The start of 'maths-in-hell'

A bet with the 'Devil' {HIATUS}

Sigh, what’s the point of having so many friends if none of them has the same lesson as me, I thought sulkingly as I dragged my feet into my first lesson of the day, Maths. Who the hell has Maths early in the morning, at an ungodly hour, on the first day of school. I rubbed my eyes, not fully awake yet. Even though Maths is one of my best subjects, it kills my brain cells. Maths should be illegal, damn it.

 I walked to a lonely seat by the window and dumped my bag onto the table before sitting down. I surveyed the class, hoping that at least someone who I know will come and sit beside me. But nope, no such luck. I just got transferred to the Advanced Maths class this year so I hardly knew anyone in the class. All of my friends were in the Normal Math classes. I was in there last year too. My Maths was quite good, one of the best in the level actually, so I opted for the Advanced class this year. Most of the people here have known each other since last year. Guess I only have myself to blame for being so alone.

  I yawned and laid my head on the table, too tired to bother trying to make friends with anyone. All around me, everyone was catching up with one another, all waiting for the teacher to appear.

 Soon, I heard the sound of the classroom door sliding open. The teacher entered and everyone stood up immediately. She positioned herself in front of the whiteboard and turned her back towards us to write her name on it. Then, she faced us and all of us greeted, “Good morning, Mrs Han”, reading the name off the board.

 “Good morning class, please take a seat. Today, we have a new student joining us. Some of you might have already heard. Come on in.” Mrs Han beckoned to a student standing outside.

 A boy with ruffled black hair came strolling in, his bag slung over one shoulder. There were gasps of, “Oh, he’s so handsome” and “He’s hot!” fluttering among the girls. Followed by a mixture of “Is my hair ok?”, “I hope he sits next to me” and “Kyaa, he looked at me!”

 My eyes grew big when I saw his face. “Y-you!” I stuttered, standing up, and totally forgetting that we were in the middle of the class. It was that jerk from yesterday! What was he doing here?

 The boy whipped his head towards my direction, recognition entering his eyes when he noticed me. Mrs Han twisted her head to look at me and raised her eyebrows. “Do you have something to say, Jin Ae? If not, please sit down.”

 I blushed. A quick glance around the room told me that the whole class was staring at me. My face grew hot as I quickly sat down and mumbled an apology, casting my eyes down on the table. The rest of the class returned their attention to the new student. I peeked out from underneath my bangs only to see the new guy smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes at him, feeling a twinge annoyance rushing through me. God, he’s so infuriating!

 The boy’s smirk grew wider before turning to speak to the class. “Hello everyone, my name is L.” The new student, or rather that annoying boy who bumped into me yesterday introduced himself. He flashed us a charming smile, causing all the girls to swoon. The guys merely looked uninterested.

 Mrs Han continued to address the class. “Like I said, L is new to this school so please get along well with him and do help him whenever possible.”

 The girls happily chorused, “Ne.” I snorted, not surprised there.

 “Lee Jin Ae,” she called out suddenly. I looked up. “Since you guys know each other, why don’t you take the seat beside her, L? Just nice too, since Jin Ae is good at Maths, so if you have any problems, feel free to ask her.”

 “Aniyo-” I was about to protest, after all he was no friend of mine, but Mrs Han shoot me a pointed look so I had no choice but to keep quiet. I glowered at L as he makes his way to me.

 “Hello, nice to meet you, you’re that girl from yesterday right?” L extended his hand to me, smirking.

 I glared at his hand for a few seconds, internally debating whether to shake it. In the end, my good manners won out and I relunctantly took it. I started to pull my hand back but L didn't let go. Instead, he gripped it tighter, his eyes boring into mine. I frowned and stared back at his perfect feature. It's a crime for him to be so handsome, seriously. My pulse quicken as he studied me for a few moments. Growing uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze, I tried tugging my hand back again but still he didn't let go, causing my frown to go deeper.

 Abruptly, he pulled my hand towards him and bends down until his face was beside mine. I froze, unnerved by his sudden close proximity. My heart stopped for a moment. Then almost immediately, it began to work again in overdrive. A thousand questions rushed through my mind. What did he want? What was he doing? A horrible thought ran through my mind.

