Meet the Gang

"Friends" with B.A.P?


You quietly walked over and avoided Jaesung’s stare; you knew she was wondering what you were up to. Zelo and Himchan were standing a few feet away from you; how could you not do something? You stopped behind Zelo and turned to pretend that you were looking at the cupcakes, and you heard Jaesung snort.

            “—Ah! Noona,” Zelo started when he noticed your presence, “This is Himchan.” He stepped out of the way while Himchan flashed you a toothy smile and bowed.

            “Nice to meet you, Zelo told me about the incident earlier,” he chuckled. You bowed back while shrugging.

            “No big deal, I promise.”

            Himchan continued to smile until you shifted awkwardly. He blinked, turned to Zelo and threw his arm around his shoulder.

            “Everyone will be here soon, we wouldn’t want you to cause any more trouble,” Himchan joked while raising an eyebrow as he jabbed Zelo’s side. Zelo sighed in annoyance and hung his head.

            “Everyone? You mean the rest of B.A.P?”

            The four of you lifted your heads to look at Minjae who was behind the counter, leaning once again on the granite. Himchan was the first to speak to the stranger, slightly hesitant.

            “Yes, I’m sorry but do you mind keeping it down a bit,” he asked while glancing around the bakery. Luckily during the daytime, only families and the occasional elderly woman scurried around the store.

            “Well it won’t matter anyways. Having six platinum blonde heads walking around will gather enough attention as it is,” Minjae retorted bluntly without moving a muscle. Your head instantly turned back towards him and your eyes flickered with annoyance. Him and Himchan locked eyes, neither of them wanting to look away. It wasn’t until there was the thud of your sketchbook colliding with Minjae’s head did the two break eye contact.

            “YAH!” Minjae yelled while furiously rubbing at his head. Himchan and Zelo let out a laugh, but Zelo was the only one who quickly put on a straight face and covered his mouth. Minjae shot you a glare and you glared back, “Let’s not be rude to the customers, okay?” You flashed a fake smile while keeping your eyes sharp and dead on.

            “You’re only saying that because they’re famous, and you don’t even work here,” he whined as he checked his fingers to see if his “wound” was bleeding. Your eye twitched at how disrespectful he was being; you normally would let it slide, but not when you were in front of other people, let alone B.A.P. You reached over the register counter and grabbed his shirt collar and brought his face centimeters away from yours. You kept a straight face even though you heard Jaesung let out an “eep” in the background. You held eye contact with him and noticed a blush creep up on his cheeks. You were happy that you were from America so little things like this didn't affect you. You didn’t say anything but kept your eyes locked on his, and he eventually let out a muffled cough. You grinned and released his shirt, watching carefully as he bowed three times and then turned around while coughing awkwardly.

            Wait, why did he bow three times?

            You turned to see Yongguk standing between Zelo and Himchan with his lips pursed.

            “I uh…didn’t want to interrupt anything,” he shyly answered while letting out a small laugh. Jaesung tried to cover up her giggle with a laugh as your shoulders fell.

            “He’s like a younger brother, I didn’t want things to get out of hand…” you trailed off awkwardly. The silence was unbearable, and you kept your head lowered until the familiar chime of the doorbell rung, shattering the frigid atmosphere.

            “I am so ready for this cupcake,” Daehyun triumphantly sang while entering the shop with both of his arms raised above his head. Youngjae followed him with a disapproving glare followed by an embarrassed shake of the head. If you weren’t paying attention you wouldn’t have noticed Jongup stealthily creep in along with them, silently eyeing the bakery.

            “Ah, the rest of the members,” Yongguk grinned as a gummy smile spread across his face.

            “I’m Youngjae, cute shop~,” he smiled while trotting over to the cupcake counter.

            “Ah, my name is Jongup,” a voice muttered while politely bowing.

