Drunken Stupor

"Friends" with B.A.P?

          You ran up the steps with a smirk on your face excited to see the boys, and also excited for the free alcohol. You stood outside their door and looked down at your chest, shrugging and then giving them a playful lift. You rang the doorbell and waited outside, clacking your heels against the ground. The door suddenly swung open and Daehyun stood there with a beer in his hand.

            “Hey you,” he started but ended up choking on his beer once he took a look at what you were wearing.

            “—Come on in,” he managed to stutter as he stepped aside, still coughing from his drink. You grinned and walked into the dorm, listening to shouting and yelling coming from the other room. You tossed your purse to the side and skipped to the kitchen to sneakily grab a beer before greeting the rest of the guys.

            “Aren’t you going to show me where the beer is?” You asked while sifting through the fridge with no avail.         

            “I’m actually fine right here,” Daehyun answered from the doorway behind you. You swung around and glared at him and he shrugged while laughing.

            “We have a smaller fridge in the living room,” he finally answered while turning to walk down the rest of the hallway. You blinked and your jaw flew open in annoyance.

            “So you were just watching me look through your fridge for nothing?!” You yelled as you shut the refrigerator door and stormed out of the kitchen to follow him into the living room.        

            “No,” he shouted from around the corner, “I had a nice view.” You turned the corner and glared at his tipsiness from across the room, ignoring the rest of the boys until you heard a whistle from your right.

            “You clean up nice,” Himchan sneered while slightly stumbling over to throw an arm around your shoulders.

            “Hyung don’t be obnoxious,” Zelo frowned and got up off of the floor to walk over to you. He threw Himchan’s arm away, much to his dismay, and grabbed your wrist to bring you over to the couches.

            “Jongup and I can’t drink, so we’re the only ones that are clear headed,” Zelo explained while plopping down on the floor and leaning his back against the couch behind him. You didn’t know what to do so you just sat beside him and stretched your arms above your head.

            “Ladies shouldn’t sit on the floor,” a deep voice commented as he leaned forward. You turned to your left as you noticed Yongguk sitting above you on the couch. He smiled and bent down, handing you a beer from the mysteriously hidden mini fridge located somewhere in the room.

            “Thanks Yongguk,” you grinned as you happily opened the cold beer.

            “Speaking of which, where did Daehyun go?” You questioned, looking around for him, who you thought you followed into this room.

            “He went to go check on Youngjae,” Yongguk answered, finishing the beer in his hand and placing it with an empty clank on the table in front of you two.

            “Check on Youngjae? What do you mean—“ you started but was cut off due to a huge bang from the other room. You raised your eyebrows as Zelo sat up and Yongguk sighed from behind you.

            “I give up!” Daehyun shouted from down the hallway as he emerged from the darkness with an annoyed face.

            “Hyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuung,” a voice whined from behind him, to which he ignored and continued to walk into the living room, sitting behind Jongup on the couch adjacent from you, Zelo, and Yongguk. You hadn’t even noticed Jongup was there, so you turned embarrassingly but froze when you saw him fast asleep on the couch. He was sprawled out across the entire thing, leaving Daehyun a seat on the only available spot: the armrest.

            “Hyung,” that voice sang again, this time louder and more annoyed.

            “Youngjae isn’t much of a drinker,” Zelo leaned and whispered into your ear.

            “Hyung!” Youngjae shouted as he stumbled out from the hall and grasped the side of the doorframe.

            “How am I supposed to--,” Youngjae paused to hiccup, “take a shower when I can barely walk!”

            “Why is it my problem? You should know how much you are able to drink. Hell if I’m going to take responsibility and wash you,” Daehyun countered while looking at the television and finishing his comment with an overly dramatic shrug.

            “I don’t want to go to bed dirty,” Youngjae whined while furrowing his eyebrows together. You let out a giggle, along with Zelo, who still sat huddled next to you.


            You turned your head to see that Youngjae had finally noticed your presence and proceeded to attempt to make his way over to you. Attempt.

            “Wait,” Youngjae said matter-of-factly as he slowly bent down and grabbed you by your shoulders.

            “Youngjae what are you doing,” Yongguk questioned, slowly sitting upright.

            “No, no, listen,” he answered.           

            “Youngjae…” you started wearily, just wanting to relax and enjoy your beer. His left hand grabbed at your waist and he started to walk out of the room, dragging you with him, which would honestly be an understatement since you basically had to hold him up yourself. Himchan and Yongguk started laughing at the sight, to which Daehyun sighed again and averted his eyes, while Zelo continued to observe from the ground with his legs crossed and his eyes wide.

