And So it Begins

"Friends" with B.A.P?



“You didn’t have to haul me out of your dorm like some criminal,” you joked while nudging YongGuk's side with your shoulder, making him stumble a bit to the left.

         “I guess so. I actually didn’t want anything else to happen,” he said while lowering his eyes.

         “What do you mean?”

         “I just didn’t want anything bad to happen to you again.”

         You scoffed and playfully nudged him, but this time he didn’t smile or laugh.

         “So serious…” you muttered as your voice trailed off. YongGuk took in a deep breath and sighed, sounding annoyed at his own action.

         “For some reason I feel kind of protective over you,” he quietly said while looking up at the sky. You blinked and glanced over at him, and to that he looked back down at you from the corners of his eyes while still facing forward.

         “Oh,” you tried to end it with a fake laugh but cleared your throat instead, trying to avoid the slight blush that was now found on your cheeks. The fact that he was able to slightly confess that he felt that way about you made you wary of what will become of your friendship, but you disregarded it when you realized it was like how you already felt protective over Zelo. You two walked in silence for the millionth time that night, although you didn’t mind it as much as you thought you would.

         “You guys are surprisingly different than what I would’ve thought,” you simply said as you tried to find conversation and also found yourself walking up to your apartment.

         “In what sense?” YongGuk paused behind you so that you had to turn around to face him. You found yourself pausing too as you racked your brain for the right answer.

         “Well, I have to admit I am a BABY, so my answer might be a little bit skewed—“

         “You’re a BABY?” YongGuk laughed as he raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms in surprise. You blushed and frowned, deciding not to tell him about how you own every one of their albums and know almost every song by heart.

         “Anyways,” you glared, “You are a lot more relaxed.” You turned and started walking again, listening to YongGuk as his feet scurried up to you.

         “Relaxed? What, did you think we’re all ready to go perform at all times?”        

         “No, I mean, more like,” you looked up to the sky and nodded in assurance, “erted!” 

         YongGuk let out a hearty laugh as you looked at him in confusion.

         “You don’t have much time, sober time at that, to base that off of now do you?” he countered while shaking his head and smiling.

         “We’ll have to change that then, right?” you grinned as you hopped up the final steps to your door and then halted when you remembered you didn’t have your purse.

         “YongGuk, you didn’t happen to grab my purse as you obnoxiously and unnecessarily carried me out of your dorm, did you?” You turned to see him tilt his head and then watched as realization spread across his face as he looked at the door in front of you.

         “Didn’t think so. Well, I don’t have my keys to get inside, smart one.”

         “Is your roommate home?”

         You sighed and pulled out your phone from your back pocket and looked at the time: 3:42.

         “She is going to be so pissed, even if you are an idol,” I groaned as I closed my eyes and raised my arm to knock on the door. After about five minutes of violent pounding and the occasional slight kick to the door from YongGuk, JaeSung swung the door open in annoyance.

         “What the hell—“ she stopped speaking as she groggily looked over and noticed YongGuk. She squinted her eyes at him as he awkwardly bowed and waved. JaeSung blinked and then looked back to me with a glare and folded her arms.

         “Just be quiet for god sakes, I’m not about to lose sleep over you two fondling in the bedroom. Next time warn a sister,” she mumbled and turned back into the apartment.    

         “No it’s not like that!” YongGuk frantically replied as he looked to you with a flustered face, not knowing what to do. You busted out laughing and walked inside while shaking your head.

         “It’s not like that!” YongGuk repeated, but JaeSung already boarded herself in her room for the night, leaving you two with nothing but the sudden sound of the slam of her door.

         “You might as well come in,” you said nonchalantly as YongGuk eyed you from the doorstep, “Want some warm tea or something?”

         “Sure,” he said hesitantly as he slipped off his shoes and followed you to the kitchen. He sat on one of the barstools and rested his arms on the granite counter in front of him, eyeing your apartment.

         “I don’t bite,” you laughed as you lazily popped a cup of tea into the microwave.

         He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, “I’m just not used to going over places this late I guess.”

