The Possibility of a Hobo's Life

A bet with the 'Devil' {HIATUS}

  A few days later..

 “Hey Jin Ae, we’re planning to go out, wanna come alone?” Yoona asked me through the phone.

 “Sure. Where to? Wait, who’s coming?” I said sharply.

 Yoona laughed, understanding me immediately, “Don’t worry, L’s not coming along,  it’s a ‘girls-only’ outing. And, I don’t know. Wherever our feet takes us I guess, any place to get away from school for awhile.”  

  “Oh okay, I’m in then! There’s a few things I wanted to buy.”

 “Kay! Oh, help me ask Sunny too, but, I’m sure she’ll say yes.”

 Awhile later, we came out from our room, dressed in our casual wear. “Hey hey, do you think we can watch a movie later, there’s this new movie that just came out that I really wanna watch.” Sunny chirped. She furrowed her brows slightly. “Hmm, what’s it called again?”

 “Sure sure, I’m sure the others will wanna watch it too, what’s it about?” I smiled at Sunny. I was in a good mood today, seeing as I won’t be seeing L.

 “Hey Sunny, Jin Ae, here!” Yoona called out, waving her hand over her head excitedly as we approached the school’s gate.

 “Hello!” Tiffany and Seohyun called out.

 I raised my eyebrows at Seohyun, “I’m surprised you came.”

 Seohyun grinned at me, “Of course, there's a chance we can go to a bookshop, isn't there?” I laughed, guess I should have known. Typical Seohyun.

 “Come on then, let’s go! Oh yeah, there’s this movie I wanted to watch..” Sunny turned to the others and told them about the movie.

 “Ahh, it’s so nice to be out of school, away from that guy, “ I stretched my arms, before starting to skip.

 Sunny broke off and turn to me, chuckling, “You’re probably the only one who thinks that way about him.”

  "Well, of course, seeing as I’m the only person he likes to annoy. Anyway, let’s not talk about him, he’s a complete mood-spoiler.”

 "Remember what I said about being annoying to the girl he likes?" Sunny asked with a mischievous grin.

 "My answer to that remains the same. Give you a clue, it starts with 'im' and ends with... Well... I'm not gonna say it."

 Her smile grew wider. "You'll never know, it could be possible. Maybe he liiiikes you."

 "Yea right." I shrugged, "Anyway, even if he was interested." I shook my head,"I'm not."

 "Mm-hmm," She nodded, not convince.

 "It's true!"

 Sunny gave me an indulgent smile and said, "Yea, yea, whatever you say." I humphed and didn't say anything. Clearly she didn’t believe me.

  A few hours later...

 “Hey, where should we go next? The movie was nice, right?” Sunny asked, beaming.

 “Yup, let’s go to the bookstore now! Come on.” Seohyun said, hurrying towards the direction of the store.. We laughed and tagged along after her. Books were one of the very few things that can bring out the hyperness in Seohyun.

 I reached into my bag to find my phone so that I could check the time. While rummaging through it, I realised my purse wasn’t with me. It contained both my handphone and money inside it. Hmm, weird, I thought, ruffling through my bag to make see if I somehow left it there, but nope, I still couldn’t managed to find my purse. I started to panick. Where the heck is my purse? An unpleasant though crossed my mind. Please don’t tell me I actually left it at the cinema! I nearly groaned out loud.

 “Is something wrong, Jin Ae?” Seohyun stopped and asked, seeing my worried look.

 “Erm, well, I think I left my purse in the cinema. I need to go back and find it.” I said. Four pairs of eyes stared at me, worried.
 “Really? Want me to follow you back there?” Sunny asked, concerned.

  I shook my head. “No, it’s okay. You guys go first. I’ll meet you there.” I smiled at them reassuringly, and quickly ran back the way we came, before any of them could respond and follow me.

 I sighed. How can I be so forgetful, I thought, taking a break to catch my breath before continuing. I berated myself being so careless. If my purse wasn’t at the cinema, I’m dead. My parents would kill me if I lost both my phone and my wallet. Then feed my body to wild animals. I prayed, please, please, please let my purse be at the cinema!

It was at that moment that I felt a prickling sense of awareness - as if there was a pair of eyes watching me from afar. I paused, feeling really uncomfortable. Is there someone following me? Frowning, I tried to shake off that unpleasant notion. I must be imagining things. Who would be so bored as to observe me from afar?

 I continued walking, much more warily than before. As I was walking, a strange feeling overcame me. My sixth sense told me that someone was following me. I speeded up and tried to brush it off. But the feeling became stronger. I was definitely sure that someone was following me now. I swallowed and felt my heartbeat increased. But the question is, who? This better not be a prank from Sunny and the rest. I decided to run, not bothering to take note of where I was heading to. I just wanted to shake off my … stalker.

