U-Kiss World Domination

The Mystery Chorographer

Dong Ho:

I was feeling refreshed after the chat with the random person last night, but even that wasn’t enough to push away the fact it was another early start.

“Ok, Who drew this?” Are producer had come inside along with some make-up people who were now holding up a large A3 Piece of paper.

“Hyung’s Look at this?” Eli shock his hand as he lent back on his chair to get a closer look.

“huh?” My eyes were still trying to adjust to the lighting in the room.

“Well it looks like someone’s a fan” Ki Seop commented admiring the art work

“Someone who knows about the music incident yesterday” Soo Hyun added.

It was another cartoon this time it was us standing on each other’s shoulders, next to us was a massive world. ‘The higher the climb the better the view’ was written inside in green and blue making it look like land and sea.


Bursting out into laughter Eli commented as everyone gathered around the poster “i really like the flag design”.

That’s when I realised I was at the top and in my hand was a flag, written inside was ‘U-Kiss World Domination 2013

“Yah do you think we could use this as are advertisement for are world tour?” Kevin seemed excited, everyone was.


Snapping a photo with my phone I had to smile, whoever did this was AMAZING.

“Did they leave any details?” I questioned

“No I just found it outside your door in this tube”

“Strange” It had to be someone in the company only they could get to are apartment or would know about the debate yesterday.


“This cartoon reminds me of something” Hoon finally commented,

“I was thinking that, it’s like I’ve seen it before but it was different” Eli replied

I then realised I knew what he meant I had seen something like this before but I couldn’t put my finger on where.

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New Chapter~~ Sorry about the layout >.<


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