he suddenly saw Luhan staring at the ballpoint pen he accidentally left on the bench. He accidentally brought the pen along with him, because of the things he wrote on the paper just now, he quickly slipped the pen into his pockets. But he didn’t expect this, he left the ballpoint pen on the bench with Luhan currently holding it and pointing the upper part of the pen straight towards his eyes. Sehun quickly ran to Luhan but unfortunately, it was too late.


Luhan had clicked the wrong button, which happened the pen to be producing a laser straight through his eyes.


“Ahh!”, Luhan let go of the pen and covered his eyes. “Luhan!”, Sehun called Luhan with ice creams on both hands. “Luhan…Luhan, can you see me?”, Sehun threw the ice creams away and cupped Luhan’s face. “Yeah. I’m fine but it stings a bit”, Luhan told Sehun. “Okay that was a relieved! Fuhh”, Sehun sighed in relieved.


“Why would you have such pen?”, Luhan questioned Sehun.


“Someone gave it to me”, Sehun explained. “Who is it?”, Luhan asked.


“Mr. Jang”, he answered. “Ohh…hey! Where’s my ice cream?”, Luhan poked Sehun on the shoulder.


“Ah I…I dropped it. Let’s go buy another one!”, Sehun exclaimed and dragged Luhan to the ice cream stall, again. They had fun that day until suddenly at night, when Luhan complained to Sehun that he kept on getting headache and his vision sometimes turned blurry. “Let’s go talk to Mom and Dad. Come on”, Sehun told Luhan.


They both went downstairs and talked to their parents about the difficulties Luhan was having. “Never mind, we’ll go to the optometrist since it’s bothering your vision. Now go get some sleep. My twins must be so tired from the things you’ve done today. Go rest. Goodnight, kids”, Mother and Father pecked them on the forehead before the twins went upstairs into their room.


They were now lying on the bed, facing each other, admiring each other orbs silently.


“Luhannie”, Sehun spoke. “Yes?”


“Sorry about today, my ballpoint pen”, Sehun apologized to his older twin.


“Never mind. Let’s get some sleep, okay? You have to come with me to the optometrist tomorrow, deal? Otherwise, I’ll run away from the doctor. Don’t leave me alone, okay?”, Luhan warned Sehun playfully.


“Okay, deal”, Sehun sighed and agreed happily.


“Promise?”, Luhan stared straight into Sehun’s eyes with his pleading puppy look.


“I promise, Hannie. I won’t leave you. Now let’s sleep”, Sehun patted Luhan on the head and drifted off to sleep.


The next day, they went to the optometrist and Sehun, of course, went together with Luhan. Luhan kept on holding and squeezing Sehun’s palm while the optometrist was checking his eyes on the machine.


After a while waiting, the results came out. “Doc, how’s my son?”, father asked the doctor in the room space. “He has some difficulty of seeing far objects. He’s showing the symptoms of having a short-sightedness. He needs to wear a spectacle”, the doctor explained to the family. “I-I have to wear glasses?”, Luhan asked.


“Yes, Luhan. You have to wear it unless your sight will worsen”, the doctor told Luhan. “Okay...”, Luhan sighed.


Then, father drove them to the glasses store and made Luhan picked a spectacle that he liked. Sehun helped Luhan with the choosing. After a while looking through, Sehun found an interesting spectacle. It was not too round and not too square, just perfect for his older twin. He tugged Luhan on the shirt and asked him to take a look at it.


Sehun asked the saleswoman to show them the spectacle and he took it, carefully placing the spectacle on Luhan. “Woa! It fits you! You should have this. Mom, Dad! Look at Luhannie!”, Sehun squealed. “Okay. We’ll take this with the power of medium short-sightedness.


Since then, Luhan wore his spectacle wherever he went.


He wore spectacle which Sehun had chose for him.

End of flashback


Luhan rose up from his study table and shook his head. He stood up and shook his head, trying to forget the memories about Sehun and himself in the past. He decided to go to his best friend’s house, Chanyeol to relax his own little self.



Sehun had a long day. He had participated in many events such as 4x100m, high jump and others. He was an athlete, no doubt. Luhan was proud of Sehun. And Sehun generally knew it. He went back at ten and there was nobody at home. Not even his parents. Where did they go? Sehun asked himself.


