Love is Like a Firework


Hello! My name is DMTN~Jeeyup! Not literally but... just my username! So, here is a fanfiction of mine dedicated to BLOCK B!


For my normal readers, don't worry about GURUPOP USERNAME.

If you are curious, it is a site that gives away SIGNED KPOP ALBUMS for free ONCE you EXPRESSED YOUR LOVE to the GROUP that is having a giveaway! :0

If you want to go in the site, visit GURUPOP.COM!



For months you look up into the sky and find nothing out of the ordinary. Still you keep looking, thinking about that special something that causes you to catch your breath. It doesn't happen every night. But, please, let it be tonight. I've waited patiently, for so long.

A flash of light explodes across the sky. This is what you have been waiting for. Finally. Holding your breath, you wish it would last forever. This is what it is all about. Heart full of joy, you look around. Surely everyone must be feeling it too.

But, all too soon, it is over. The sky is dark again. You stand alone, staring up at the sky. Longing for what you had just moments ago. You can't believe it's gone. How could something so beautiful, burn so brightly, and extinguish so quickly. You wish you could go back and experience it all over again. Darkness is all you find. It is over.
You look up again, hopefully... maybe it's not over... maybe there will be more.
You want to experience that spark again. Not right away. But sometime in the future. Sometime...



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