Chapter 1

Ice cold




The bell rang indicating that class was over, and it was time for me to go straight to work. School right after work? She's crazy! That's what my classmates would usually say to me, but I had no choice in the matter. My family has always been very poor, I want to help pay the bills as much as I can. I work at a local restaurant as a waitress. I usually try to get double shifts on the weekend if I don't have any tests to study for. My hard work is paying off though, because I've been bringing in so much money my family has been able to save up extra cash on the side. They think in a few more months we'll be able to move into a bigger home. They even promised me my own room! It might not seem like much to others, but I've always had to share a room with someone else.


I ran out of the school building, and made my way home to change into my uniform. I needed to work until midnight, and then go home to study for my test tomorrow. I entered our tiny apartment, and proceeded to change as fast as I could so I could get to work earlier to get an extra hour in. I dashed out as soon as I was changed, and ran all the way to the restaurant two blocks away. I clocked in an hour earlier, and began my shift as I usually would.


It was only Thursday, so the place wasn't as active as the weekend. Only about a dozen customers were dining with us today, pretty slow. I just finished bringing out food to a waiting family whenever I noticed two new customer's waiting at a table for service. I walked over to them, and found them both very good looking. A girl in a suit with long hair, and a pony tail in the back. She looked like she could be in the mafia with that kind of look. The other was a long haired girl in a white jacket with white pants. She looked so miserable, or was it lonely? I snapped out of my thoughts, and held up my paper and pen.


“My name is Sulli, and I'll be your waitress today. What would you like to drink?”


“Two cokes for us. We're ready to order actually.” The girl with a pony tail said while looking me up, and down.


“Oh! Go right ahead.” I placed the pen on top of the paper, and wrote down their order for cokes. I smiled up at them eagerly waiting for them to tell me what else they wanted next.


“One of everything.” The lonely looking girl said in a low tone.


“Really!? Y-You mean it? You're not kidding right?” I never had a customer that was able to afford the whole menu before. I was shocked, but happy. A large meal would mean a large tip, and that meant more money for our house fund! She must be an angel sent to me from God himself.


“You think I would say it as a joke!? Don't make me repeat myself again!” She raised her voice, and slammed her fist on the table. I didn't expect her to get so angry by something so simple. I've never had such a scary customer before. I guess she wasn't exactly an angel after all. I wrote it down quickly, and bowed to them. I was about to leave until I heard the angry girl start to have a coughing fit, and the pony tailed girl gave me a death glare. She got up, and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. I froze up, and wasn't sure what to do. I thought she was gonna beat the crap out of me.


“Don't you dare piss her again! If you do I'll kick you !” She threw me down on the ground, and sat back down at the table.


“Princess, are you alright?” She asked worriedly, and I quickly got up from the floor. I dusted myself off, and exhaled in relief. I was still alive! I thought I was done for when she lifted me into the air like that.


“I'm fine Amber. I just can't stand idiots who don't do their job right.” The girl in white turned, and glared at me. I never had a customer insult me, and throw me either. This certainly was a day of firsts wasn't it?


“Hey! Why are you watching us talk? Ain't you got a job to do?” The pony tailed girl scowled at me again, and I started to fear for my life once more.


“Y-Yes!” I ran off to the kitchen, and left the order in the basket of the other orders. A chef picked it up, and got all wide eyed. I left before he could say anything. I quickly rushed back to the table with cokes in hand, and made it back successfully, or so I thought. I managed to give one coke to the pony tailed girl, but whenever I went to give the other coke to the other girl, it slipped. I gasped in horror, as I dropped the drink all over the girl's white suit. She looked at her now stained clothes, and looked at me with pure rage in her eyes.


“Do you know how much this suit costs!?” She was practically shouting in my face, her fists were clenched tight. I took a step back just in case she tried to hit me.


“A-A lot?” I swallowed hard after answering, and she just rolled her eyes.


“$500,000! I got it in France, and you just ruined it.” She stood up from the table with the liquid still dripping off of her expensive outfit. The beautiful white fabric had been completely stained brown from the coke. I felt bad about it, especially since she spent so much on it.


