A Day With Horse Face

Glimmer of Hope


No one's POV:

After wandering aimlessly around the town, L.Joe found himself back in front of the school gates. Tossing his backpack over the wall, L.Joe lifted himself up and sat on the rim of the wall, looking out over the town and the orangey-purple sunset. The weather was mild with a little breeze brushing his cheeks. Just perfect. His mind was at once at ease, relaxed. He instantly lost all tension, softening at the amazing scene. With nothing at mind, L.Joe let his mind wander. The first day of school came back in a blur, and the new setting was a new chapter to his much needed monotone life. He got to do whatever he wanted, go wherever he wanted. He loved this new feeling. The feeling of freedom, not being tied down, not being held back, but being able to make his own rules and listening to no one but himself. This was all he ever wanted. This is how he had always wanted to live, how he imagined happiness to be.

Standing up on the wall top, he raised his arms from both his sides up, slowly balancing his thin frame on the wall. Taking steps forward, walking along the perimeter. He suddenly turned to face the school, both feet now slightly unbalanced, he took a step forward falling into empty air...

"Yo! Took you long enough! I was wondering when you were going to appear"

Landing into the sleek black unreleased convertible, L.Joe turned to his left and was met with a stretched chinky cheesy smile. The boy in the driver seat had light brown hair and a glint of mischeif twinkled in his eyes.

"Chunji, shut the hell up, wipe that ugly smile off your face and watch the damn road before you kill us both!", L.Joe snapped at the same aged boy.

"Hey, have some confident in your cousin, will ya?", Chunji smirked, turning back to face ahead.

"Remember that time you hit a chicken--"


"To get the other side, duh", this time, it was L.Joe's turn to smirk as he turned to the side window hiding.

"I'm not looking but even I know you're smirking"


The little fuss was soon overruled by silence as they drove on.

"Well...", Chunji cleared his throat breaking the undeniable awkward silence.


"How's...that dump you call a school?"

"Good", L.Joe replied nonchantly looking out with a droopy expression.

"Did your dad---"


"Oops, my bad, bro"

"What about you? How was school?"

"B O R I N G ~ It was horrible without my best friend by my side", Chunji pouted.

"Ew, don't do that, I wanna barf"

"Hey, look on the bright side, you look like your normal self though. Except, a little more nerdier than usual"

Annoyed by the comment, L.Joe snatched the rounded glasses off his nose, throwing them into the back seat.

Chunji snickered, leaving silence to fill the once again empty space. The only sound heard was the soft humming of the engine and the wind flying by.

"Ugh, I can't stand this quietness. My house?", Chunji once again, interrupting the silence.

"Stop killing beautiful things. The silence is harmless. It's no one fault's you're such busybody. Must your voice always be heard?"

"You're just like my mother. My house it is", Chunji decided, rolling his eyes.

With that, Chunji raised his left hand and snapped. The road before them leisurely disappeared to reveal tall gates that automatically pulled back upon their arrival.

Driving through, the land was vast, full of all different types of greenery. Beautiful gardens with lakes, ponds, and fountains were reflecting the disappearing late sun. Chunji pulled up to the front pathway of the enormous, white pillered mansion with ivory growing up along the sides, covering patches of the house. It stood tall and proud as if telling its own story with the ages in which it grew.

Chunji hopped out the front seat tossing the keys to his waitng butler as L.Joe typically opened the cardoor and stepped out. Politely bowing to the nearby butlers and flushed maids hiding their embarassed faces, L.Joe followed behind Chunji as they made their way into the mansion.

"Dude, you know you don't have to all that goody-goody stuff. Are you trying to make me look bad?", Chunji groaned.

"Maybe you should try it sometime"

"Nonononooooo thank you!", Chunji stuck out his tongue in disgust.

"Mooooooom! I'm homeeeee! And Joey's with meeee~", Chunji hollared out, his voice echoing throughout the whole house.

"Chunji, I swear, I don't know where you get that big mouth of yours from, because you certainly did not get it from me"

At the top of the grand staircase appeared a middle aged woman.

