Flower's Love

Flower's Love

Hana: *sigh* Ukwon, please don’t trust the words that I said to you. Those… aren’t the words I want to say. But because… because of how you reacted at that kiss, I just didn’t know what to say. I… I… *sigh* LIKE you.


Mom: Ukwon-ssi. Don’t be like that. I will help you with anything. The journey that I took with you when you were a kid will never repeat. I won’t let you go back to your miserable past anymore. And yes, I did hear you. And I will be with you forever. I am your mom and I should take responsibility of you for everything. And that thing you’re holding, please put that down. Only bad people use that. I don’t consider you a bad person. You are kind and loving. That fierceness of yours just revealed when you thought I wasn’t with you anymore, right? Even though mommy is not beside you, please don’t act things that mommy didn’t expect you to act unto. Now, please don’t act too much and say that you’ll follow everything that mom says. You still have bright days following over you. Mostly, this time, the evil are controlling you. Before they control everything of you, please put that thing down and believe that I will be with you. I will be with you forever and I won’t let go of your hand. In this time now, mommy will lend you her heart. I won’t let you use your heart anymore because you will follow the things that you aren’t supposed to be following, ok? You will go with mommy everywhere, right?

Ukwon: I… can go with you in your place now.

Mom: *laughs*I won’t be taking you to the place where I am now. Because I believe that you still have a great future waiting for you. If you feel stuck at anytime, then you can call me and I am happy to help. I am happy at all. Just call me and remember not to call the evil. Mommy is here to help you. Stay strong, Kim Yoo Kwon.

Ukwon: Mom, I will travel with you. I won’t let go. *tears flowing down his face* Please fulfill your promise that you’ll help me with this journey. I… can’t do it without you. *hugs his mom’s picture.


Kyung: Your house is kinda far.

Hana: Far from your house? Oh dear, sorry.

Kyung: *laughs contentedly* How many kilometers did we walk?

Hana: I don’t know. Estimating it was about 11 kilometers.

Kyung: 11 kilometers?!! I am dying.

Hana: Come in first. You might want to stay over night here. Your house is far from here, right?

Kyung: I guess so.

Hana: I have one extra room. You can go there and take a rest.

Kyung: Really? Thanks.

Hana: You are welcome. I’ll cook food for you.

Kyung: No, it’s alright.

Hana: I am hungry too. So we will eat together, right Kyung-ssi?

Kyung: *thinks in his head* She called me Kyung-ssi. That’s just like how mom calls me everyday. I wonder how she is doing in the place where she is now. And… brother, I hope I’ll find you soon. I… will both find you. I wont give up looking for you two. You are my only treasure. I will be able to find you both. I WILL.

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Chapter 18: plz update soon !!!