Back at the dorm

A bet with the 'Devil' {HIATUS}

“Hey, wait a second, aren’t we forgetting something?” I blurted out.

 “Huh?” L looked at me questioningly.

 “Erm.. my purse?” I replied, rolling my eyes.
 L laughed, “Right, about that.” He gave me a sly grin. “Actually, I already asked Sunny and the others to help you get it.”

 I stared at him speechlessly, shocked. Did I hear correctly? Was he serious? “What?! Since when?” I almost shouted.

 He looked at me sheepishly, “Erm.. I texted Sunny just now when you weren’t looking, and she agreed more than happily too. I can even show you the text.” He took out his phone and showed me.

To: Sunny
Hey! L here, could you do be a favour? Help me collect Jin Ae’s purse?
From: L

To: L
Sure~ ^^ Actually it’s already with us. We went to the cinema just now when we couldn’t find Jin Ae and picked up her purse too. Have fun with her, keke. But don’t make her too mad ;D
From: Sunny

 I couldn’t believe my eyes. So that means that I’ve been brought around for a wild goose chase? Damn. And Sunny knows how much I hated L too. What a nice best friend I have there. And exactly why is L doing all this things to annoy me too? That’s a question I’m really really curious about. I could hear Sunny’s voice in my head saying, “Because he likes you~”

 Ugh, I squashed that thought immediately.

 I glared at L angrily. “In that case, can we go back to the dorm now?! Gosh, I can’t believe you. you know. What exactly do you want from me?”

 L just looked at me with innocent eyes. “Nothing much, just some fun. It’s good for you once in awhile. Hey, how about going to the amusement park next time? We could ask the others along too.”

 I stared at him in horror. Seriously, is he that dense? Can’t he sense how much I absolutely loathe him right now? He’s the weirdest boy I ever met. I can’t seem to get what the hell is he thinking.

 He smiled sweetly at me, “Come on then, let’s go. Seeing as you need to study for your Maths test too.”

 Right, the bet. Nearly forgot about it.




 “Yah Lee SunKyu!” I called out immediately once I stepped into the dormitory room. That girl was so so dead.

 Sunny, who texting on her bed, looked up at the sound of my voice and grinned at me. “Annyeong Jin Ae! How was the time you spent with L?” She said to me oh-so-sweetly, blinking her eyes occasionally.

 But I wasn’t fooled by the innocent front she was putting up. I walked up to her and started tickling her. Sunny started giggling, “Y-yah! S-stop it!” She said in between giggles.

 I snickered, "No way," and increased the intensity of my tickling. "Come on, tell me why did you do that to me?"

 "D-do what?" Sunny choked out. There was tears in her eyes due to her laughing.

 I stopped and crossed my arms, rolling my eyes at her, “You know what I mean, there’s no need to pretend, L told me.”

 She sighed dramatically, “Well, because a handsome guy asked, so how can I refuse?” She even added a dramatic pose at the end.

 I snorted, right.. And made a face at Sunny. “What kind of bestie are you? Seriously. You know I hate that guy. And yet you all set me up on a date with him.” I settled myself beside her on the other side of the bed.

 She twisted around to look at me. “Hate? Really?” She questioned. Not waiting for my reply, she continued. “Come on, its not that extreme right? Anyway, you know what they say, there’s a very thin line between love and hate.”

 I snorted again. “Yeah right. That’s just an excuse stupid tv producers use when they suddenly change characters who hate each other to death into disgusting lovebirds. Turning great shows into stupid mushy love stories that make me want to puke. Just look at any idol drama. One moment they want to kill each other and then before you know it, BAM, they’re a couple. Yippee.” I said scornfully, rolling my eyes.

 A smile tugged at the corner and I could tell that she totally agreed with me. But she just said, “Still, the love-hate-line-thing was scientifically proven to be true.”

 I looked at her skeptically. “Seriously?” I asked. Sunny nodded in reply. “Boy, those scientist sure know how to spend their time doing productive research.” I scoffed. My respect for that profession just dropped a notch. Shrugging, I continued, “Anyway, I don’t care. I’m happy being in the ‘hate’ part and there’s no way I’m crossing that line.”