“I'm sorry...” I spoke quietly, and fixated my eyes on the ground. I didn't want to look at her anymore, she might get more angry if I do.


“All you can say is sorry!? Pay me back the money for it NOW!” Her voice bellowed throughout the restaurant. The other customer's were turned around watching us by now. I felt so embarrassed that I had caused such a problem, I was probably going to lose my job.


“I-I don't even have that kind of money!” I stammered, and flinched when I saw the ponytail girl get up from her seat again.


“You better get the money you piece of ! I told you not to piss off the princess again!” She walked up to me slowly with her fist raised ready to hit me, and I backed up into the wall behind me. I felt the brick wall with my hands, and knew that I couldn't escape any further from this dangerous situation.


“I can't! I have to give all my earnings to my family. We're poor, and live in a two bedroom apartment when there is five of us!” I shouted at the pony tail girl as she got up in my face.


“You think we care about your sob story!?” She grabbed me by the collar again, and raised her fist. I clenched my eyes shut, and prayed for it not to hurt bad.


“Settle down Amber.” The angry girl spoke up, but she sounded much calmer now.


“But she-”


“Settle.” I felt the grip loosen, and then disappear. I opened my eyes, and the pony tail girl was walking back to the table looking very unhappy.


“Tch!” She sat back down, and folded her arms.


“You're going to pay me back in full.” Said the girl in white. I walked back over to their table only to receive a glare from the pony tailed one again. I immediately felt threatened, and backed up a bit.


“I just told you I can't...”


“Work as my servant, and pay your debt you peasant.” Her voice went from sounding calm to just plain cold. It was cold like ice. She seemed so mean. I really wanted this ordeal to be over, so I could go home. Today, was not my day.


“I just told you I can't-” I attempted to repeat myself again, but she cut me off almost immediately.


“I'll purchase a new home for your family, and then you can devote your time to serving me.” I was shocked that someone so cold would do something so nice. The two of them hadn't been treating me so well, and now she was offering to get my family a new house? Perhaps, she really was an angel in disguise. A very harsh one at that.


“Tch! You're lucky the princess is so generous.” The pony tail one said in an annoyed tone.


“Y-You'd really do that?” I asked again, still shocked that she was truly serious about this.


“Don't make me repeat myself.” Her tone was still cold, but serious. I could tell she was being honest with me. I felt so happy inside.


“....Fine. I'll do it. “ I smiled brightly at them, and bowed in gratitude for such a nice opportunity.


“Hmph. I'll work you to the bone.” Said the cold but generous girl. I personally took that as a challenge. I was hard working, and always put 100% into everything I did. I was going to show her how fast I could pay off the money for her outfit.


“I can take it!” I said in a determined tone.


“She won't last long.” The pony tailed girl said while chuckling at me. It was kind of making me mad that she thought I wouldn't be able to do it.


“She'll have to.” The cold girl sighed, and leaned back in her chair.


“What are your names anyways?” I asked.


“I'm Amber, and she's Krystal.” Krystal was about to speak, but then she started having another coughing fit. It was much worse than the previous, and she was also beginning to sweat. She looked like she was going to pass out at this rate.


“Princess! Let us return home you're in no condition to be out.” Amber got up, and ran to her side. She lifted her up from the table to help her stand.


“F-fine..” Krystal's knees buckled, and she almost hit the floor. Amber managed to catch her in time, and walked towards the door letting Krystal use her as support.


“What's wrong with her?” I thought it was odd that someone so composed could become so sickly at the drop of a hat, then again she was coughing earlier.


“She's very sick. She's been sick her entire life, and she can't do too much. You're coming with us servant.” Krystal pushed Amber off of her, and began to walk on her own still coughing. She looked like she was struggling to even walk straight. I wanted to help, but if she pushed Amber then she might do worse to me.


“I'm still on my shift!”