 The further I ran, the more worried I grew. I was pretty sure it was not Sunny and the rest anymore. They would have stopped chasing me by now. So who was the person?  My mind raced towards hundreds of different possibilities. A serial killer? Some wanted criminal? A kidnapper? Someone with a grudge against my parents who decided to come after me for revenge? Or maybe I’m really the granddaughter and heir to some billion-dollar company and that guy - or girl - wants to kill me so that he or she could inherit the company?

 Ok, clearly I need to cut back on the amount of drama serials I watch.

 Looking ahead, I saw a pair glass doors leading out of the shopping mall. Woah, just how much did I ran? I am actually near the entrance now. I urged my legs to run faster and headed straight for the doors. They opened automatically as I neared and I rushed through.

 I stepped out onto the hot asphalt sidewalk, immediately missing the cool air-conditioning of the mall. For a second I wanted to turn back and go in but my paranoid self reminded me that there was a probable serial killer after me. My heart still racing, I turned right and ran blindly down the road.

 After awhile, I found myself in a dark and isolated alley. I jerked to stop and almost hit myself on the head. I’m most probably the dumbest person on earth right now. Why? Because I had absolutely no idea where in the world was I and how I got here. All I remember was taking random turns here and there while I ran. And somehow, I ended up in this dead end.

 Oh great. Just great.

 I groaned and buried my head in my hands. This is even worst than being chased! I’m now lost with absolutely no way of getting back. No wallet. No phone. Nothing. “Lee Jin Ae, you are so damn smart!” I cried out in despair.

 Now what am I suppose to do? What if I really can’t find my way back?

 As usual, my over thinking mind came up with a lot of different, and all equally unpleasant, scenarios. I could starve to death before getting eaten by a pack of wild animals.

 Or someone could find my dead body and sell my organs on ebay.

 Or someone could suddenly jump out and then stab me with a stake, thinking that I was some undead Vampire. Too bad I don't sparkle though

 Or I could just live my the rest of my life as a hobo. Or a beggar. You know, wandering the cruel streets begging for food. I could see myself all huddled up into a ball on some dirty street, holding out my hand to passersby with a sign in front of me saying “Hungry. Need Food and Money.”

 I suddenly remembered about my faceless stalker and groaned again. I broke out in cold sweat. I really hope I had outrun him. Her. Whatever. Now on top of having depressing thoughts of me in rags begging for food, I still have to worry about the ‘serial killer’. I eyed my surroundings, thinking how easy it would be for said ‘killer’ to just jump out and grab me before driving a knife through my poor, defenseless body. And nobody will ever find out.

 I closed my eyes. I could picture my whole family and all my friends combing the city fruitlessly for me, shouting, “Jin Ae ah, Jin Ae!” Not knowing that my body lay decomposing in an alley, slowly becoming nutrients for plants. My mind switched over to a scene of them sobbing over a grave with my name on it, but not necessarily my body in it. I sighed and thought of my brother. Sorry ah Hoya, little sister cannot take care of you any longer. I leave our parents in your unreliable hands. At least now he won’t have anyone one to fight over chicken wings with any more.

Suddenly, as I stood there thinking about how my brother would be the one counting on my parents and not the other way around, I felt someone grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him. I froze, in fear of finding out who the person behind me was.

 I shrieked loudly and tried to tugged my hand away. “Ah! Help-” but he covered my mouth before I could finished my sentence, tightening his hold on me. My pulse quicken considerably and once again my heart sounded as if it beating next to my ears. Fear and anxiety washed over me and my knees wobbled.

 Oh god. A horrible though cross my mind. I almost sobbed.

 Will I never be able to see my precious Big Bang oppas again?


A/N: I'm BAAACK! Home sweet home~ And here's the fifth chapter! Sorry again it's been so long since I updated:P Sunggyu's solo '60 seconds' is absolutely A.MA.ZING. L is so hot in the MV!! xD Go listen! or just stare at L's face in the MV (dats what I did). And did you guys see MAMA 2012? Big Bang performance was super cool. *spazz* Big Bang Daebak! Saranghae Big Bang <3<3. They won 3 awards <3 CONGRATZ BIG BANG, U GUYS ROCK!! I HEART YOU GUYS. Ok, enough LOL. The next chapter will be up soon! xD Hope you enjoyed this.

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poweroftwo #1
L saranghe!!!
continha_troll #2
Chapter 3: I like this storie, please keep writing, neh? ^^