 Now it was her turn to look at me skeptically. I threw her my most stubborn look but she just gave me another one of her knowing smiles. “Continue living in the world of self-delusion then. Just so you know, hate is a very passionate word, and so is love. ”

 “Speaking of love...” I began as a thought hit me. “Did Fany tell you anything about her relationship with Hoya oppa while I was,” I paused slightly, giving her a pointed look, “away just now?” She open to speak but I cut her off, suddenly remembering something, “Oh and by the way, I can’t believe you guys just went back ahead without me! What kind of best friends leave their best friend behind?”

 “You weren’t alone, You were with L!” Sunny protested, pouting.

 “But still! You could have come find me instead of going. You guys left me,” I whined.

 “Oh please,” she said, waving off my accusation, “I bet you didn’t even care at that time.”

 “I did!” Not. Sunny’s expression told me she knew that was a lie.

 “Look, you were with one of the hottest guy in school. I repeat. Hottest. Guy. In. School. It was practically a date. Shouldn’t you be thanking us for not crashing it instead? We were the saints who gave the two of you some bonding time. Alone.”

 I frowned and said, “Well I didn’t ask for it, thank you very much.”

 Sunny gave me an exasperated look. “Anyway,” she continued, “as I was going to say. We spend half of the time just now - when you were away - discussing about you two lovebirds.” She ignored my glare at the last part. “And the other half of it hearing our dear Fany rant about her love life and how boys are complete jerks.” She paused and smiled sweetly at me. “Well, besides yours of course.” I raised my eyebrows at her. “And maybe a few others too..” she said wistfully.

 I decided to ignore the first and last part. “So what did my stupid brother do this time?” I asked, sighing. My brother can be a complete insensitive and immature idiot when it comes to girls. He and Fany had an on-off relationship since they got together in the middle of last year. Currently, they were on the off part. They broke up over the holidays because of some stupid misunderstanding. On the first day of school, when everyone gathered in Sunny’s and my dorm, they didn’t even say hi to each other. All they did was totally ignore each other the whole time. I thought they would have gotten back together by now.

 “You know that in chemistry class everyone has to pick a partner right? Well Fany picked Luhan and they were discussing their chem project together at her locker when Hoya oppa saw them.”

  I groaned. I have a bad feeling I know what happened next.

 “Hoya got jealous?” I guessed.

 “Yup. He got upset and angry because he thought that Fany was finding a new boyfriend. They fought. Called each other names. And to get back at her, he flirted openly with quite a number of girls right in front of her face. Then they fought. And called each other names. Again.”

 I buried my face in my hands.

 Seriously, my brother is a complete idiot.

 “Hoya is a complete idiot.” I said.

 “He’s not that idiotic. I feel bad for Fany, though. Why did they even get back together again after they broke up the first time?”

 “Beats me. I still can’t believe they got together in the first place.” This was the second time they broke up. I wonder how long will it be before they got back together again?

 “Oh yea,” I suddenly thought of something, “you wanted to know what happen between me and L right?” Sunny nodded quickly, her eyes lighting up.

 “Yes, yes, yes! So something did happen nae?” She said eagerly. But her expression quickly turn into suspicion. “Wait, are you really going to tell me? I thought you would never tell me, not voluntarily.”

 I rolled my eyes. “Consider it a thank you gift - or in this case information - for telling me about my stupid brother. Plus I’m feeling nice all of a sudden. You have to admit I’m nice first, though!”

 Sunny laughed. “Yea, Jinnie, you’re a saint. You’re the nicest person on earth, okay? You’re the number one on Santa’s ‘Nice list’!”

 I grinned. “You know, I will tell you everything sooner or later, right? I never kept a secret from you. Anyway, this is pretty big. I’m sure you’ll know it sooner or later. Or at least the INFINITE boys will. Then they’ll tell you.”

 Sunny’s eyes widened. “Ok, spill Jinnie, spill.”

 I laughed and told her everything about the bet.

A/N: I'm really and deeply sorry for not updating often guys TT^TT I'm been really busy with school works and other stuffs. I'll try to update at least once per week from now on nae? Hope you guys like this chapter and did you spot a cameo? xD Pls subscribe and comment below, thnx~ ^w^

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poweroftwo #1
L saranghe!!!
continha_troll #2
Chapter 3: I like this storie, please keep writing, neh? ^^