“You already agreed now come!” She yanked me out of the restaurant while the sickly Krystal followed behind us slowly. I was shocked when I already saw a limo outside waiting for their return. Amber shoved me inside of the limo, but nicely helped in her so called 'princess'. Amber got in, and slammed the door. I was feel frustrated until I looked over at Krystal, and saw how badly she was suffering. Her face was all red, and beads of sweat were rolling down her cheeks. She had already fallen asleep, she must have been very tired. She seemed so mean, but yet she offered to help my family too. Perhaps, she's just misunderstood. I want to know more about her.


We rode onwards in silence. I began to grow worried about Krystal, and her worsening condition. Her eyes were shut tightly, and she looked like she was struggling through some kind of nightmare. I wanted to wake her, but I didn't want her, or Amber to get angry again.


“Mom...Dad...” She said softly in her sleep, and Amber frowned.


“You'll never stop having that dream will you?” Amber asked to the sleeping girl, who o f course didn't respond.


“What dream?” I looked at Amber curious for her response.


“It's none of your business. If the princess wants you to know she'll tell you!” I should of known her response would have been harsh. Amber didn't seem to like me very much..


“..Sorry.” I looked down at my lap, and shut up.


“It's all my fault....” Krystal spoke again, but she was awake this time. She was panting heavily, and laid her head on Amber's shoulder for support of completely falling over. She looked so weak, and fragile. I didn't even know her, and yet I was really concerned for her.


“It's not! How many times do I have to tell you it's not?” Amber sounded angry. I didn't think she could get angry at Krystal too.


“Jessica said it was all my fault...”


“Jessica is full of ! She abandoned the Jung family name, and ran off. She's a nobody to us!”


“I want to see my sister...”


“No you don't! She's done so many horrible things to you.” Krystal passed out, and Amber sighed. I was so curious about what they were talking about. It was strange, it seemed like they had, had this conversation many times before. It was none of my business, and yet I had a desire for more information. I didn't bother to ask Amber, I knew she wasn't going to explain anything. We reached a large mansion that was bigger than anything I'd ever seen in my life.


The limo came to an abrupt halt, and Amber scooped up the unconscious girl into her arms. She slammed the door open, and rushed inside the huge building. I couldn't catch up with her speed, and sluggishly trailed behind her. I was even more amazed when I saw the inside of the huge mansion, it was so beautiful. I stood in awe, and saw a short girl with long brown hair approaching us. She rushed over to Amber, and took Krystal out of her arms effortlessly.


“Oh our poor Soojung has become sick again.”


“Get her in bed Luna. She's having her bad dreams, and talking non sense again.”


“I will.” She nodded, and carried the girl up a swirling flight of stairs. I felt like I had been into a whole new world. I sighed, and Amber glared at me again.




“I guess I'll have to introduce you to everyone.”


“I'm curious, but is everyone else here a servant working off a debt?”


“Hell no! You're the only one! I'm her body guard for starters. We love, and care for her like family. She's very important to us, so don't you dare do anything to get her upset!”


“Don't worry I don't intend to. I come in peace.”


“Hmph. Well hurry up, and follow me.” I nodded, and followed behind her. We walked throughout huge corridors, and reached a large living room. There was a bunch of people in it talking, and watching tv. I guess it was a break room of sorts. They all were wearing suits, or maid uniforms, and they looked expensive.


“Everyone! We have a new crew member! Introduce yourself kid!” Amber pushed me in front of all the curious faces, and I bowed to them.


“Hello, I'm Choi Sulli.”


“This kid pissed off the princess. She spilled coke all over her outfit, and now she's gotta pay back the money for it. Pissing off the princess is a crime in it's self, but damaging her clothes is even worse. Give this kid a hard work load would ya? Our boss wants her worked to the bone.” All the other faces smirked at me, and I knew that this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought it would be.

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Chapter 10: I missed this
jeansuntang #2
Pease update, it's been a year and a half since you updated.
This is one of the greatest stories I've read so please continue it!!
Trollabear #3
Chapter 10: Good story!! (:
Chapter 10: Oh my gosh I would love to read more of this story.