On his neck, there were several shining medals hanging, proudly. He was very happy and excited to show them to his parents but unfortunately, they were out. Sehun hunched his back and dissapointedly brought his steps upstairs.


Then suddenly, he remembered. Luhan. Luhan must be in the room, upstairs. He thought. I gotta put this on his study table and pretended that I accidentally put them on his table. I could do that, at least. Sehun thought. He straightened his back and went towards his shared room with Luhan. He took a deep breath and opened the door.


“Hey”, he pretended to be cool upon entering the room. But no answers were presence. Silence was all over him, all over him. Sweats started to form on his head, he was panicked. He was worried when he found out Luhan was not in the room, laying on the bed neither at the study table, studying. He let go of the bag he was holding and quickly dialed on his Father’s number.


“Dad. Is Luhan there with you?”, Sehun asked.


“No, he’s not. Sehunnie, sorry that Mom and I left you both alone suddenly. Your uncle just met with an accident. Mom and I are at the hospital in Busan right now. I think we’ll be spending the night at some hotel nearby. Anyways, how was your competition?”, Father explained and asked Sehun.


Sehun kept silence. He was in dazed when he heard that he was left behind and worst, Luhan was not with his parents too. “Sehun?”, his father snapped.


“Oh yeah. It went well. I won medals”, Sehun shook his head and answered his father.


“Good then. I’m proud of you. Take care of yourself and your brother, ne? I gotta go now. Bye, son. Love you”, his father told him. Sehun cut the line immediately.



“Why are you here?”, Chanyeol asked his best friend when he plopped down on the couch.

“Nothing”, he answered.


“Does your Baekhyun comes here?”, Luhan asked. “Not anymore”, Chanyeol gave him a short answer as soon as he joined Luhan on the couch. Luhan stared at Chanyeol in silence. “For now”, Chanyeol added.


“Is it my fault?”, Luhan asked. Chanyeol shook his head. “I don’t know whose fault it is. But I think and I am sure it’s not yours. Maybe it’s my fault. And probably his to some extent”.


“What happened?”, Luhan straightened his back.


“I’ll tell you tomorrow. Go get some sleep. We have classes tomorrow. I need to have a cup of coffee first. You go ahead. Goodnight”, Chanyeol tapped Luhan’s shoulder and made his way to the kitchen to make his coffee. Luhan sighed and stood and brought his steps to Chanyeol’s room. It was only 10.30pm but he did as what he was told by Chanyeol. Besides, he really needs some good sleep for his entrance exam in two days time.


Chanyeol and Luhan’s friendship as best friends are weird, or at least we somehow called it awkward. Even Sehun thought that way. They were no similarities between them except for their brain, their appearance with the thick glasses on, and in a word, a nerd who only studies and studies.



He made up his mind. He went to the bathroom and wiped away sweats on his body. He looked in the mirror and swiftly straightened his hair. His face was an absolute mess, considering it as soon as he finished receiving the medals, he went straight back home. He slipped on a pair of sneakers and went to the car, starting the engine. He switched on the air-con and fished out his phone from his jacket.


He dialed on Luhan’s number. Sehun waited for an answer and after eight times ringing, a voice who appeared not to be Luhan answered his call. It took seconds for Sehun to recognize that deep husky voice. It was none other than Chanyeol, Luhan’s odd best friend.


He pressed on the paddle on full speed and headed towards Chanyeol’s apartment. Luhan had brought him once to Chanyeol’s place and thank god Sehun still remembers the way. He ran up the stairs and knocked on the door, hard, as soon as he reached the door of Chanyeol’s place.


First knock, no answer. Second knock, no answer. As he was about to knock again, the door opened, revealing a tall Chanyeol who was wearing a white plain shirt and a grey sweat pant while holding a mug of coffee.


“Sehun, what are you doing here?”, Chanyeol asked Sehun, eyes wide, as he pushed up his thick framed spectacle on the bridge of his nose.


“Is Luhan here?”, Sehun panted.


“Get out of my way”, Sehun rushed inside and pushed Chanyeol aside, without even taking off his sneakers.