            “Daehyun,” the wide-eyed blonde managed to say with a mouth already full of cupcakes. Zelo flicked his head towards him, slightly glaring at the opened box he just purchased. Daehyun glanced up at him while some how managing to chew, even though both of his cheeks looked like they would explode. His jaw stopped moving as his chewing came to a stop when he noticed Zelo continued to stare. He brought the box close to his chest and hesitantly took a step backwards. That was all it took for Zelo to realize what he was doing, and the two were off into full sprints.

            “MUFFBHRAHHFAHFFUF,” Daehyun shouted with his cheeks still overstuffed with icing and muffin. He dodged a few customers and ran out of the store with the pink box of cupcakes still clutched against his chest. Zelo tore through the door seconds later yelling after him and in minutes the two were gone.

            “Hyung!” Zelo screamed as his voice faded around the corner. Jaesung was the first to laugh as Yongguk brought a palm to his forehead. You giggled and avoided an obviously annoyed Minjae, who continued to try and grab your attention from behind the register. Yongguk grabbed his phone and started dialing, stepping outside to, your guess, slightly berate Daehyun. Youngjae turned back around and continued to look at the cupcakes and Jongup stood glancing between him and Yongguk outside.   

            “Here,” Himchan whispered while his fingers tapped on the screen of his phone. He handed his phone to you and nonchalantly smiled as you questionably looked down.

            It was an entry for a new contact.

            You looked back up at him and he winked while nodding towards the phone.

            “We’re off for some time now, and we don’t really have any friends in this area,” he explained while bringing his hand up to nudge your fingers that were clasped around his phone. You glanced to Jaesung and saw her wide eyes practically dancing. She gave a quick two thumbs up that changed into a smooth peace sign as Himchan looked over to see what you were staring at. You entered your phone number and handed it back to him and he called Youngjae over to him as well as Jongup, who was still peering outside to see if Yongguk was done.

            “Sorry for that,” Youngjae frowned while fidgeting with his hair.

            “No problem, I just hope he liked the cupcakes,” Jaesung giggled in response. Jongup eventually broke off from the group to join his leader, but not without lifting a hand and waving at you cheerfully. Youngjae bowed to both you and Jaesung, glancing at Minjae who now moved closer to you, before exiting as well. You turned to Himchan who had his arm outstretched towards me.

            “Thanks for today,” he grinned.

            “For what?”

            “Zelo,” he replied.

            “I told you before, it’s really no problem,” you smiled kindly. He wouldn’t lower his arm so you awkwardly grabbed his hand and he shook you slightly and moved closer. His hand still gripped yours as he swung his head next to you. You thought he was going in for a hug but instead he brushed his cheek past yours.

            “Thanks,” he whispered, his breath tickling your ear. You stammered out an answer that was a mix between a “thank you” and a “sure” and he pulled away just as quickly as he got there. You watched him walk briskly to the door, hearing the familiar bell. He turned before leaving and locked eyes with you, blowing a kiss and following it with a wink. Of course since he was looking in here, he didn’t see Youngjae right in front of him, so his gesture was cut short by a jab to the ribs and an annoyed “watch it” from Youngjae.

            “So greasy,” you glared while shivering. You stuck out my tongue is playful disgust and turned to Jaesung who was practically sitting on top of the register.

            “-AH,” was all she would respond with.

            “Don’t get any ideas, he was just saying thank you,” you bluntly replied while aimlessly waving your hand. She closed and frowned at you while blowing a puff of air into your face.



            Two days had passed since you talked to B.A.P, and honestly it felt like it was a dream. Not to be the cheesy type, but all in all you felt like it didn’t happen. Your body was hanging limp on the awkward part of your couch, right between the back cushion and the armrest, and you held your phone above your face.

            “Well ,” you grumbled while glaring at your phone screen. Himchan hadn’t called or texted, or made any notion that he had your phone number. Of course even if you did have his phone number, you wouldn’t have called. You're not one of those types of girls. You glanced at the clock and it blinked 10:08 P.M. and even though it was a Friday night, you honestly didn’t feel like going out. You groaned and further twisted yourself against the couch cushions. You were just about to call Jaesung to see when she would get off from work when your phone rang.


