Flower's Love

Flower's Love

HyunAe: There was a new kid, right? Send this to him, please?

Yunseo: I don’t know him yet.

HyunAe: So you are saying you aren’t doing this?

Yunseo: I must get to know him better.

HyunAe: Get to know him better because you like him and you don’t want me to be with him together?!!

Yunseo: No! I meant that I need to acquaint him first!

HyunAe: Please don’t put excuses. I know you can do it.

Yunseo: I don’t know him.

HyunAe: Then ask! Stupid! You must give this letter. If I know that it didn’t reach them, you will be separated from your one and only!

Yunseo: …

HyunAe: Here!*gives Yunseo the paper* *winks at her colleagues* *laughs*

Yunseo: What are you laughing about?

HyunAe: Nothing. What’s wrong with laughing?! That’s why people call us crazy because we laugh without a REASON.  Other than that, please DO give it to him before clock strikes to 12:00.

Yunseo: But it’s 5 minutes before 12. How can that be possible?

HyunAe: I realize how hard it is to be in your position, Yunseo. This time, I won’t have limitations on the way on how to give it to him. I will let you do anything you want to do with that letter as long as it arrives to the person that I want it to receive unto! Be sure to come back here at exactly 12!

Yunseo: Ok! *runs away*

HyunAe: She is really dumb. *laughs*

Girls: She is dumber than anyone else.


Yunseo: Excuse me, are you a new student?

Boy: No!! *pushes Yunseo*

Yunseo: Sorry.


Yunseo: Are you a new student?

Boy: What the hell are you talking about?! *kicks Yunseo*

--after half an hour—

Yunseo: I’ve been to all of the people that I don’t know. How come there is no new student? *cries* It’s been 40 minutes since I was gone. Maybe I will just say goodbye to Minhyuk. From all the time that I continued loving him, I never doubted myself. I never betrayed him. Maybe I did lied for not telling him that I had a coma. But I’ve always loved him. And…*cries* maybe now, it’s the time for us to separate. I think our relationship is going nice but it is indeed too long for us to stay together. Now, I feel like killing myself. I still love you, Minhyuk. But… the time will be the time. But how I wish I wasn’t in this situation. After 40 minutes of searching, no new student found. They were just tricking me or making me trouble. And they were serious about separating me away from Minhyuk. *cries* *walks away* I… can’t face myself to Minhyuk. This will be a total shame. Now it’s the end. It’s the end. And it can’t be changed. It can’t… be changed… forever. I will stay worthless. I have to stay faraway and not let Minhyuk see me. This is… just shameful.

Crowd: *laughs* She’s crying! *laughs* Somebody might’ve beaten her up or something!! *laughs*

HyunAe: Poor Yunseo. How can someone do this to you? This is unfortunate. *laughs*

Yunseo: *cries* Worthless. Worthless.

Minhyuk: What is in there?

Boy: They said that Yunseo is crying. I am not sure though. I haven’t been there.

Minhyuk: Excuse me, let me go in, please.

Boy: Ok.

Minhyuk: *stares at Yunseo in astonishment* *tears slowly dropping his eyes* *runs away*


Minhyuk: What did I do? I can’t face her again! I… need to stand up. *tries to stand-up* Some…thing is holding me. I… need to go to her. I… have to!! Aaah!

*memories flashed back*

**Minhyuk and Yunseo’s memory flashing back**

Yunseo: Minhyukkie! Come buy me this ice-cream!

Minhyuk: You still like eating those? I thought you had a cough? You can’t eat that not until you get well.

Yunseo: *nags Minhyuk* Please? I won’t be coughing. Promise!

Minhyuk: You can’t stop your cough, you know?

Yunseo: But I like to have one. *walks away*

Minhyuk: Yunseo! *runs to Yunseo* *grabs something from his pocket*

Yunseo: What are you doing, Minhyuk?

Minhyuk: Just wait.

Yunseo: Huh?!

Minhyuk: It’s only a furry blind fold.

Yunseo: A furry blind fold? Don’t you have something that isn’t too ticklish?

Minhyuk: Ah…*scratches head* I... the truth is that I actually forgot to buy one.

Yunseo: *laughs hysterically*

Minhyuk: We are almost there. *dropped his mother’s photo* lets go of Yunseo* *picks the picture*

Yunseo: Minhyuk-ssi? Minhyuk-ssi?

Crowd: Stay away!!!!

Yunseo: *takes off the blind-fold* *surprised*

Truck: Bzzzzzzzzzzzttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yunseo: *fell on the ground*

Truck: *tires squeaking*

Crowd: Oh jesus Christ!

Minhyuk: *stood up and was astonished* drops his mom’s photo* *runs to Yunseo*

Yunseo: Min…hyuk… Min…hyuk.

Minhyuk: Yunseo! Please stand up. Please. You are all right. Please. We still have to go somewhere. We have to. I am so sorry. I am sorry. *tears flowing down*

Yunseo: Thanks…for… your…try…to…surprise…me. *smiled*

Paramedic: Families, please wait at the back of the van. Paramedic 2, bring in equipments!

Paramedic 2: Here comes.

Yunseo: Min…hyuk…I… Love…You…Very…Much. Let’s meet THERE soon, ok?

Paramedic: *placed fingers on the pulse* *sigh* I can’t believe I failed again. *feels sorry for Yunseo* Sorry, I can’t do anything more about this.

Minhyuk: *tears flowing down*

Paramedic 2: No need, Paramedic 3. Bring in the Equipment 2. (Equipment 2 contains the bed and the white blanket that is needed for a cold body.)

Minhyuk: What happened??! Is she gonna be alright?!!

Paramedic 2: Let’s leave it up to this, for now young man. I need her guardians.

Minhyuk: She… doesn’t have one.

Paramedic: Then I need you to come.

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Chapter 18: plz update soon !!!