         You gave him a small eye smile and he sleepily smiled back. The microwave beeped and you hastily tried to silence it, afraid that you would wake JaeSung, and you slid his drink across the counter to him.

         “The couch is more comfortable than that wooden thing,” you said as you pointed to the barstool beneath him while quietly stepping across the room. YongGuk joined you on the couch and you crossed your legs and faced him, placing your elbows on your knees and cradling your face in the palms of your hands.

         “What?” he said as he noticed your gaze.

         “There’s an idol in my living room,” you said as you raised your eyebrows and made an “o” with your mouth.

         “Really? Where?”

         You rolled your eyes and leaned your back against the couch, “So what’s the thing you miss most?”

         He paused for a second, “Free time I guess. I never realized that simple things like going out for a walk or even going to the store was that much of a luxury.”

         You nodded as you tried to relate, and the two of you talked for the next hour, mainly about his idol life and the expectations he had to live up to. Whenever he would let out a laugh, you always had to nudge him because his deep voice would be so loud to a point that it might wake JaeSung. He occasionally asked about you, mainly what you were doing in South Korea and how life was as a foreigner. You said that it was sort of like a bittersweet luxury: people would stare and you would get approached a lot, but not always for the best intentions. You were surprised that he acted the same way he did in variety shows, and you were even more surprised at how shy he can really be. His voice and his looks held nothing against his personality, and you grinned at the thought of him being such a softie.






         Your eyes fluttered open as harsh beams of sunlight moved across your face. You blinked in confusion as you noticed you were still in your apartment, even though you went to B.A.P’s dorm last night; then you remembered how YongGuk took you home. You moved your head slightly and looked up to see a sleeping YongGuk still sitting upright on the couch with his back slumped against the back of the couch and his head lolling forward. Your face was nuzzled against his chest as you felt your head rise and fall slowly with the even breaths he was taking, and you jolted upward in shock. His right arm that was thrown around your shoulder comfortably suddenly fell as you quickly sat up. He furrowed his brows in confusion as his arm fell back against his body and the familiar warmth that was your body had left him.

         “Hmm,” he groaned while waking up. You didn’t know if you should move or stay, so when he opened his eyes and looked over at you, you were in an awkward position with one foot on the floor and the other leg kneeling on the couch.

         “,” he said as he sleepily looked up at you, still trying to blink away the sunlight. Your stomach flipped as his morning voice swarmed around your ears.

         “I think we fell asleep,” you said while trying hard to swallow.

         “You think?” he laughed as he stretched his arms and legs while yawning. You blushed and puffed out your cheeks, finally deciding to get up and see if JaeSung was still sleeping, and luckily she was. You would never hear the end of it if she saw the two of you the way you fell asleep.

         “Oh ,” YongGuk said while laughing from the other room. You poked your head around the corner and saw him still sitting on the couch with his phone in one hand and the other rubbing the back of his neck.

         “Come check out these text messages,” he chuckled and holds up his phone as you walk over.


            Are you on your way back yet? –Zelo

            Hyung… -Zelo

            HYUNG! –Zelo

            Where the hell are you? –DaeHyun

            YongGuk what the hell –HimChan

            DaeHyun and HimChan are getting mad at me… -Zelo

            I don’t know why! –Zelo

            I SWEAR –DaeHyun

            Are you in her house or something?! –HimChan

            I’m about to come there and drag you back –DaeHyun

            DaeHyun hyung keeps asking me where she lives but I don’t know… -Zelo

            Hyung please come back ㅠㅠ –Zelo

            HimChan and I have decided to kick you out as leader –DaeHyun



            I’m eating all of your food, –DaeHyun



            “I better get going, it seems the kids are mad at me,” YongGuk laughed while finally standing up.

         “Er, thanks for…walking me home?” you said a bit flustered as you followed him to the door.

         “Sorry about, yeah…” he trailed off and rubbed the back of his neck again.

         “Good luck with them,” you laughed with a nod at his phone.

         “Thanks, I’ll, um, keep in touch,” he beamed brightly as you smiled and quickly pinned your number into his phone.

         “See you!” YongGuk shouted at the bottom of your stairs, throwing you a giant gummy smile and an adorable tiny wave. You grinned and waved back, leaning on the doorframe for a couple seconds after he disappeared around the corner.

