My Hero

Glimmer of Hope

No One's POV:

"What do I look like to you, begger?! If you don't have enough, scram! Go search in the garbage! You're ruining business for me!", the man yelled.

Hana lowered her head, "I'm sorry, sir..."

As she turned to walk out, a hand reached out and stopped her.

"What gives you the right to speak to a lady like that?", the mysterious person placidly asked the owner.

Looking up, Hana couldn't believe her eyes.

Blonde hair was all she could see, his hair covered his whole face from the side, leaving Hana to wonder, *Who's this? Was it that boy from class earlier?*

Hana slightly leaned forward to take a peek before leaning too far and tripping over herself.


The boy was taken by surprise as he stepped forward to catch her in his arms. Her head landed on his chest, *Why do I suddenly feel so...warm? It's...nice. OH! This is the closest I've been to any guy! Ah, Hana! Stop thinking such nonsens--*

The old man scoffed, interrupting Hana's train of thoughts, "What? So you called your boyfriend to come help you steal from me?"

He eyed them up and down, glancing at their school uniforms, to their school logo patch. The old man crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, spatting, "Ha, TS high school?! That school is full of nothing but idiotic, useless BEGGERS. Now will you LEAVE my store?! I'm trying to run a business, not a charity!"

Both Hana and the boy whose arms continue to be wrapped around her, flinched at the man's tone and venomous words.

Finally noticing their position, they both awkwardly broke apart, faking a cough. Hana noticed a faint tint of pink on the boy's cheeks.

"Are you two done being lovey dovey?! Get out before I call the cops!", the owner reached for the phone.

"There will be no need for that", the boy swiftly pulled out a wad full of cash. The man's eyes widen at the sight, stunned with his mouth gaped.

"I don't mean to be rude, but please pick up your jaw, sir" the boy started slowly fanning out the cash, "Well then, how much can a box of cherry tomatoes cost? 10? 20--"

Quickly recovering, the man interrupted, "It's 5"

" know what, keep this, change and all", the boy took the man's hand and stuffed a couple of big bills, "For all the trouble"

*Wow, he must be REALLY rich! But...he goes to our that even possible? The owner's right, our school is a dump*, Hana was left in deep thought, slightly pouting.

The boy saw this in the corner of his eye and the corner of his lips tugged into a small smile, which soon disappeared. Focusing back on the man, he looked him dead the eye with the deadliest and coldest stare. A cold shiver ran down the owner's spine.

Then the boy flashed the brightest and most innocent smile, as if nothing had ever happened, "Will that be all? I'll take my leave now!"

And before anyone could say anything, the boy exited.

At last, Hana snapped out of trance. Looking around, she realized the boy was gone, nowhere to be found. She was left alone with the shop owner whose eyes were glued to where the mysterious boy left. The man looked at her, then the doors. Looking down, he recomposed himself and brought his face up with a fake friendly smile.

"Thank you so much for your business! Return any time! I wouldn't mind at all! Oh, bring your boyfriend too! I'm sorry about earlier, I was just..err...--"

As if nothing bad ever happened, Hana happily smiled back, bowing and calling out, "It's fine, ajusshi! Thank you for the cherry tomatoes! Bye bye!~", jogging out of the store to look for her mysterious saver.

"Any time!"

Hana searched down the street both ways for the familiar blond head.

"Oh! There he is!"

Kim Joe's POV:

*Poewy~ I'm so bored! What have I even done since school ended? Nothing! Except trip over a rock! That's why I gotta watch the ground now with my head down! You never know when an army of rocks might gang up and--are those footsteps approaching me? They sound like they're running... But why? ...Oh, no! Are the cops after me?! What did I do?! Nununununu, please. MOMMY, I'M SORRY, I'M INNOCE---*

The footsteps stopped in front of me, and an old pair of beat up sneakers came into my view. *Huh?*

"E-Excuse me?"

I lifted my head to be met by a familiar looking girl. *Haha, look, i's a nerd, Bwuahaha---OH, wait, it's Miss Phenomenon-Enterance-Maker! Oh, I gotta take lessons from her--*

"I didn't get to thank you properly earlier, but thank you. It meant a lot to me, what you did for me", the girl softly spoke with her head down.

*Is she...blushing? Pfft, I know I'm handsome and all! But, I still have these stupid dorky spectaculars on...Is she hallucinating? What the flippers is she talking about?*

"Uh, no problem..." *Might as well go with it*

The girl straightened herself up and put on a cheerful smile, "I'll pay you as soon as I can, okay?"

*Okay...? Money? What do I look like to you, Missy? The Mafia? I'm pretty sure I look nicer than them though...*

"Err, I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're talkin--"

"Oh! Should this be our little secret? Okay! But I'll still get you the money! I promise!~"

"No, it's oka--"

"Oh! I forgot, you're the new student right? Let me properly introduce myself! My name is---"

"Yeah, yeah, Kim Hana, I got it."

"How did you---"

"Your grand enterance this morning. I applaud you", I smirked.

Embarrassed, Hana covered her face with her hands


"Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Joe, but friends call me L.Joe. And anyone who doesn't leave me behind during lunch is a friend", I couldn't help but show a friendly smile. I put out my hand.

She peeked from behind her hands, with eyes wide. Eyeing my hand, she slowly took it and shook it.

"How di--"

"Haha, K9 senses? Don't worry about it. So thank you for earlier. I believe we're equal?"

"Yeah...uh...okay!", she agreed nodding her head up and down like a little kid.

*Told you I'm not the Mafia! I'm much nicer! Hehe~*

"Oh! I forgot! I have to get home! It was nice meeting you Joe-sshi--"


"I mean L.Joesshi!", repeatedly bowing, Hana ran off. "Thank you againnn~"

Watching her disappear, I continued my walk to who knows where.

*Sigh. Close enough I guess...But we're going to have to work on the whole formal thing. Me no likey. Lalalalala~ Hm, I wonder where that horse face Chunji is...*

Walking past a cafe, a blonde head caught my attention.

*I like your hair...HA! JUST KIDDING. I bet I got this hairstyle WAY before you did! LOL, LOSER........Sigh, I'm lonely...*


A/N: Hello beauitiful people! I'm sorry for the slow updates. It's once a week TT^TT I'll try and fit some extra ones, but I can only do so much...


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NeverLookBack #1
Hehe, thank you for reading and commenting!:D <3
adibah #2
Chapter 6: i love the wake up scene
Chapter 6: the chicken scene xDDDD You're getting better and better Bunbun. I keep wondering about L.joe's life and why he's in that school. Can't wait to see what is going to happen. :)