

What do Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Little Mermaid and every other bedtime fairytale all have in common? Well, beside their construed views on what love is really about, they all ended with “and they lived happily ever after.” The last conclusive statement further manipulating every child that ever read said stories into thinking that real life was exactly the same. That they would one day meet their soul mate, fall in love, and live happily ever after; key word here being happily.

Yumi hated to be the one to burst their tiny bubble of superficial happiness, but she learned the hard way that reality played by its own rules, that everything wasn’t just rainbows and unicorns. She once naively thought the same thing - that when she and Jinhwan were married, she would finally get her happily ever after. It wouldn’t matter that he didn’t have a stable job, or the fact that her parents didn’t approve, all they needed was each other and the love they shared and they would be happy.

But there she was, five years into their marriage and she couldn’t help but want out. Out of the four walls that seemed to close in on her, out of a marriage that was going nowhere, and out of the arms of the man she gave everything up for. But the million-dollar question wasn’t how or when she was going to tell him, but rather was he going to just let her leave without a fight?


Rated PG-13 for language


Start Date: 03/20/2011

End Date: 04/12/2011

Length: 13 chapters

Word Count: 30,739


- Big Thank You to JJang-na at ACC for the poster!


How did this happen to us? Yumi could only wonder, stabbing the lemon-grass chicken on her plate with her fork while she stared up the empty seat across from her. It was Monday night, and like every other night of the week, she ate dinner alone. She also woke up in bed alone, watched TV on her couch alone and even walked their dog alone. It was getting harder to believe that she even lived with someone, let alone that someone being Jinhwan, her husband of five years. But there she was, sitting at the dinner table, on the verge of tears for the quite possibly the third time that day. The feeling of being utterly alone had been slowly eating at her for the last three years and Yumi was finally reaching her breaking point.


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Chapter 13: Gets more beautiful with time. <3
Ah rereading this again. <3
armless-ambidextrian #3
I don't know why but this story is really close to heart, maybe because I know people who were once so very infatuated with one another and are now in verge of divorce and all those bad things. It's so heartwarming how believable you write about how it is indeed possible to rediscover the people you once loved and had since grown apart from. I had a good time reading this fic and I have to just tell you again how much of a damn fine writer you are! (;
This was beautiful. I had to admit that i shedtears at every chapter but it was all worth it. Reading this story, i found myswlf going through the rollercoasted ride emptions the main characters had. It was such a great story that it became so naturally for me to feel what they were feeling.

Again, simple brilliance <3 loved it!
Omfg! This story is nothing like I've read before.....
Usually it'd be those lovey dovey ones or love triangles, etc.
But honestly, I like your writing. It's all based on real-life feelings and emotions, with
little bits of truths that we tend to forget once in a while. Ughhhhhh, I looooove this ! Imma go read more of your storIes!!! <3
piratess #6
wow~~~its great~~understand what happen~~same with my cousin~~~hope everything is ok~~
motsaengyeossda #7
OMFG This is probably the best I've read from your stories. It had me crying like crazy. Truly loved it.
gameover #8
I haven't been reading any fanfics for such a long time now. Today I suddenly felt like reading one, and you are one of my favorite writers, so I decided to check out your fanfics. Seeing Jinhwans name made me start reading this one. And what can I say, I just loved it. It made my heart smile. Please never stop writing, because everytime I read your words, I just learn something new. This was amazing. Thank you.
zakhia #9
Finished it almost in one go! And I absolutely, friggin loved it!<br />
zakhia #10
At chapter 7 and I have to say:<br />
I hate the manager dude! He's like.... can't even put it in words!