         “Screw you and your ability to woo men,” JaeSung groaned from the kitchen.

         “Yeah okay, right,” you scoffed and rolled your eyes as you shut the door.

         “I’m not even going to ask about last night due to jealousy,” she scowled at you while blowing the steam away from her coffee.

         “Nothing happened JaeSung, there’s no reason for anything to,” you shrugged and grabbed his cup from last night to throw it in the dishwasher.

        “Oh yeah, OKAY,” she glared at you and shook her head, “Wait I actually need to borrow some money…”

         You stared at her in silence as she turned 180 degrees and attacked you with puppy dog eyes.

        “You can have much as you want,” you said as she cradled you in her arms, “If I had my purse with me.”

         She instantly let you go, “You still didn’t get it back from their house, right. Damn.”

         You pull out your phone, scroll through your contacts and decide to text HimChan since you didn’t have YongGuk’s number in your phone.


            Hey, did you happen to see my purse this morning?

            Oh the one with three dollars in the wallet? –HimChan

            What?! No, I’m pretty sure I had a lot more than that…

            We ordered takeout –HimChan

            Very funny, is there anyway I could get it back today?

            Yeah yeah, Zelo says he’ll come drop it off. Address? –HimChan

            For some reason I feel like I shouldn’t give this to you

            For some reason I feel like I should use some of these credit cards –HimChan


            Cute license picture by the way -HimChan


            You ended up calling him to give him your address, mainly because you didn’t want him to have it permanently encoded in his phone, even though he probably wrote it down anyways. Zelo should be heading over in about an hour, so you quickly jumped in the shower and freshened up from the late night before. As you were getting dressed, the fact that you fell asleep with YongGuk hit you. You shook your head as you pulled down your shirt over your head, jumping a bit when you heard the doorbell ring. You smiled and ran to the door, ready to see Zelo and his adorable and always comforting smile. JaeSung seemed to have disappeared, probably back to work at the bakery, so you sighed happily when you realized you didn’t have to explain another idol at your door. You swung the door open and your eyebrows raised with shock.

         “I brought your purse,” JongUp smiled as he held up your bag with his hand.

         “T-thanks! I thought Zelo was coming by?” you asked while grabbing your purse from him.     

         “I guess I haven’t really talked to you a lot, and you’re all the guys talk about,” he said with a small laugh. You blushed at that comment as you shrugged clumsily.

         “Well, thanks for bringing this by.”

         “Mhm, no problem.” 

         You blinked in the silence, and he just stood there with a goofy grin. “Do you want to go get something to eat?”

         His mouth opened at your proposal and he looked from side to side and shifted on each foot, “If you want to…”

         “Awesome! I haven’t had anything to eat all day,” You said happily, deciding that this would be some great time to get to know him since he was the member you’ve interacted with the least.

         “There are a bunch of street vendors near the park where I first met Zelo, we could head there?” You said as you locked the door to your apartment.

         “Sure! Near that bakery right?” JongUp asked from the stairs. You nodded and started down the steps and he joined you as you two started walking on the sidewalk.

         “Sorry about last night,” you laughed.       

         “Oh, it’s okay. I was just tired.”

         “Did you, er, hear about—“


         You coughed, “Yeah.”


         You avoided looking at him and the two of you walked in silence for the next ten minutes until you hit the block where the park was located.

         “Are you okay going in public like this?”

         “Not exactly,” he laughed while noticing his clothes, “Oh well.”

         You shrugged and the two of you ended up just getting some crepes; your stomach was not prepared for real food since you noticed the time wasn’t even after noon yet. You jumped from stone to stone, avoiding the cracks and listened to JongUp laugh at you as you headed to a bench nearby.

         “YoungJae probably doesn’t even remember,” JongUp said with a mouthful of crepe.

         “What? Oh. Yeah, he was pretty gone,” you laughed as he managed to bring up an old conversation randomly.

         “You are nice to talk to though,” JongUp stated while looking over at you and smiling.

         “—Ah. Thank you,” you giggled at the random compliment, “You’re not too bad yourself.”