            “Youngjae what do you want,” you giggled as he leaned on your right shoulder for support. You turned your head and shrugged to the rest of the members as he continued with you down the hall, to which they were still laughing from behind you.

            “You,” he grinned while looking up at you, “here.” He lifted his right arm and pointed at a door with a light switched on; you guessed it was his room.

            “You’re already trying to sleep with me,” you asked with a sarcastic laugh, to which he jumped back with his mouth open and his head shaking quickly from side to side.

            “No!” he shouted while falling back against the wall he previously jumped to in shock.

            “I was kidding you dork!” you laughed as you reached forward to grab his wrist so he wouldn’t fall flat against the ground. You pulled him forward while shaking your head, trying to remember not to get this drunk tonight. You dragged his stumbling body to the room he pointed to, much to his annoyance as he continued to say “no” at your obviously joking comment. You walked into the room and tilted your head in confusion; you were in the bathroom.

            “Youngjae, please tell me you’re not going to throw up,” you said as you turned back around, “I can’t handle that even when I’m sober.” He shook his head happily and leaned back out of the bathroom door, bringing his hands to cup around his mouth.         

            “I don’t need your help anymore Daehyun, I found someone else who could shower with me,” he sang while all of the sudden a series of large bangs and running responded to his comment.

            “YOUNGJAE,” Yongguk yelled violently from the living room, soon to join you since it seemed like now everyone was running down the hall simultaneously.

            “Um…what?” you asked, tilting your head even more.

            “You are nice, you will help me right?” he slurred, still smiling. You found yourself blushing as he grabbed at the hem of his shirt, attempting to pull it off. You raised your hands to stop him but jumped as you heard Daehyun’s shouts getting closer.

            “He never wants to help me,” Youngjae frowned as he suddenly shut the bathroom door and clicked the lock on the handle. You froze as you realized you were now locked inside a room with a drunk Youngjae, who inevitably wanted to shower with you.

            “YOUNGJAE,” Daehyun yelled as his fist pounded up against the door repeatedly.

            “Youngjae, open the door,” Yongguk followed with a calmer but more serious tone of voice.

            “You’re just jealous because you didn’t think of such a smart idea,” Youngjae retorted, still trying to get his shirt off. You busted out laughing at his explanation, shaking your head at his drunken reasoning.

            “Youngjae,” you said with a fake gasp, “What are you doing?” He stopped tugging at his shirt and looked up at you in confusion, obviously not understanding that you were trying to fool the furious boys banging outside the door.

            “Stop, oh you,” you brought up your hand in a dramatic fashion up to your mouth, “What are you trying to do?” you asked with a dramatized voice and fake scared eyes.  

            “What?” he questioned, furrowing his brows even more. You started laughing when the banging at the door became deafening, and you couldn’t tell who was yelling louder: Yongguk or Daehyun.

            “Do what?” he slurred, tilting his head like yours was a couple of minutes ago. He stumbled over to you and you just shook your head, giggling at this memory, and enjoying to thought of telling him about this when he was sober. The banging on the door finally stopped, but it sounded like someone was trying to unlock it from the outside.

            “You guys, it’s fine, he’s too drunk to actually take a shower,” you shouted, hopefully comforting them.

            “Youngjae just open up, quit hogging her,” Himchan suddenly added, pleading from the other side of the door.  

            “He’s fine! Don’t worry about it—“ you tried to tell them but was cut off by Youngjae stumbling into you. Instead of grabbing you he placed his hands on the wall behind you, pinning you between that and him.

            “Oh come on,” you said rolling your eyes, “Youngjae, move your arms please.

            “What is he doing?!” Himchan shouted as his fist slammed on the door.

            “Will you just shut up Himchan,” you mumbled, and you heard him huff in annoyance.

            “He’s just trying to stable himself—“ you were cut off again when Youngjae moved closer to you, hands still on either side of your head. You in your breath and tried to move further back against the wall and away from his face, which was slowly inching further.

            “Youngjae—“ you stammered and to your surprise his head stopped moving, yet his lips were almost on yours.

            “What,” he breathed, and you shivered when you felt his warm breath tickle your lips. You looked up at him and he held eye contact with you as he tilted his head to the side with a grin.

            “Yah—!” you managed to yell right before his lips crashed onto yours. You squirmed beneath him tried pushing him away, but failed against his drunken lead body. Once you stopped frantically moving, he started moving his lips slowly against yours. You had to admit his tipsy self was amazing at kissing, but this wasn’t the right way to find out; you barely knew the kid.

            “Youngjae,” you finally managed to muffle past his lips that wouldn’t leave yours.

            “I said what,” he answered, leaving your lips and moving his head to nuzzle your ear instead.

