Introduction: A Fresh New Start?

Glimmer of Hope


The morning bell rang as a few students rushed to their seats. The old chubby teacher wobbled into the classroom full of roudy students who didn't seemed to notice him. He cleared his throat a couple times signaling his arrival. Seeing that it had no effect, he took out his yard stick and smacked it on the podium with a loud, yet sharp Twack sending the classroom into dead silence.

"Ahem, thank you for your attention. Class is now in session. I am your homeroom teacher, Mr. Jang. Before we officially start, we have our first order. You must all be familiar with each other, and if you aren't, that won't be a prolonged problem, but I would like to introduce Mr. Kim. Mr. Kim? Please come in and introduce yourself."

The door slid open and in steps a not so tall, bleched blonde boy with his head down. Catching every girl in the room's attentions, he centered himself in front of the class room. The girls in the front row who got first glances squealed, others fixing their make up quickly and batting their eyelashes. They all sat up straight, flashing bright smiles, twirling their hair and sending seductive stares in anticipation of a new boy toy.

He raised his head, "Annyeonghaseyo, Kim Joe imnida!" The new student wore round specticulars and had a shy smile. The air suddenly dropped with sighs and girls deflated in spirit. "Awe", "Ew, a nerd", "Like we need another one of those", complants rose from every corner of the room.

"Now, now. No need to be rude", the teacher boomed.

"Please treat me well", Kim Joe added bowing 90 degrees.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Kim. Do we have any empty seats we can offer Mr. Kim?", the teacher said looking around on his tip toes.

"It's okay, I'll just sit over there", Joe said polietly, pushing up his glasses.

"Ah, okay. Let's start with roll call then"

Joe walked over and took the seat next to the window.

"Ahn Haejung?"


"Bang Yongguk?"

"Here" a suprisingly deep voice rang.

"Kang Hyukjae?"


"Kim Hana?


"Kim Hana...? Hana?"

Still no reply.

"Okay then, Miss Kim Hana. I guess she's absent on the firs-"

Noises outside cut Mr. Jang off. Running footsteps followed by the sound of something falling.


A hand outside grabbed onto the handle.


"Mi-anhae, Kim Ha-na he-re...", she puffed out while repeatedly bowing.

Mr. Jang raised an eyebrow, "You're quite tardy"

"Y-yes, sir"

He sighed, "It's the first day and I'm feeling generous, so go ahead, you're off the hook just this once. Find a seat, pali"

"Th-ank you, s-sir. I'm sor-ry. It won't happ-en again. I promise", she stuttered while bowing and rushing to an empty seat.

"Pfft", "Loser", "Look, it's our other nerd", "Peasant", "Oddball"

Snickers of insults from students rose one after the other.

Hana slumped down into her seat at the corner of the room.

"...take out your textbooks and turn to page..."

 *Nothing's changed much. Same old, same old. Sigh*

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NeverLookBack #1
Hehe, thank you for reading and commenting!:D <3
adibah #2
Chapter 6: i love the wake up scene
Chapter 6: the chicken scene xDDDD You're getting better and better Bunbun. I keep wondering about L.joe's life and why he's in that school. Can't wait to see what is going to happen. :)