Morning Kidnapping: SNSD and Infinite (2NE1)

War for Kpop/Kpop Hyunters


Yoona sighed as she leaned against Seohyun. SNSD was currently in the SM building, getting fitted for their next concert. Problem was, when you had 9 girls and some very picky bosses, this could take all morning, which it had.

            “Seohyun, do you want some food?”

            The maknae turned towards her. “Unnie, I thought we couldn’t eat until 12!”

            “A granola bar can’t hurt.”

            “Arasso, I’ll go get some.”

            Jessica and Tiffany bounced out of their rooms. “We’re going to go to the van early. Hurry up so we can go home!”

            Yoona smiled tiredly and waited for some food to come. She ended up being fitted for 7 different outfits before coming back out into the waiting room. Their main coordi unnie came out. “Is everyone going home?”

            “Ne, have you seen Seohyun?”

            “I think she went to the van already…”

            “Okay, see you tomorrow!”

            Yoona grumbled about how Seohyun probably got distracted some gogumas as she got into the elevator. It stopped at the 4th floor and a young man got on, holding onto an empty noodles carrier box.

            He smiled when he saw her. “Yoona-ssi? I’m a big fan.”

            She gave a smile and bowed her head. “Gamshamida.”

            “Can I have an autograph?”

            She took the pen he offered and signed her name on the restaurant menu.

            As they got off and were about to go their separate ways, he called out her name. She turned around.

            “Can I maybe take a picture?”

            She sighed a little but agreed. He took out his phone and she leaned in a little so her face would get in the frame. That was when he clamped his hand over and dragged her towards a white van. She tried to squirm out of his grip and kick him in…uncomfortable areas… but he didn’t even flinch. His arms were well built and his stomach didn’t even have any fat.

            He shoved her inside and quickly gagged her. He gave her a smile. “You are really pretty though.”

            She glowered at him. There were plenty of cameras in the building. What kind of sick person would want to even think about capturing an idol. That was when she felt something nudge her.

            Yoona turned around to see Hyoyeon blinking at her. Everyone else was gagged and a couple looked unconscious.

            “They aren’t dead, if that’s what you’re wondering about. They just started attacking us…”

            Seohyun managed to talk through her gag. “Why are you kidnapping us?”

            “You don’t need to know.” He cringed as he slipped into his native dialect.

            Sunny’s eyes widened at that. “Are you a Hyunter?”

            An hour later, Infinite had stumbled into their dorm, exhausted from their japan flight.

            Their managers threw the bags inside and turned off all the lights. “Good job guys, you have a couple free days before we go for some Korean events.”

            “Thanks hyung!” the tired voices chorused.

            Sunggyu nudged and tiredly blinking Sungjong. “Yah maknae, go make some food.”

            “I don’t wanna,” Sungjong crawled over next to L, who was hugging his bamboo pillow and was fast asleep.

            The leader sighed as he saw everyone sleeping and decided to go make a bowl of ramen for himself.

            A little while later, L woke up and padded over to him. “Hyung, can I have some?”

            Sunggyu was about to refuse but then L pouted and blinked. “Aigo, fine. Just this once.”

            “Mmm, this is actually really good. Do you want some water?”

            The two were happily eating when the doorbell sounded.

            “Who is that?”

            L groaned as he got up. “Well let’s go see.” He the video monitor to see a couple of girls peering at the door. “Hyung, I think these are fans…”

            “We might as well open the door. They look normal enough.”

            Sunggyu tripped over a couple shoes, knocked down a painting, and broke the flower vase, but he opened the door.

            “Annyeong. Can I ask why you’re here?”

            The two girls grinned. “Aren’t you Infinite?” They almost fainted when L came to the door.

            “Yeah, why?”

            The taller one beamed. “Well actually, we came because we got a little lost. Do you know where this address is?” She held out her phone.

            Sunggyu leaned over to look at it while L backed away from the other girl, who was starting to look like she was going into sasaeng fan mode…

            “You know, I don’t think I’ve heard of this place. You should go ask the lady next door. She’s been here for—“ He gasped as the girl swiftly kicked him in the stomach, gagged him, and bound his hands.

            L heard a gasp and whirled around to see Sunggyu bending over in pain.

            “Yah what are you doing?” He shouted, waking up the rest of Infinite.

            “L? What’s wrong?” A sleepy Woohyun muttered.

            Hoya woke up to see L fighting off a strange girl with his old nun chucks. “What on earth?” *Why would 2 girls break into a dorm full of 7 guys? They must be babos*

            He then saw the other one go after Sungjong, effectively choking him and then tying him up.

            “Yah!” He quickly ran towards her and did a roundhouse kick, which she blocked in about 3 seconds. He blinked and L came over to help. The rest of the members were either helping Sunggyu, Sungjong, or trying to understand what was going on.

            “Stop!” everyone froze when they heard the tall girl yell. She was holding out a gun and pointing it at Sungyeol. “If you don’t want your members to die, you will follow us to the car. If not, you can say goodbye to your members.”

            L looked over at Hoya and gave a nod. He dropped his weapon and helped Sungjong up. Everyone else lined up single file at the door and walked out to the white van.

            L looked at the various cameras throughout their building and tried to give some kind of distress signal. He winced as he felt a prodding in his back.

            “Keep moving, those cameras are out of commission.”

            He climbed into the van, only to stumble into something, or someone. He looked at the terrified eyes in front of him and the others in the car. *What was 2NE1 doing here?*

            “Ne Mr. Kim. We’ve got those Infinite boys and one of the girl groups… Do you want us to go to the airfield or get another group? I guess we’ll take these to the plane and then get Shinee later.”

            Dongwoo slipped out his phone and carefully texted the police (yes let’s pretend you can do that).

            Infinite and 2NE1 are being kidnapped. Help- Dongwoo

            He had barely pressed send when the scary girls started asking for all electronics. Hopefully, the message went through…

            At the police station, a new police officer got the message, laughed at the joke, and deleted it. I mean, who would be kidnapping idols?


Hi guys! thanks so much for subscribing and reading!!! This was kind of fast because I was trying to write a scene for everyone... I've decided to split up the kidnappings from morning, afternoon, and night! Hope you guys liked this one and comment to let me know how i'm doing???

- chocolate-notes :)


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Chapter 1: ;_; I love this
soonah #2
Chapter 11: PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!!!!
Chapter 11: This update is awesome!
How could the CEOs be like that??!!
By the way, update soon!
Chapter 10: Good luck for your exams and remember to update soon.
D part abt d confusion of d idols' personalities was funny!
Foreversnsd01 #5
Chapter 2: I don`t understand ??? it is that they kidnapped SNSD AND INFINITE OR 2NE1 AND INFINITE??????
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 10: LOL! It's her who got fool by Taemin's act! Merong!!!! :P
Geez! Banana? :/
Chapter 9: Taemin oppa! Why?! Don't worry! Shawols & Taemints (including me) will save you. Hwaiting!
Please update soon and don't kill any of the SHINee members!
Chapter 4: SHINee... Why, why, why?
And what's in the box???
Chapter 8: Killed characters off O.o well no I won't mind if it brings the plot forward lol but if it doesn't -.-'' well you know what people say-when you don't know what to do with them or simply can't do anything with your characters = you kill them off haha
But go ahead and do whatever you like ^~^ The Idols are still alive in .. the world of erm reality anyhow :))