The End? to an Interesting Night

"Friends" with B.A.P?



         You all sat in the living room in silence, except for YoungJae who was fast asleep on the tile floor; no one felt like moving him to a more comfortable sleeping arrangement. DaeHyun wore a permanent scowl on his face as he blankly stared at the television screen.

         “I’m sorry…” YongGuk suddenly spoke up, looking down at you from his seat on the couch.

         “It’s fine, really. He was drunk, we’re all there some day,” you chuckled as you brought your hand up and slightly rubbed your neck. Zelo had his shoulders leaned against yours on the floor and he brought up his finger to poke the tiny bruised mark on the side of your neck.

         “I still can’t believe YoungJae did that,” he mumbled as he continued to poke it until you swatted his hand away.

         “I’m really sorry…” YongGuk apologized again, this time looking at the ground and not at you.

         “Yah, seriously guys. It’s fine. It’s not like it was a terrible experience or anything. Quite the contrary actually,” you stated, remembering what happened as you stared up at the ceiling and nodded slowly. HimChan looked at you with his arms crossed and frowned, his eye twitching angrily.

         “I mean, YoungJae, of all people,” DaeHyun growled while squeezing a pillow in frustration, “Like come on.”

         “Will you guys just drop it,” you sighed helplessly as you leaned your head against the couch and closed your eyes, “Now we can’t even drink anymore.”

         “Why?” YongGuk questioned, slightly leaning forward.

         “Well if YoungJae did that when he was drunk,” you started with your eyes still closed, “I don’t even want to know what the rest of you will do with alcohol in your system.”

         HimChan paused before jumping out of his seat with his arms raised, “ALCOHOL FOR EVERYONE,” he shouted as he practically ran to the other side of the room where the mini fridge was. Your jaw dropped as you lifted your head and glared at him, but you then switched your focus when you heard DaeHyun quietly clap a few times. You two made eye contact and he opened his mouth to give a sarcastic gasp and shrugged, “I wasn’t the one who said it.”




         After a few drinking games later, everyone was back to laughing and being obnoxiously loud, which left a grumpy JongUp annoyed enough to move from the couch to his room. Zelo stayed with you all and participated in most of the games, leaving you in charge for drinking for two.

         “I think we’re almost out of beer,” HimChan said with disappointed eyes.

         “Do you have any back at your place?” DaeHyun questioned you while winking. To that, Zelo wrapped his arms around your neck and furrowed his brows.        

         “I’m not letting her go back home with you guys,” he said protectively while pulling you in between his legs so you sat protected by his legs that were on either side of you.

         “Zelo,” you giggled, “It’s fine. I could definitely kick all of their asses if they tried anything.”

         A snort resonated throughout the living room as you looked up to the couch behind you at YongGuk.

         “Yah,” you scrunched your nose at him, “Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean anything.”

         “I never said that,” he retorted with a grin.

         “I’m not about to get up and attempt to fight you YongGuk, I don’t think we’re sober enough,” you said with an annoyed laugh.

         “Oh good excuse,” DaeHyun said while sarcastically holding two thumbs up at you. You started to get up with a confident smile but fell back to the ground as Zelo’s arms squeezed around your waist.

         “Zelo, it’s fine. I’m just going to show YongGuk a move or two,” you nodded while cracking your knuckles and sending a challenging grin up to YongGuk. Zelo squeezed you tighter and puffed out his cheeks in protest, “No.”

         “Yah, Zelo!” you shouted as you tried to unwrap his intertwined fingers that were grasped against your stomach.

         “Aw come on Zelo, YongGuk is the last person out of HimChan and I that would try something. He has more control than us,” DaeHyun said while sipping his beer. You rolled your eyes at him in disgust but felt Zelo slowly unhook his arms from you and sit back in defeat. You turned around and saw him frown and watched his as he mouthed the words, “I’ll be watching you just in case.” You nodded and stood up with a jump and pointed at YongGuk menacingly, “Get up.”

         “You really want to do this now,” he said with a sigh as he set his beer bottle on the floor beneath him.

         “Hey,” you started while practicing a few swift chops with your hands, “I took some karate classes.”

         YongGuk only shook his head at you as you continued swatting the air with your legs and hands, much to the amusement of the tipsy guys surrounding you.

         “Alright,” he stood up, stretching his arms. You bounced up and down excitedly as he slowly walked over to you. He sighed and stretched his neck, looking like he was ready to go, but then all of the sudden he just outstretched his hand to you.

         “What?” you asked with a confused face.

         “Hit my arm.”

         You blinked a couple of times and looked down at Zelo, who shrugged in return. HimChan and DaeHyun both let out deep “ooh’s” in unison, clapping with excitement.

         “Hit me,” YongGuk repeated with a blank expression.

         “If you say so,” you laughed and brought up your right arm. You swiftly brought it down to his, planning on grabbing his wrist and flipping him to the ground, just to show off a bit. But as soon as you came close to his wrist, he flipped his hand palm side up and grabbed your own wrist and roughly pulled you into him. Seconds later he used both hands to grab your waist and hoist you up and over his left shoulder, letting you drape over him. You let out a yelp due to the unexpected turn of events, and to the fact that it happened so fast.