            “Guess who,” the voice sang from the other line. Your heart stopped and you sat straight up while grabbing a pillow.



            You blinked and blushed, obviously answering wrong. A deep laugh blasted through your phone and you glowered your eyes. 

            “Of course it’s me, do you just give your number to random guys?”

            “Shut up, I didn’t think you’d actually call,” you responded, slightly embarrassed.

            “Come over tonight.”

            You paused and your stomach flipped.


            “The guys and I are just hanging out and drinking, you should come join us,” Himchan cooed.

            “What, and be the only girl?” you rolled my eyes yet decided to get up and browse your closet for clothes anyways.

            “It’s okay, we understand that we’d probably outdrink you anyways,” he said while sighing disappointingly.

            “Outdrink? Me? That’s a joke,” you huffed. Now you may be a girl, and a foreigner, but you can hands down handle your alcohol. You didn’t spend all of those years in school for nothing. There was silence on the other end of the line and you swear you could hear a grin.           

            “Want to bet,” he slyly asked.

            “You’re joking,” you started, pulling a black lace top from your closet, “you’re serious? Text me the address, I’ll be there soon.” You were holding your phone by your right shoulder as you continued looking for your favorite pair of skinny jeans, and all you could hear was Himchan laughing.

            “You’re on ,” you laughed while hanging up the phone before he could answer. These poor boys don’t know what they’re in for. You doubt they even have the time to drink when dealing with their schedules. You threw my chosen clothes on the bed and ran to the shower, there is no way that tonight is not going in your favor. You looked in the mirror and stuck out your tongue, winking eagerly at your reflection. 














Hi everyone~


I'm new here to AFF, and hope you like the story so far! I know it started off a bit slow, but I'm not a big fan of fanfictions where it's like:






ANYWARYZ, I'll be uploading a couple more stories soon, I like to keep them short. Maybe five chapters or something? IDUNO. But thank you to all of the subscribers already! I sit on my computer and cry everytime I get a notification.





Oh and so B.A.P, I chose to write a story on them because 1. They are my ultimate bias group. And 2. because they are just attractive human beings.





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when will be the next update?
ilabya5 #2
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
Chapter 6: waaaaa! I think because of this FF, Daehyun's ranking on my bias list will go up. XD Kekekek~ hope you update soon. :> Lol. The mark of Youngjae on my neck. XD
ChoiJeLo #5
Chapter 2: LOL @ YOUR AUTHOR'S NOTE HAHAHAHA I like the story so far ^^ I know I'll finish it soon
Chapter 6: LMAO THIS IS CUTE <3
Ha, I have a feeling it's going to be OC x Daehyun and I hope to God I'm right :3
Chapter 4: Zelo is not like the maknae here ;p LOL.. Anyway,so far..i like it!
barooya #8
Chapter 6: OMO~ just what did Minjae do??? It's definitely weird hearing those weird sounds on phone.. like youngjae. what did you think? O_O
Sometimes I felt sorry for Minjae.. what is on his mind actually? such a cutie >3<
lol and Daehyun.. I just don't know. If this was happening in my life I'd really have died OTL
and himchannnnnn ; u ; cute gifs all the way till the end ♥
Thank you author-nim! ^_^
Raveness #9
Chapter 6: No! Don't go on a date with Daehyun!!! <--My thoughts XD

Minjae was hilarious when she was talking on the phone. It must've been awkward for Youngjae on the other line... O.o I have no idea what I'd be thinking if I heard something like that during one of my phone calls, though XD

Poor Youngjae though! He feels so bad about it... but she's alright so he shouldn't have anything to worry about.

I love the gifs at the end! Himchan is adorable, and I just want to give Zelo a hug! ^.^
barooya #10
Chapter 5: I love this ; u ; honestly. I've always love each one of them and sometimes having hard times choosing either one. I really love you author-nim for making great stories! T^T and I don't know what will happen to Youngjae though >///3///<