         He looked up in shock and blushed, and you grinned at how adorable he was. A phone started ringing and you pulled yours out of your recently acquired purse, and then looked to JongUp. He simply stared back at you and you pointed to your phone.     

         “Isn’t yours ringing?”

         “Ah! Yeah! Thanks,” he said while fumbling with his crepe, to which you grabbed to let him get his phone. He bowed slightly and sheepishly grinned while answering his phone.

        “Hey hyung. What? Yeah I gave it to her. Now? I’m eating. A crepe. Yeah. With strawberries. And yogurt. Yeah. I already ate most of it…”

         You started laughing at the conversation and JongUp laughs with you, but immediately stops.

         “Now? Yeah she’s sitting next to me—hyung? Hyung? Hello?” JongUp brought the phone in front of his face and blinked as he realized that he was hung up on.

         “Who was it?”  

         “DaeHyun hyung. He hung up on me,” JongUp frowned while taking his crepe back from you. You both jumped as his phone rang again.

         “Hello? Hey hyung. In the park. Why? Oh okay. I’ll tell her. Yeah. I’ll talk to you later. Bye hyung.”     

         “DaeHyun again?” you asked while finishing your crepe.

         “Yeah, he wanted me to tell you that he says “Hi”.”


         “Yeah I don’t know,” JongUp shrugged while focusing back on his food. The two of you talked for a bit more, surprisingly not about his idol life, but more about random things like shoes or why red pepper paste is spicy.

         You blinked when you heard a phone go off, this time knowing it was your own, and you glanced at the new text message.


         The beast has awoken –HimChan


         “Why was I in the bathroom?” –HimChan

         You laughed as you realized HimChan was talking about YoungJae, who must’ve just woken up. You unconsciously brought your hand up to your neck and rubbed it tenderly, to which JongUp tilted his head.

         “He must’ve woken up, right?”

         You jumped slightly at his voice, tearing you from your daydream and nodded, holding up your phone to show him the texts from HimChan.


         “What happened last night?” –HimChan

         “Why is DaeHyun ignoring me?” –HimChan

         Screw it, I’m calling  you to let you listen to this –HimChan


         Seconds later after reading his last text, your phone rang and you picked it up with JongUp laughing with you.

         “Shh for a second, I’m putting you on speakerphone,” HimChan whispered and you heard a button beep from his side of the phone.

         “So you don’t  remember anything?” HimChan asked with an all too fake concerned voice.

         “No, that’s why I’ve been asking!” YoungJae huffed from somewhere in the room. Your heart jumped at hearing his muffled voice again for the first time after the incident.

         “And where is—“

         “You basically were a couple minutes away from sleeping with her,” HimChan interrupted with a laugh. There was silence and then YoungJae started coughing on something, and then his voice got louder, your guess meaning he got closer to the phone.

         “What?!” he coughed.

         “You left evidence on her neck too,” HimChan said with a clap. Again, silence surrounded the room as you and JongUp huddled close to your phone, which was now on speakerphone as well. All of the sudden there was a cluster of words and shouts, all coming from YoungJae, and HimChan hysterically laughing and clapping his hands.


         “WHO LET ME—“


         “WHERE IS SHE?!”

         “ARE YOU KIDDING—“

         “He’s freaking out while in the kitchen,” HimChan whispered into the phone and you laughed and JongUp shook his head. For the third time, there was silence as YoungJae stopped freaking out.

         “—Ah. Hyung…I’m…I’m sorry. I honestly—“


         Your eyes grew as you recognized the low voice that interrupted YoungJae, and HimChan didn’t sound like he was speaking either. You looked over to JongUp, and he mouthed YongGuk’s name, and you nodded silently.

         After a couple of minutes, HimChan whispered, “YongGuk looked so pissed, and poor YoungJae looks like a sad puppy.”

         “Stop pestering him, it’s totally fine, I promise.

         “Sure sure. Leaders’ going to yell at YoungJae, so I’ll talk to you later babe.”

         You scoffed, “Bye HimChan.” You sighed and put your phone back in your pocket and looked back at JongUp.