"L.Joe, honey! How are you!", making her way down, her face was shown more clearly.

Deep wrinkles and a golden smile stood out on her aged face. Her appearance was the complete opposite of her personality which was bubbly and bright.

"Such a wonderful surprise! It's been so long since I've last seen you! You look so big now! Where have you been?", Chunji's mom asked pulling L.Joe into a motherly hug.

"Mianhae. I've been, err, really busy lately", L.Joe replied shyly, glancing down and awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, it's okay! You know you're always welcome here!"

"Thank you, Imo (Aunt)", L.Joe slightly bowed.

"No, it's fine!", she turned to Chunji and pulling at his ear, "Lee Chanhee, why didn't you call?! I've been worried sick! I could've died!"

"Mom, you're not going to die", Chunji groaned.

"I would have if I had waited any longer!", his mom cried, covering her face with her hands.

"Moooooom, I'm here now. Stop being so overdramatic!"

"Oh, so now my favorite son is calling me overdramatic! Where did I go wrong? Where!"

"What favorite?! I'm your ONLY son!"

L.Joe watched the quarrel between the mother and son with warm smile.

"L.Joe, how about we go get a snack and leave this chatterbox to himself, hm?", Chunji's mom asked.

"What about m---", she raised a hand up to Chunji's face.

Before L.Joe got a chance to reply, Chunji's mom hooked her arm around L.Joe and dragged him into the neat and tidy large kitchen and seated him.

After Chunji recovered from his humiliation, he stormed into the kitchen.

"Mom, that was mean---YAHHH! That...is that...---"

"Yup, the last double fudge chocolate chip cookie!", L.Joe beamed, raising up the half eaten cookie with a satified smile.


Stuffing the rest of the snack into his mouth, L.Joe got up from his stool and stuck out his tongue, dashing into the living room.

"YOU'RE GETTING IT NOW.", Chunji darted after L.Joe.

"Yoer sush ah wimph!", L.Joe teased with his mouth still full of the sweet treat.

They chased each other around the whole house, rounding around every furniture before a squeaky voice rang,

"Lee Chanhee! Leave my Joe Joe oppa alone!"

Both heads snapped towards the source of the voice.

Chunji's six year old younger sister, Jieun, rode in on her little shiny pink tricycle.

"And if I don't?", Chunji bent down to her height and provoked.

"You'll regret it!"

"Pfft, please", he pushed her forehead back with his index finger.

The little girl backed out of the room.

"Hmph, that's what I thought--"

Jieun returned, charging at full speed on her tricycle towards Chunji.

"YahYAhYAH!--AHHH", Chunji roared as he fell to the floor hugging his foot that Jieun ran over.

"Hehe!", Jieun stuck out her tongue, "Merong~"

She turned around, put on an innocent, angelic smile, and started pedaling up to L.Joe.

"Joe Joe oppa! Joe Joe oppa! Did you see me? I slayed that evil monster to save you!"

L.Joe bent down to her height.

"Haha, yes I did. Thank you, Princess Jieun!", he pecked her on her forehead.

"Hehe, you're welcome, oppa! Joe Joe oppa, how about as a reward, will you play 'Wedding' with me?"

Behind Jieun, Chunji was jumping up and down, frailing his arms, shaking his head and signaling a 'no' while trying to avoid stepping on the wrong foot.

"Err, I would love to, Princess, but I, um, have tons of homework!"

"What? On the first day?", Jieun asked with confusion written on her small face.

"Yes. Maybe next time, sweetie?"

"Really? I hate your school for making my prince work! But fine", Jieun frowned and pouted, "Promise?"

She raised her tiny pinky.

"Promise", L.Joe interwined his pinky with hers.

"YAY!", Jieun cheered, "Well, I'll go now, Joe Joe oppa! My dolly friends are waiting for me! Bye bye~"

She started pedaling away, but not before she threw a mean look towards Chunji's direction.

"Don't. Hurt. My. Oppa.", she mouthed and disappeared out of the room.

"Ugh, how the hell do you deal with her? Let's go to my room. Yo, Mr. Butler-Dude! Get me a pack of ice!"

