Autumn ends.

Things die. Disappear. Change.



          I walked my way home but when I saw my place, it felt empty. Like my heart. Then I found myself standing infront of my cousin Luhan's house, three blocks away from mine.

          I am greeted by his mom and escorted inside. The entire family greeted me with quick hellos and I head upstairs to the room I used to occupy when I stayed with them.

          Luhan came into the room. He sat beside me, holding my hand. Tears streamed down my face, sobbing uncontrollably. He pulled me close and whispered comforting words as I cried. I am glad he never asked but I know he knew.

          "Do you feel better?" 

          I gave him a nod and smiled halting the tears that are bound to fall. I am so pathetic. "This is for the better I suppose." I said, justifying what happened.

          "Stay here, Rain. You can come back if you want to."

          "No, Luhan. It would be too much." declining his offer.

          "You are FAMILY, Rain. And it would make things easier."


          Luhan is my father's brother's son. I was 12 when my parents and my older brother died in car accident. I was immediately taken into their care, not letting me feel I was somebody else. His parents treated me like their own and I've always been grateful for that. But at a certain point in my life, I have to learn how to live independently and thus, I decided to live on my own, found a job even though my parents left me a good sum of money, more than enough for me to spend my entire life.

          I go to the same school with Luhan. Basically, the university we go to is owned by our familes. Because of that, we are treated differently in school. No one's picking on us, start a fight nor dare say anything bad which is actually quite annoying. It's not typical of a school life without those stuff!

          Three years ago, that makes me 16 then, now 19, I met Lay. He is in the same music and dance class with Luhan. On the eve of my 16th birthday, Luhan asked Lay a favor to help him organize a surprise birthday party that failed miserably. It was the beginning of beautiful friendship.

          I've always thought that Lay is mysterious. His blank stares are giving so much away which to other people is the opposite. 

          Maybe I was psychic or something?

          I don't know either.

          After a year, Lay and I started dating. At first it was too awkward because Luhan always comes with us. He was an unwanted chaperone but it wasn't much of a big deal. Luhan, afterall, is the reason we meet each other.  



to be continued...


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