First Encounter

"Friends" with B.A.P?


          The warm beams of light danced across your sketchbook as you covered your eyes and looked up to the sky. Surprisingly it was slightly warm, even though it was November already. You sighed and stretched your neck while rubbing your wrists; you loved sketching but seemed to have gotten carried away and hours have passed. You set my sketchbook down to the right of you and uncrossed your legs to let them hang off the side of the wooden bench beneath you. Your eyes scanned the park and you smiled when you saw two children running around the fountain.

        While South Korea is extremely crowded, you happened to find this small park a couple of weeks after you moved into my apartment. Correction: Jaesung found it while exploring the neighborhood, despite your protests. Today was your day off and while she was working at the tiny bakery a couple blocks away, you decided to come here and connect with your long lost artistic talent. A sudden breeze disrupted your thoughts and you quickly pulled your scarf up over your nose and ears. You turned to the left when you heard the kids cheering and clapping. The two of them stopped running for a moment and watched as a skateboarder grinded quickly against the cement of the fountain. You grinned when the children clasped their hands together and jumped up and down, and it seemed the skateboarder enjoyed it too. He was surprisingly tall, so you mentally applauded his nimble feet. You yawned when you noticed the sun would be setting in a few hours and decided to gather your things and head back. You slowly walked by the fountain, eyeing the young ones trying to imitate the tricks he repeated on his skateboard. The child decked out in bright orange clothes, probably thanks to his overly cautious mother, suddenly jumped on top of the edge of the fountain with his arms spread wide. You slowed your walk, wary of his balance. Of course, the other boy waltzed over and raised his arms as well, aiming at the wobbling body of his orange-clad friend.

            “Yah!” you screamed, running over to them, attempting to stop the orange popsicle from falling into the fountain. You dropped my bag and reached for his hand just as his friend pushed his own hands into him. You tightened your grip as he leaned into the fountain and you quickly pulled him into you. You shot a glare down at the one who pushed him, yet he just stared back up at you blankly. Two frazzled women suddenly made their way over to you and bowed frantically while muttering apologies.


            “It’s fine,” you grinned, “they were only playing around.” After a minute of repeated bowing and words of gratitude, they finally turned and headed out of the park while berating the helpless boys.

            “Your bag,” a voice shyly commented from behind you. You turned and locked eyes with the skateboarder, who inevitably started the poor kids mischief. He looked away and held out your leather bag, hiding behind the scarf wrapped around his neck.

            “They were only messing around,” you smiled while taking your bag. He looked down and brought a hand up behind his neck and awkwardly rubbed it.

            “I didn’t know what to do,” his voice trailed off. You couldn’t help but laugh since he was obviously bothered, yet was too shy to really come to any conclusion.

            “Don’t beat yourself up about it, pabo.” you sang while tossing the bag over your shoulder.

            “Ah…Okay…Oh… My name’s Junhong” he smiled and turned back to you, still hiding behind his scarf. Your finger twitched as you tilted your head. You squinted your eyes and bowed slightly.

            “_________,” you replied. “Good luck with the skateboarding, learn some more tricks or something. And be careful around those who are watching, you wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt.” you turned and twinkled your fingers above your head as you walked away.

            “--Ah, and have fun with the rest of your break,” you shouted over your shoulder, “Get some rest, will you? You guys already had enough comebacks for one year.”

            “—Eh?!” He replied while slightly raising his arm. You turned and winked at him.

            “Listen to noona~” you sang while sticking your tongue out. Zelo stood with his eyebrows raised, as his feet stayed frozen to the ground. You laughed and turned back around, continuing on your route home. You could swear you heard a small “thank you” from behind you, but you continued walking and exited the park. Poor thing is probably exhausted; at least he gets a break. You thought Crash would be their last comeback, yet Hajima was right around the corner. You giddily pulled out your cellphone and dialed Jaesung’s number, fully knowing she wouldn’t answer until she got off of work. You took a detour and decided to visit her, still grinning and shaking your head.



