Flower's Love

Flower's Love

--after eating—

Kyung: Phew! What a day! *lies down on the bed*

Mom: Kyung-ssi. I just talked to your brother a while ago. He asked me for advices. But as you know, mommy won’t be able to give him advices everyday, yeah? I wish you’ll be able to help me. If you agree, then I’ll help you find your brother. He… is just over there.

Kyung: Really mom?

Mom: Yes. Your brother is just near you. In a very close distance from where you are now. I am sure you will be able to find him. You will be able to. But… as you know, mommy doesn’t let things sort out easily, right? You still have to learn to search things for you. Mommy won’t be a bad person, though. Just think of me as your guardian angel, ok? And… mom is also near you.

Kyung: I will remember everything mom. Anyway, where are you now mom? Are you here in Seoul?

Mom: Goodnight Kyung. Mom really wishes she could give you a goodnight kiss. And… *laughs* I am not in Seoul. I am just somewhere near you.

FACT: Kyung doesn’t know that his mom is dead. Before his mom was dead, he was separated from his mom and was with his elder brother; which is nowhere to be found. Kyung’s mom died the day after the family were separated. The reason why Kyung’s mom was being a good mom this time is because she doesn’t want Kyung to know that the person who gave birth to him was a bad person. The one who separated Kyung and his older brother was his mom. His mom said that his older brother needs to learn how hard it is to be alone in life but the true reason is because she didn’t thought that she would produce another human being. She only wanted Kyung’s older brother to be her child. She didn’t need Kyung. And with that separation, Kyung never got out of the hardships on being alone in life. Kyung was 4 years old when he was separated with his mom. But everything change! His older brother was told that his mom was in sickness the day after they left with his younger brother! And that’s why Kyung’s older brother knew that their mom is suffering from comatose. And the poor younger child, Kyung, wasn’t told anything about her mom dying.

Kyung: That’s alright mom.

Mom: Thank you for being such a good kid, Kyung. I wish you can teach your brother that way. He was very rude during his childhood days. But I still do love him.

Kyung: If I do find him, will you still be by our side?

Mom: Mmm… I think not.

Kyung: Why?

Mom: Because by the time you find your brother, that’s the day mother will be able to go to where she is supposed to be.

Kyung: Don’t worry mom. You will be in a very special place!

Mom: How could you say that?

Kyung: Because you took care of us! Brother and I!

Mom: But you didn’t even experience my love, Kyung. *smiles* *thinks in her mind*Why does he thinks this way? I wished I did the right thing for you, Kyung. You would’ve been with your brother now. But I think I did wrong things. Separating you was the most hardest thing in my life. I didn’t thought of it at first. I… should be in the most painful place now. The place that I can realize that I did the most hurtful thing that a mom could do.*looks at Kyung* I will go now.

Mom’s thinking: *smiles* I will try and guide you both. I will try. If I don’t go to the place where you expected me to be, then I won’t have much problems. If I were to be in hell, then I deserve it. Being a bad mother to you , I think is not fair. I have to be punished. And… sorry Kyung. I won’ be able to guard you on looking for your brother. Mommy… will be in the place of burning fire tomorrow. I… was such a bad mother. I was a bad mother of you, Kyung. And I ask you a favor. Don’t forgive me. Because there are no ways that I could face my face to you longer than this. I… am just faking to you at this moment. But I still love you, Kyung. Even though I regreted why I gave birth to you. But now, I don’t. I love you more than anyone, Kyung. You are my angel.



Ukwon: *grabs the gun* Even though... mom told me not to do this, I still can. Ending my life… might make me feel conten-- *falls on the floor*

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Chapter 18: plz update soon !!!