Maths test

A bet with the 'Devil' {HIATUS}

Four days later, it was the maths test.. I was confidently walking to class with the stuff tested still fresh in my head. Sunny had given up on persuading me to cancel the bet since she knows I’m too stubborn to listen. Besides, it’s an impossible task since L will probably not agree anyway.

 L was already seated in class when I walked in. He smirked at me, “I’m surprised you’re still here, I thought you would have ran off with your tail in between your legs.”

 I rolled my eyes at him, “I thought the same thing about you, L.”

 L raised his eyebrows at me, “You’re that confident huh? Well good for you then, but I won’t lose.”

 Just then, Mrs Han walked into the class, carrying a basket filled with papers. She headed towards the teacher’s desk and all of us stood up automatically. We greeted her and she gestured for us to sit down. Turning, she proceeded to write the ‘Maths Test 1, 8.10am-9am’ on the whiteboard.

Not for the first time, I wondered what was wrong with this school. Third week and there was already a Maths Test. Yippee.

 Mrs Han distributed the test papers to everyone before addressing the class, “Class, I hope all of you have studied for this test. And in case you're wondering, yes, this will be counted into your report book. So be sure to try your best.” She cast a glance at the clock above the whiteboard and waited until it was 8am. “Ok, you may begin.”

 There was the sound of rustling papers as everyone flipped open their test papers and started immediately. I read the first question and smirk to myself. This is too easy, I thought smugly. Smiling inwardly, I began to answer the question.

 Close to an hour later, I finally finished. I dropped my pen down on the table and stretched my arms. The paper wasn't hard at all, but there was a lot of questions. I bet L haven't even finish yet. He’s probably still trying to complete it. I peek slightly to my right to confirm it but all I saw was L’s head on the table. My eyes widen in shock. Was he sleeping? How can he sleep during a test? Did he actually complete everything already?

 His face was facing my direction and I found myself studying his features. He had really long eyelashes, I noticed. Kind of like a girl’s. I put my arms on the table and laid my head against them, facing him. I really prefer his sleeping self to his waking self. At least when he’s asleep, it was like he’s an angel. With the looks of one too. That is, until he wake up and open his stupid mouth.

 He’s so much better asleep. Maybe he should just sleep forever. Like Sleeping Beauty. Or maybe Sleeping Prince in this case.

 But then who will wake him up? Me? God no! I stopped my thoughts before they travel to any unwanted places.

 A few minutes later, the sound of the teacher’s voice cut through the silence of the class. “Time’s up! Put your pens down.” L’s eyes opened and they blinked sleepily. He sat up and stretch discreetly. He covered his mouth with one of his hand and yawned widely. I watched as he propped his head up lazily with his right hand and waited for the teacher to come and collect his papers. Noticing my stare, he turn his head towards me and raised one of his eyebrows as if to ask, what?

 I felt heat spreading all over my face and immediately snapped my head to the front of the class. I mentally slapped myself. Why did I do that? It’s not like I did anything wrong, right? Beside me, I could sense that L was sporting his stupid little smirk on his face. I ignored him as the teacher finish collecting our papers and dismissed us from class.

 I quickly stood up and started packing my bag. L slung his bag over one shoulder and said to me as he left, “Be prepared to be my slave, Jinnie.” He flashed me his signature smirk and walked away.

 I glared at his retreating back. Jerk. Stupid, annoying jerk. God, that guy could worsen my mood anytime. One second I was fine then the next I’m pissed off by him. Every single time I’m around him I start to have mood-swings non-stop.

 Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating slightly. But who cares?

 I snatched my bag up and left the room. I snorted. He thinks that I would actually lose to him? Dream on jerk!

A/N: Hehe, double update!! ^w^ But that's because the chapters are kinda long tgt xD You guys probably know what's happening next chapter huh? no fun right? But still, keep reading pls!! >w< Oh, and pls subscribe and comment, and introduce it to your friends too if you think it's a good story, kamsamnida!! :3

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poweroftwo #1
L saranghe!!!
continha_troll #2
Chapter 3: I like this storie, please keep writing, neh? ^^