Helping Chunji up the stairs, L.Joe observed the familiar family portraits that hung scattered around the hallways. His eyes fell with slight sadness. Chunji noticed this and couldn't do anything but feel guilty.

Upon entering the room, Chunji threw his shoes off and limped to his bed, falling face flat into it. L.Joe took his time taking off his shoes and placing them next to his backpack.

"Hey! Let's call the gang over! I'll call CAP hyung right no---"

"How about no?"

"Whyyyyyyy?", Chunji whined, "You weren't serious about the whole--"

"I wasn't kidding when I said had homework"

"Oh c'mon dude! Who cares? No one ever does it anyways! Let's go bowling or somethin--"

"No", L.Joe firmly rejected.

Chunji pouted, "Boo, go away", he pulled his bed covering over himself.

L.Joe started pulling out his textbooks and journals, "Maybe later", he smiled a little.

~ ~ ~

Late into the night, a maid came into the room, slightly shaking L.Joe.

"The mistress has asked that you and Chanhee come down for dinner. She specially prepared it herself tonight"

Drowsy, L.Joe shook his head, "Huh? Oh..thank you. Tell her we'll be down soon"

The maid smiled and bowed politely before leaving.

Surveying the room, L.Joe regained his memory.

"Ah, right, Chunji's place. I must have fallen asleep while studying"

He caught a glimpse of a bulge in the pile of messy blankets on the bed. He made his way over and lifted up a corner of the blanket revealing Chunji's ear.

Leaning into his ear, L.Joe adjusted his voice into a higher, preppy, flirty feminine voice, "Chunji~ Chunji-ah~"

"De~", Chunji replied happliy sighing.

"Will you do me a small favor~?"

"Anything...for you...~"

"Will you...WAKE UP!", L.Joe screeched into his ear.

In shock, Chunji rolled off the bed and onto the floor. Trying to swiftly get up, he hit his head against the wooden rim of the bed.


L.Joe couldn't contain his laughter as he fell to floor bursting into laughtor, hugging his stomach., "PFFT--BWUAHAHAHA"

"WTF! MY HEAD. UGH.", Chunji held his head as he continued to lay on the floor grumbling in pain.


"IMMA. KILL. YOU.", Chunji growled.

"AHAHAHA! Excuse you? AHAHA! I'm sorry, but-pwuahaha!-'Anything...for you...~'", L.Joe imitated.

Both of them got up, L.Joe wiping a tear from his eye and slapping his knee while Chunji continued to hold his head.

"Well...well...that's not funny!", Chunji stuttered, flustered.

"Right...it's HILARIOUS. Bwahahaah!"

"W-whatever...Yah! Why did you wake me up?", Chunji asked, looking away.

"Pwuahaha! Oh, right! Dinner's ready!"

"Ugh, about time"

Both the boys started making their way down the stairs.

Just as they reached the last step, L.Joe's cellphone rang.

"Hey, go ahead, I'll catch up"

"Sure. Better hope I don't poison your food", Chunji snickered, smirking.

"Psh, please", L.Joe smiled.

L.Joe made his way to one of the emptier hallways. He slide his phone out of his jeans and looked at the caller ID. Instantly, his blood went cold. His face went stone, emotionless. The color drained from his face. His hand shook, debating whether or not to answer. His thumb hovered over the 'End' symbol, but a force within himself pulled his thumb down on the 'Call/Answer' button. He raised the phone to his ear.

"Home. NOW."

And instantly, the line ended.



A/N: Hehe, here's an 'extra long' chapter...not really >.< Just a lot of dialouge..blah! Enjoy!


SPECIAL GUEST A/N: Hii!! This is my first author note. c: Well, thank you for supporting our story! Sorry I don't write A/N often but I do come on. Thanks again! Enjoy our story!



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NeverLookBack #1
Hehe, thank you for reading and commenting!:D <3
adibah #2
Chapter 6: i love the wake up scene
Chapter 6: the chicken scene xDDDD You're getting better and better Bunbun. I keep wondering about L.joe's life and why he's in that school. Can't wait to see what is going to happen. :)