Not over you

Secret Garden- Taesun edition

I stepped inside the cafe at one. I couldnt see him though, so I went to the cashier. To say that I was nervous was an understatment. Even though I didn't know him very well, he was my first "real date", with another guy. Its a little embarrasing to say, but my honest feelings can only be described with the butterflies I feel in my stomach. My mature-face was on and I had carefullly picked my clothes today, but the feeling would not disappear. The cafe smelled of freshly made coffee and passtires. 

"Oh there you are! Sorry, its been busy for quite awhile so I couldnt go, but I'll be ready in a sec. Let my coworker help you with anything while you wait" 

"Okay thanks, I'll wait over here at the time"

"Good, see you soon~"


-: Behind the counter :-

"Alex, its your turn now. He's over there, in the green shirt. Dont dissappoint me"

"Yeah, like that will ever happen. Ive done this enough times now" Alex said and sighed as he slowly approched the new prey. 


"Hello, what can i do for you today. Pick anything you want, since your here as a friend of Chris its on the house." Alex knew the "script" by heart by now and just wanted it over and done with. He didnt even look over at the guy properly. 

"Oh really. Then I guess I'll take.. hmm the caramel coffee sounds pretty good..."

"A caramel coffee it is. Chris will be over with the order as he finish his shift. He was supposed to finish earlier but you see, the other guy who should be here is sick, so he covered for him. "Big fat lie." I hope you have a good da....te"
Alex said as he looked up at the boy for the first time. Something about him was.. he had seen him before...Oh. It was him! He was the guy he met before on the club. The one who he almost... but anyway didnt cause he kicked him right on the ! and ran away. It was HIM, and he was right in front of him looked up at Alex with beautiful uncaring eyes. Like he was looking at an employee he has seen of the first time and never would se again. 

"Eeh, thank you, Alex" 

"Huh? Ah how did you know.."

"It says so on the shirt" He smiled at him but.. was he looking at him like he was stupid?

"Oh. Anyways, do you by any chance recognize me..?" He should right? 

"No.. Ah yeah I do" Taesun smiled. 

"Really, cause.."

"I bought coffee from you yesterday. It was really good, will it be as good today?"

"Ah..a. Hrrm I dont know, I wont be making it. Chris will, your... date. I'll be going now"


This could not be happening, Alex thought as he went back to the counter. He didnt even remember him. But more importantly, he had to warn him, about Chris. He didnt know exactly what Christ acctually did to them, but it sure as hell wasn't normal. Chris wasn't normal, just a maniac. But he didnt have any limits and... Alex couldnt even think about it. Before it was all consensual, but since he began only targeting innocent boys ha had changed. It was a change for the worse and Alex did not know what was acctually going on anymore. He had to stop him quickly. Firstly, the drink. He wasnt a hundred percent sure, but he had always suspected it had something to do with the drinks or food that Chris always gave to his dates. Second of all he couldn't just stay here, he had to follow them. The worker after Chris would come any minute and there would not be much people, so it was probably okay to leave soon. 

So, first the drink. He was supposed to give the note to Chris and he would make the drink. To avoid suspicion, he would simply make Chris do two, then take the tampered one claiming ut was for himself. Alex did as he planned but always watched from the side, stealing quick glances on the coffee that was made to look if anything was weird with them. But he wasn't sure. Better ask.

"Im so thirsty, which one is mine Chris? Cause Im sure you made the one to your new boyfriend with extra love and I soo dont wanna take that one"

"You're so funny at times Alex, ha ha. Just take the one at the right, I'll just go change. 

Fast as a cobra he switched their places as he poured half of his out, ooking like he actually drank some. But there was no way he would do that in real life. If only he could tell Chris to stop, of tell the boy what was going on. But Chris had already set his eyen on the prey and would not back down. He had tried before, but that only made it worse. And the boy.. Taesun would either just igonre him, like just looking taesun he imagined he was that kinda person who would not listen to his advice. Or he would be freaked out, and never come near either of them, and for some reason Alex didnt want that. 

"Wow, you really were thirsty, how was it?"

"It was okay. Are you leaving now?"

"You know how it is, why ask? You curious about this one? I have to admit, he seems promising hehehe"

Euww you creapy freak. "Good luck"


-: At the table :-

"Hi sweetie, waited long? I wanted the coffee to taste as good as possible, sorry if it took some time"

"Oh its okay. Thanks for the drink. What do, you know, feel like doing today?"

"You curious? Its a surprise~ Do you want to go anywhere before?"

"Oh yeah I've heard about, oh what is it called... where you can skate on ice, even thought it is not cold outside, and.."

"You mean like the Rockerfeller centre?"

"Yea! But.. maybe that is not possible"

"Yes I think there is some constructionwork on it right now, Im sorry. Do you want to see the statue of liberty instead? its much more interesting than skating around in a ring"

"Okay yeah I havent seen it yet"

"Good, lets go"


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Chapter 8: Nice chap i like it..update soon okay..
Chapter 7: I love it...its really good update soon okay..
Chapter 5: Awesome chapter i totally love it update soon okay...
Chapter 2: Awesome chapter i love it i totally do please update soon..