         “Do you think YongGuk is still that mad?”

         “I don’t know honestly, you were with him this morning, was he still angry?”

         Your mouth dropped open a bit, forgetting that YongGuk stayed the night, and you shrugged and shook your head, “I couldn’t tell,” you tried to play off confidently.

         He nodded at your answer, “I should probably head back soon anyways,” Jongup said while tossing his trash away.

         “Me too. Thanks for today,” you smiled.

         “Sure thing.”

         “Walk back safe okay?”

         “Shouldn’t I be telling you that?” he said with a laugh.

         “Hey, Noona can worry too!”

         He blinked and nodded with a shy smile, to which you gave him a tiny wave and turned around to walk home. You immediately stopped when you felt a hand on your wrist, slightly tugging.

         “Um,” Jongup started when you turned around and noticed his hand wrapped around your hand.

         “I’m glad Zelo let me return your purse.”

         “Hmm? Oh! Yeah,” you smiled sweetly. He continued to look at you, while still gripping your arm. You coughed and moved your arm slightly and he immediately released and jumped back slightly. 

         “Sorry! I, uh, just wanted to tell you,” he said, obviously flustered with a bright blush on his cheeks.

         “Cute,” you chuckled, which made his eyes grow wide and the blush spread to his ears.

         “Ah, um, thanks, ah, talk to you later,” he said a bit too quickly and turned around, ruffling his hair as you watched him walk briskly out of the park.

         “What a little dork,” you smiled and turned around, grinning to yourself as you started the walk back home.








Woah now THAT was a long chapter update. I couldn't find an appropriate part to split it up, so I hope everyone enjoys this lengthy update! Oh how the plot continues to thicken.

I hope everyone is liking the story so far! This chapter was probably the hardest for me to write, mainly because I had a future part stuck in the back of my head. 



What do you guys think will happen to YoungJae? Do you think he will apologize or do you think he'll take another method of doing that because he is so embarrassed? Poor fluffy YoungJae.



AH. AND CONGRATS TO B.A.P FOR WINNING THAT PD AWARD AT THE 2012 MAMA AWARD SHOW. Even though they didn't win rookie, this award is still such an honor! I'm so proud of my little bunnies T__T So let's go with a Mama spam today!

Omg that smile HAHAHHA ...vvvv and you have to love PimpChannie's outift.









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when will be the next update?
ilabya5 #2
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
Chapter 6: waaaaa! I think because of this FF, Daehyun's ranking on my bias list will go up. XD Kekekek~ hope you update soon. :> Lol. The mark of Youngjae on my neck. XD
ChoiJeLo #5
Chapter 2: LOL @ YOUR AUTHOR'S NOTE HAHAHAHA I like the story so far ^^ I know I'll finish it soon
Chapter 6: LMAO THIS IS CUTE <3
Ha, I have a feeling it's going to be OC x Daehyun and I hope to God I'm right :3
Chapter 4: Zelo is not like the maknae here ;p LOL.. Anyway,so far..i like it!
barooya #8
Chapter 6: OMO~ just what did Minjae do??? It's definitely weird hearing those weird sounds on phone.. like youngjae. what did you think? O_O
Sometimes I felt sorry for Minjae.. what is on his mind actually? such a cutie >3<
lol and Daehyun.. I just don't know. If this was happening in my life I'd really have died OTL
and himchannnnnn ; u ; cute gifs all the way till the end ♥
Thank you author-nim! ^_^
Raveness #9
Chapter 6: No! Don't go on a date with Daehyun!!! <--My thoughts XD

Minjae was hilarious when she was talking on the phone. It must've been awkward for Youngjae on the other line... O.o I have no idea what I'd be thinking if I heard something like that during one of my phone calls, though XD

Poor Youngjae though! He feels so bad about it... but she's alright so he shouldn't have anything to worry about.

I love the gifs at the end! Himchan is adorable, and I just want to give Zelo a hug! ^.^
barooya #10
Chapter 5: I love this ; u ; honestly. I've always love each one of them and sometimes having hard times choosing either one. I really love you author-nim for making great stories! T^T and I don't know what will happen to Youngjae though >///3///<