“Dude, what are you trying to do!? He’s sleeping!”, Chanyeol hissed as he followed Sehun from behind. Sehun opened the door of Chanyeol’s room and was welcomed with a beautiful sight of his younger twin. A quilt was covering Luhan’s petite body and his hands were both on his left cheeks, supporting his face on the pillow.


“Luhan”, Sehun spoke. Sehun slowly walked towards Luhan on the bed and immediately uncovered the latter’s body from the quilt. “Hey, what are you doing?”, Chanyeol hissed again. He sounded angry this time.


“I’m taking him home”, Sehun stated as he glared at Chanyeol straight into his brown orbs. Sehun carefully took a hold of Luhan’s small and petite frame and carried his brother away from Chanyeol’s place. He carried Luhan downstairs towards his car, ignoring all the shouts and warning that Chanyeol was giving him. He rolled his eyes while hearing the shouting and warnings from Chanyeol.


When Sehun reached at his car, he slowly opened the door of the passenger seat and gently laid Luhan on the seat. Before closing back the door, he admired the flawless sleeping face of his older twin with sad eyes. Sehun started the engine and drove themselves home.


Upon reaching their resident, Sehun carried Luhan upstairs, bridal style, with Luhan’s face on his chest. He could feel Luhan’s breathing on his chest which made him shivered. He gently put Luhan on the bed and Sehun didn’t even feel weird for Luhan not budging at all with people touching him while he was asleep because he knew, Luhan his brother, was really hard to be awake when he was asleep.


Luhan was soundly asleep, a sleepyhead. A one, very cute sleepyhead.


He sat down on the bed beside Luhan and took a good look at Luhan’s peaceful face. He Luhan’s cheek and he was about to bid goodnight to Luhan when suddenly the older nuzzled his face onto Sehun’s touch. Sehun started to sweat when he realized what the older was doing. Luhan nuzzled more onto his touch and his lips suddenly grew wider in his sleep. What was he thinking?


Without even realizing, Sehun looked down on his crotch and saw a tent building up. “No. Not now. ”, he hissed as soon as he felt the numbness appearing from his lower part.


a/n: ayy waddup subbies! how've you been? thanks for subsribing to my fic and check out my other fics if you got any free time. lol i'm shameless, ik. and sorry for the bad chapter this time. i posted chapter two hours ago but i hide it back, i was extending it. i was in a rushed to go somewhere. now the full chapter two. i'm so lazy to double-checked so i'm really sorry. gtg now. bye, love you!


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brothers without borders chapter 6 updated! thank you for reading ;)


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kim_exolover #1
Chapter 8: Omg!! Authornim!! Dis story is dae to the BAK DAEBAK!!
What happened to hunhan in the past?? Iam dead curious and now I can't study!! Pliz update soon, preety Pliz with hunhan on top : ) your story, it needs more love , Authornim I really like your writing style it's simple yet cute and sweet, I really wonder , are Luhan and Sehun real brothers? If yes then will they have a happy ending? And why are their parents acting strange? Arghhhhhhh I'm really dying of curiousity.....
Chapter 8: Hii author-nim!~ this story is really good and I feel really bad that it hasn't had as much love as it deserved. I hope you know that and you continue with it ;) FIGHTING~~ <3
shawolshipperjongkey #3
Chapter 8: Are you going to still continue this story? It's sooo good, and I want to know what happened to them when they were kids!!! And their parents seem kind of odd, I'd like to know the deal with I need some HunHan!!! I am eagerly awaiting for one of them to make a confession to the other. Please please PLEASE update soon!! I can't wait!
Chapter 8: Author-nim please update soon! I'm so excited to read the rest~ <3
Chapter 8: please update soon authornim...these two gives me life...HunHan forever..
will u continue this, Author-sshi??
Great story. Update soon please(:
Chapter 8: Update????????!!!
fantastic-wow #9
Chapter 8: past???? im so ing curious omg i read many fics in a day but i still love this. they are so cute!!!!!!!! oh my god authornim omg
Chapter 8: O_o past?!!!! WHAT PAST?!!! What happend author-nim please update soon can't wait for the upcoming chapters