            “Yah, will you stop,” you shivered in response to his breathy chuckle that resonated in your ear.

            “Stop what?! Yongguk get the damn door open!” Daehyun shouted in annoyance.

            “He won’t get off me, he already freakin kissed—“ you froze again for the millionth time as you felt Youngjae slowly your neck. You gasped as he brought his tongue from the bottom of your neck to the top, his tongue moving at an agonizingly slow pace. He then began kissing up and down your neck, occasionally nibbling down at your collarbone. You brought your right hand up to cover your mouth to stop any moans, and shut your eyes closed as you bit your lip. He made his way back up your neck and your eyes shot open as you felt him begin to harshly on your skin. Goosebumps erupted throughout your body; the hairs on the back of your neck standing straight up in shock. You tried to nudge him off, and he released his mouth from you but returned seconds later to sink his teeth gently into the mark he just created. Your eyes fluttered and you let out an exasperated sigh as your jaw flew open in flurry of emotions from anger to unexpected pleasure. He suddenly stopped attacking your neck and you felt the weight of his forehead against your shoulder.

            “—Y-Youngjae,” you stuttered, trying to get his attention. He didn’t respond so you elbowed him in the side and felt his body waver in response.

            “Ah,” he weakly moaned as his legs fumbled to find balance against the bathroom tile. The door suddenly flew open, to which you jumped, and watched in horror as Youngjae fell flat on the floor, his back slumping against the cabinets under the sink. Your eyes grew wide as you stepped forward to help him up, but then you remembered the rest of the members. You turned to Yongguk, who was looking at you with an exhausted look while panting heavily and grabbing at his shoulder. Daehyun was being pushed by Himchan to move through the small doorway to the bathroom, and I could see the tall head of blonde hair that belonged to Zelo peeking over from behind everyone. You turned your eyes back to Yongguk, who looked back at you from looking at Youngjae, and you watched as his eyes landed on your swollen lips and almost felt his eyes trail down your cheek and land on your neck. His eyes grew wide as he noticed the mark on the left side of your neck, obviously given from the drunken idiot slumped on the ground.

            “What the hell is that?!” Himchan yelled while pointing obnoxiously before Yongguk was able to, and your hand flew to cover your neck in embarrassment.

            “Yoo Youngjae, you are dead,” Daehyun snarled as he grabbed the barely conscious collar of his exhausted band mate in anger.







AWWWW YEAH. You saw it coming. I just had to take advantage of a drunken Youngjae... No judging allowed. So how do you guys like it so far? I'm trying to not make pairings obvious, I might even do alternate endings, maybe for each member or something. Comments are greatly appreciated! I love talking to people...





And there WILL be . I just...how can there not be?

So leave any comments or ask any questions, and I'll try my best to answer them! Thank you to all of my subscribers,





I am here now to commence the spam of Youngjae gifs.









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when will be the next update?
ilabya5 #2
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
Chapter 6: waaaaa! I think because of this FF, Daehyun's ranking on my bias list will go up. XD Kekekek~ hope you update soon. :> Lol. The mark of Youngjae on my neck. XD
ChoiJeLo #5
Chapter 2: LOL @ YOUR AUTHOR'S NOTE HAHAHAHA I like the story so far ^^ I know I'll finish it soon
Chapter 6: LMAO THIS IS CUTE <3
Ha, I have a feeling it's going to be OC x Daehyun and I hope to God I'm right :3
Chapter 4: Zelo is not like the maknae here ;p LOL.. Anyway,so far..i like it!
barooya #8
Chapter 6: OMO~ just what did Minjae do??? It's definitely weird hearing those weird sounds on phone.. like youngjae. what did you think? O_O
Sometimes I felt sorry for Minjae.. what is on his mind actually? such a cutie >3<
lol and Daehyun.. I just don't know. If this was happening in my life I'd really have died OTL
and himchannnnnn ; u ; cute gifs all the way till the end ♥
Thank you author-nim! ^_^
Raveness #9
Chapter 6: No! Don't go on a date with Daehyun!!! <--My thoughts XD

Minjae was hilarious when she was talking on the phone. It must've been awkward for Youngjae on the other line... O.o I have no idea what I'd be thinking if I heard something like that during one of my phone calls, though XD

Poor Youngjae though! He feels so bad about it... but she's alright so he shouldn't have anything to worry about.

I love the gifs at the end! Himchan is adorable, and I just want to give Zelo a hug! ^.^
barooya #10
Chapter 5: I love this ; u ; honestly. I've always love each one of them and sometimes having hard times choosing either one. I really love you author-nim for making great stories! T^T and I don't know what will happen to Youngjae though >///3///<