Chapter 8

You're My Oppa: MBLAQ Edition
After hurriedly getting ready, the five MBLAQ members left the dorm and began to walk over to the parking garage to get in their own individual cars.
{Caption: Boys… this is a variety show. You need to talk to each other.}
The assistant PD rushed over to Seung-Ho and gave him instructions that were inaudible to both the other four members and (later on) the viewers. The group’s panda-eyed leader finally nodded in understanding.
As the assistant PD hurried back behind the cameras, Seung-Ho turned to the others. “We’re taking a van to the studio,” he announced, too tired to try and be entertaining. He was immediately met with both audible and silent protests.
“Ah, hyung~!”
“But I just my car privileges back!”
“Why the van?”
Seung-Ho sighed as he rubbed his temples. “The producers want us to talk to each other about out first impressions of…” MBLAQ’s leader trailed off into silence.
The atmosphere became awkward as the five idols struggled to remember their new dongsaeng’s name.
{Caption: We know we woke you up pretty early, but you didn’t already forget… right?}
{Caption: …right?}
Thunder looked up suddenly. “Hye-Su,” he announced quietly before looking to the production crew for confirmation. “Right?”
{Caption: Thank goodness}
“Aish!” Joon exclaimed. “I knew that, too! When she introduced herself I even remember thinking that it would be easy for me to remember her name since I have a younger cousin with the same name.” 
s all looked at him thinking the same thing, but the main vocal was the only on who spoke up. “Babo,”  G.O scoffed. “It’s still much too early for your foolishness.” 
“YAH! Don’t talk about me like that in front of the cameras~!”
G.O looked over at his fellow ’87-liner. “Lead the way, Yang Leader,”  he said with a grin, completely ignoring the complaints from a certain main dancer.
Knowing that they couldn't go up against the production crew and their two hyungs, the three youngest MBLAQ members sulkily silently followed the assistant PD, Seung-Ho, and G.O to the van.
You looked at the outside of the dance studio and took in your surroundings as you waited with Tablo just outside the studio’s front doors while production crew set up inside. The two of you (Two, that is, if you didn't count the two bodyguards that were standing a few yards away… and considering that neither of them had said a word since you met them early this morning, you really didn't) had only been standing there for a few minutes and already you were feeling extremely uncomfortable.
Why aren’t I having a good time, again? you thought After all, I’m going to be making way more than I ever would at the café—It’ll help the kids a lot. I’m living both Hana AND Hyun-Su’s dream by meeting Tablo and living with MBLAQ. Tablo’s done nothing but been nice and tried to make me comfortable, and MBLAQ seemed nice enough considering I unexpectedly showed up at their dorm a week early and woke them up. So what’s bothering me so much? Feeling like you were being watched, you looked over your shoulder and saw a group of four young women a few years older than you, all sending you death glares. Oh, right. That’s why.
On the ride here, you had begun to recall all the stories you had overheard at the orphanage about jealous fan girls and anti fans. At the time it hadn't meant anything, but now…
Hearing you sigh Tablo looked over at you. “Everything alright, Hye-Su ssi?”
You just smiled and shook your head. “It’s nothing,” you insisted. “I was just a little worried about what they’re saying about me right now,” you added, referring to the idol group.
Tablo rubbed your head. “I’m sure the boys are saying nothing but nice things.”
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kokowawa #1
kokowawa #2
kokowawa #3
Chapter 8: Hope you finish this off~
But take care ^^
Chapter 14: Take care and take as long as you need
Chapter 13: Take as long as you me to update you can take a little break if you need to ^.^
Chapter 3: Awesome story and So Far So Good
Chapter 13: Dont worry about it. Take as long as you need.

I wont say I know how you feel, because I don't. But I do know that you'll pull through. You have us. :)
yowmy15 #9
Chapter 11: Great story so far. I do find the chapters to be frustratingly short but if it's updated often enough I don't mind. I'm looking forward to more.