          The all too familiar ring of the bakery’s door echoed throughout the moderately busy store as you waltzed inside. You glanced around and noticed Jaesung bent down, holding the hand of a little girl as she pointed to the cupcakes in the counter window. The mother stood back looking at them, cradling her face in her hands. You smiled and rolled your eyes: Jaesung was like the sister of any little one that walked in, and the mothers always squealed in the presence of so much cute. You walked to the opposite end of the long counter and rested both of your elbows on the granite, only to hear a deep voice from behind the counter.       

            “We don’t accept your kind here,” a voice said in an all too fake deep accent. You rolled your eyes and reached down to slap Minjae on the side of the head. “I can see you, it’s glass you idiot.” Minjae stood up from his crouched position and rubbed his head while smoothing out his apron.

            “Too smart for your own good. What’s up?”

            “Just coming to visit Jaesung. How’s business?”

            He shrugged his shoulders, “Business, I guess. I owe it all to Jaesung though. Seems like no one can get enough of that bubbly foreigner,” he said while throwing a thumb behind him that pointed at her.

            “You’re just jealous because she’s older than you, yet she brings the customers in,” you grinned while ruffling his light brown hair. Even though he was two years younger than you and Jaesung, he was considerably handsome. He stood at almost six feet tall, and had adorably sized chocolate eyes. Dressed in a dark blue sweater with an even darker pair of jeans, the pink apron didn’t seem to awkwardly hang on him. Minjae was the son of the two owners, Woojung and his wife Hwajae. Jaesung was hired instantly as soon as she walked in, and you are constantly offered a job, to which you constantly decline. These cutesy places just aren’t for you. Jaesung has been working here for two years, and has definitely brought the bakery to an all-time high with customer satisfaction.

            Minjae puffed out his cheeks and crossed his arms, unable to deny your statement. You stuck out your tongue as he stuck out his while he turned and walked into the back room.

            “Hey~!” Jaesung sang while she walked over to you.

            “Hey girlie, having fun?”

            She grinned sheepishly, “That little girl was just so excited for a cupcake.” you smiled in response and nonchalantly rested your elbow on the counter while leaning your head onto your hand.

            “So guess who I befriended at the park today?”

            “I thought you were already friends with all of the pigeons that lived there,” she retorted while laughing. You shot her a glare.

            “I guess I added a new pigeon to the coop then…who happened to skateboard, and whose name is Junhong.”

            Jaesung tilted her head, “Junhong as in like Zelo from B.A.P?”

            “That very person,” you grinned and watched the realization play across her face.

            “WHAT,” she whispered loudly as she grabbed your scarf and pulled you down towards her.

            “He was at the park,” you continued as you pointed in the general direction. “—Skateboarding.” You finished while Jaesung made a confused face. Minjae quietly woofed from behind the counter and you both turned towards him.

            “What are you guys doing,” he questioned.

            “TALKING ABOUT FEMININE THINGS,” Jaesung quickly retorted while turning her attention back to you.

            “Gross,” he muttered as he walked back towards the register. You glanced around the bakery and saw customers still walking around so you wiggled out of her grasp.

            “Get back to work, you dog.”

            “But Zelo,” she whined.

            You squinted my eyes, “Yeah I know, but why is he here,” you questioned while furrowing your brow at the newly entered Junhong. He awkwardly glanced around while tightly gripping his board. Jaesung spun around just in time to see him lock eyes with you and raise his left hand. He waved your sketchbook around and you could see his eyes smile. Zelo quickly walked over to you.

            “Am I not allowed to come in for a cupcake?” He asked as he noticed your confused face. Jaesung giggled first as you reached up and grabbed your sketchbook from him.

            “Be careful about where you sketch, you wouldn’t want to leave you sketchbook around,” he grinned as you recognized the mimic tone in his voice along with the all too familiar phrase. You gave a fake laugh and paused.

            “How did you find me?”