 OMG, he’s not going to try to kiss me is he?

 Ok, maybe its a not-so-horrible thought. I mentally slap myself. Why did I just think that?. Calm down Jin Ae, I told myself, that’s not gonna happen.

 Is it?

My heart couldn't stop beating wildly. I was pretty sure he could hear my heart pounding against my chest, considering how loud it was.

 For a moment time stood still for us, or at least for me. All I was aware of was how close our faces were. I could feel his breath fanning my ear. I gulped nervously. His hand was smooth against mine. Clearly, he wasn't the type to do hard work with his hands.

 I was so caught up in the moment that I was startled when he suddenly spoke. "Stop frowning, ajumma, it'll give you wrinkles," he whispered into my ear, his smirk clear in his voice.

 My mouth fell open. I felt as if someone had blasted me with cold air. Speechless, only one thought filled my mind.

 What. The. Heck.

 L finally released my hand and flopped down onto the seat next to mine, looking smug with himself. Stunned, I just sat there gaping at him like an idiot. I moved my mouth but no sound came out.

 But irritation and anger quickly replaced my shock. It didn't take long for me to recover, a sharp retort back on my tongue, “Ya, harabuji! What’s with the name L anyway? Are you like a fan of Death Note or the alphabet ‘L’?.”

 He snorted, “Neither. And I’ve heard that a thousand times already, so please think of a better one.” I narrowed my eyes at him, annoyance seeping through me. This stupid jerk! My heart was still beating fast. Just as I opened my mouth to come up with another retort, I felt a sense of prickling awareness, like as if someone was watching me. Dragging my eyes away from him, I noticed that every single pair of eyes in the class was watching us with interest. Even the teacher’s. My whole face went aflame instantly.

  Some of my classmates, namely the girls, were throwing me daggers with their eyes. Daggers of jealousy. Once again, I found myself in the centre of unwanted attention in this class. Well, me and L. But it doesn’t seems like L cared, or rather, he looked as if he was enjoying himself.

 Crap, this was so embarrassing. Mrs Han called out to me, “Jin Ae, is there something wrong?” I shook my head furiously, my eyes not leaving my table. My cheeks were still burning. Damn L for making me look like a fool. What the hell is his problem anyway, just because I bumped into him yesterday? But I’ve already apologised to him. Aargh, seriously. I slid down my seat, wishing that a hole would appear and me in.

 Mrs Han pursed her lips and gave L and I a disapproving look before remarking dryly, “It seems as if you guys are becoming fast friends. But no matter how well you guys get along, please try to remember this is a class and we are in school, so please pay attention and keep your hands to yourself.” Laughter erupted from my classmates. My face got hotter if it was possible and I sank deeper down my seat. I closed my eyes and cursed L again for embarrassing me.

 Mrs Han carried on introducing herself and my classmates returned their attention to her. But, there was still some sniggering, and even worse, a few classmates kept turning around to cast me and L curious glances. I fidgeted self-consciously, trying to ignore the looks.

 Biting my lower lip, I swivelled my head to my right to look at L. That annoying bastard, he was clearly enjoying himself. My dislike of him aggravated. He had a satisfied smile on his face which grew bigger once he saw me looking at him.


 I jerked my head towards the front of my head towards the front of the class, still fuming and red-faced, and promptly pretended he didn’t exist for the rest of the lesson. I ignored his soft chuckle of amusement and tried to focus on the lesson.

 The rest of the lesson was agony for me. But thankfully - after what seemed like eternity - the bell rang, saving me from this misery.

 Damn it, I thought, it’s gonna be tiring to sit beside this guy for a whole year, I silently cursed as I walked, or rather, ran out of the class. What a great way to start a day. Good thing this is gonna be the only time I’ll see him, well, at least for today. Seeing as all of my other classes are the same as at least one of my friend so I don’t have to worry about him sitting next to me. But boy was I wrong.

 Dead wrong.

A/N: Annnnd there's the 3rd chapter!!! YAAAAY *cheers* Sorry for the long wait. The action finally started :D. I hope you guys enjoyed this!^^ Please comment below and subscribe! Thank you xD

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poweroftwo #1
L saranghe!!!
continha_troll #2
Chapter 3: I like this storie, please keep writing, neh? ^^