         “Seems like you’re sober enough, I’ll walk you home,” he stated as he spun around and headed for the door.

         “YongGuk put me down!” you screamed as you pounded on his back.

         “Yeah listen to the woman!” HimChan shouted from the living room, which was now far behind you two due to YongGuk’s fast pace.

         “YongGuk what the hell!” DaeHyun added while attempting to sit up to run after you, but failed miserably and fell backwards into a frazzled Zelo’s arms.

         “Hyung be careful,” Zelo shouted to you two. You stopped thrashing and picked your head up to look at Zelo who only smiled and waved goodbye.

         “YAH!” you screamed one last time before YongGuk slammed the door shut and started making his way down the front steps with you bouncing angrily on his shoulders.

         “You can put me down now,” you said with a monotone voice. To that he gently dipped down and delicately placed you on the ground with a smile that annoyed the hell out of you.

         “You could have just asked me to leave,” you stated, turning around and walking ahead of him.

         “But this was more fun.”

         “You mean more annoying.” You heard him sigh behind you and you turned your head questioningly and stopped.

         “I honestly just wanted to apologize to you one on one for what happened tonight.”

         “YongGuk,” you sighed, picking up your pace since he walked straight passed you, “Honestly it’s fine.”

         “I just feel like it’s my responsibility, especially when dealing with the members. How long have we known you? And yet we let that happen.”

         You sprinted ahead of him and stopped dead in front of his path to make him stop walking as well. You puffed out your cheeks and grabbed the collar of his shirt in frustration. His eyes grew big as he tried to take a step back, but you only tightened your grip on him.        

         “YongGuk it’s fine. Please. Just drop it.” You looked at him from eye to eye, searching for any kind of compliance. The two of you stood in silence as you silently pleaded him to forget what happened. You glanced down to see his lips slightly part as if he was about to say something, but he only ended up closing them instead. For that split second you could see his warm breath clash with the coldness outside, and you could swear you could feel the warmth from his mouth dance around yours. Your eyes flickered back up to his eyes, which were focused on your lips as you released him with a sigh. You tried to rub the blush that crept upon your cheeks with a frustrated groan as you turned around.

         “Aish, let’s go already.”

         He silently trotted back up to you and walked by your side, saying nothing, but you could feel the smile on his face radiate next to you. His hands found their way into the pockets of his jacket, which he grabbed at the last minute before throwing you outside, and the sound of your shoes on the pavement echoed throughout the deserted streets.






I'm surprised I updated that quick too. I usually don't write this quick, but I only received a few messages in my inbox for one shot requests. To all of my subscribers, the requests are still open to feel free to click the link below and message me! I love writing one shots and love practicing my writing; it will also help me see what you guys like to read~




What did you guys think about this chapter? I know nothing dramatic happened, but hey, it's not my fault...


Do you guys like the plot so far? I'd love to hear feedback to learn about what you guys enjoy reading in fics. I hope most of you are enjoying it though~ If you had to choose a pairing that she ended up with, who would you choose and why? Based on the story too, not just because they are your bias! Kekeke





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when will be the next update?
ilabya5 #2
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
Chapter 6: waaaaa! I think because of this FF, Daehyun's ranking on my bias list will go up. XD Kekekek~ hope you update soon. :> Lol. The mark of Youngjae on my neck. XD
ChoiJeLo #5
Chapter 2: LOL @ YOUR AUTHOR'S NOTE HAHAHAHA I like the story so far ^^ I know I'll finish it soon
Chapter 6: LMAO THIS IS CUTE <3
Ha, I have a feeling it's going to be OC x Daehyun and I hope to God I'm right :3
Chapter 4: Zelo is not like the maknae here ;p LOL.. Anyway,so far..i like it!
barooya #8
Chapter 6: OMO~ just what did Minjae do??? It's definitely weird hearing those weird sounds on phone.. like youngjae. what did you think? O_O
Sometimes I felt sorry for Minjae.. what is on his mind actually? such a cutie >3<
lol and Daehyun.. I just don't know. If this was happening in my life I'd really have died OTL
and himchannnnnn ; u ; cute gifs all the way till the end ♥
Thank you author-nim! ^_^
Raveness #9
Chapter 6: No! Don't go on a date with Daehyun!!! <--My thoughts XD

Minjae was hilarious when she was talking on the phone. It must've been awkward for Youngjae on the other line... O.o I have no idea what I'd be thinking if I heard something like that during one of my phone calls, though XD

Poor Youngjae though! He feels so bad about it... but she's alright so he shouldn't have anything to worry about.

I love the gifs at the end! Himchan is adorable, and I just want to give Zelo a hug! ^.^
barooya #10
Chapter 5: I love this ; u ; honestly. I've always love each one of them and sometimes having hard times choosing either one. I really love you author-nim for making great stories! T^T and I don't know what will happen to Youngjae though >///3///<