            He paused too and looked down at his feet. “I wanted to thank you for what happened before. I was too shocked to say anything when you figured out who I was,” his voice trailed off. You noticed Jaesung getting antsy as she looked up at him; together their height difference was hilarious.

            “Don’t worry about it. Oh, this is Jaesung; she works here, so if you actually do want a cupcake, she’s the one to talk to." Zelo raised his head and looked over to her while bowing.

            “Junhong,” he said with a wide smile.

            “Jaesung! Did you actually want a cupcake…?” she asked seriously. He blinked a couple times before shrugging and nodding, and you ushered him to follow her as she skipped over to the glass window. You stood watching as they both leaned over to get a better look at the cupcakes.           

            “He’s taller than me,” Minjae frowned as he rested the side of his face on his hand that was sitting the counter.

            “How do you always quietly appear?”

            His eyes glanced at you and he shrugged, returning his gaze back to Zelo and Jaesung. Zelo seemed to be talking on his phone when he handed it over to an overly flustered Jaesung. She shook her head and hands until Zelo finally placed his phone in her hands. Even from over here, you could tell she was blushing. After about five minutes, she seemed to have gained control over the conversation and was explaining each cupcake. You ended up playing a few hand games with Minjae until you finally overheard her ringing up Zelo.

            “Six cupcakes? Pfft,” Minjae huffed. You raised your eyebrows and realized that he must have had one of the members on the phone, and the other five cupcakes must be for each one. Your jaw flew open as you made eye contact with Jaesung. Thank god your level of friendship was unbeatable, and your eye contact was enough to communicate.

            Who did you talk to?

            She just grinned devilishly.


            She continued to grin without answering you. You frowned until she replied with a smug smile and a shrug. Your jaw flew back into the previous position as you frowned in annoyance. Minjae leaned over and poked your cheek.

            “You’ll get even uglier if you keep up that face,” he sighed and repeatedly poked at your face.

            “Yah, respect your noona,” you said as you swatted his hand while you kept glaring at Jaesung. You only turned your attention to Zelo when you heard him yelp, only to see a pair of hands jolt his shoulders forward. Zelo frowned and turned around to push Himchan away.

            “I’m going to go interact,” you said giddily as you winked at Minjae, who only rolled his eyes in annoyance.

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when will be the next update?
ilabya5 #2
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
Chapter 6: waaaaa! I think because of this FF, Daehyun's ranking on my bias list will go up. XD Kekekek~ hope you update soon. :> Lol. The mark of Youngjae on my neck. XD
ChoiJeLo #5
Chapter 2: LOL @ YOUR AUTHOR'S NOTE HAHAHAHA I like the story so far ^^ I know I'll finish it soon
Chapter 6: LMAO THIS IS CUTE <3
Ha, I have a feeling it's going to be OC x Daehyun and I hope to God I'm right :3
Chapter 4: Zelo is not like the maknae here ;p LOL.. Anyway,so far..i like it!
barooya #8
Chapter 6: OMO~ just what did Minjae do??? It's definitely weird hearing those weird sounds on phone.. like youngjae. what did you think? O_O
Sometimes I felt sorry for Minjae.. what is on his mind actually? such a cutie >3<
lol and Daehyun.. I just don't know. If this was happening in my life I'd really have died OTL
and himchannnnnn ; u ; cute gifs all the way till the end ♥
Thank you author-nim! ^_^
Raveness #9
Chapter 6: No! Don't go on a date with Daehyun!!! <--My thoughts XD

Minjae was hilarious when she was talking on the phone. It must've been awkward for Youngjae on the other line... O.o I have no idea what I'd be thinking if I heard something like that during one of my phone calls, though XD

Poor Youngjae though! He feels so bad about it... but she's alright so he shouldn't have anything to worry about.

I love the gifs at the end! Himchan is adorable, and I just want to give Zelo a hug! ^.^
barooya #10
Chapter 5: I love this ; u ; honestly. I've always love each one of them and sometimes having hard times choosing either one. I really love you author-nim for making great stories! T^T and I don't know what will happen to Youngjae though >///3///<