Chapter 2

Ice cold


I sighed, and collapsed on the couch in the break room. These people were really serious about working me to the bone. I'd never been worked so hard in my life! Every single muscle in my body was sore, and I felt so sleepy. I still needed to go home, and study for tomorrow’s test too. I just wanted to crawl in bed, and sleep forever. I could feel my eyelids growing heavy, and I was about to doze off until I saw Amber glaring down at me. She yanked me off of the couch, and shoved me forward.

“You're not done yet kid.”

“...What's next then?”

“Go clean the princess's room!”

“She's gonna get mad at me!”

“She's asleep just be quiet, and get it done!”

Amber shoved me forward towards the stairs, and wouldn't tear her gaze away from me. I had no choice but to ascend the stairs. I took my time going up them because my feet were aching from all the cleaning, and standing I had to do earlier. I reached the top of the stairs, and latched on to the banister to keep from falling over. The house was huge, and this floor was filled with rooms, not to mention there was another flight of stairs. I looked down below to see Amber still watching me like a hawk.

“Which one is her room?”

“It's on the top floor with the huge white doors. You can't miss it. Now hurry up!”

What's the big hurry? It's not like the room is going anywhere. Hmph! The people around here are way too demanding. I guess I'd better adjust, or I'll just get yelled at more. I sighed, and started to climb the other set of stairs. I wondered how she was doing now? It had been a few hours since I arrived, and I hadn't seen her since. I was too busy lost in thought, I didn't even notice that someone was approaching me. We collided, and I was about to roll straight down the stairs until she caught my hand. She pulled me up, and looked at me confused.

“Are you alright? I've never seen you here before.”

“Oh! I'm new here. I'm Choi Sulli.”

“I'm Victoria. I'm Soojung's doctor, so if you're often around her we might run into each other more frequently

“Doctor? Is she ok?”

“I think she'll be just fine, it's a bit worrying though. She's been doing quite well in her health, and now this out of no where.”

“It's winter now! I wouldn't worry about it. Everyone gets colds at this time of year.”

“You're right, but she's different from you, and I.”

“Why does she have some kind of disease?”

“I'll be going now. Have a good night.” She bowed, and left me speechless. She took her time going down the stairs, but why didn't she answer my question? Something really strange was happening in this household, or at least with this girl. Is everyone hiding something obvious from me, or am I imagining it? I shrugged, and reached the top flight of the stairs. The girl from beforehand that was carrying Krystal upstairs was at the top of the stairs just sitting there like she was waiting for me. It was awful strange. I saw the room with the huge white doors behind me, my destination.

“I heard you talking to Dr. Qian. You must be curious because she didn't really explain, but she's a doctor so she can't discuss that could of thing.”

“Oh, that's right there is a lot of legal things behind it. I feel bad for asking that now. I'll be sure to apologize to her later.”

“It's a not a disease.”

“Thank goodness. I was worried that was going to die or something.”

“A dark curse looms over this family.”


“Good night Sulli.” She bowed, and left me confused once more. I tried to stop her from going, but I didn't have any words to say to her. Curse? She has to be joking to scare me right? That kind of thing can't exist, it's just made up. Maybe, I'm just making excuses because I'm scared of being cursed too. I shook my head, and entered the white door-ed room. It was so dark inside, and freezing cold. I looked over to the bed, and she was wide awake. She was all curled up, and crying to herself. She was mumbling something too, I felt strangely drawn to her.

“K-Krystal, are you alright over there?”

She looked up at me with tears streaming down her cheeks, and eyes that told a story of nothing but pain. I never once saw someone look so sad before, it made me feel like crying too. I didn't care anymore if I was going to get yelled, or not it wasn't going to stop me from helping her. I carefully walked over to her bed side, and she sighed.

“What do you want girl?”

“My name is least remember it.”

“Tch! You're not important enough to remember.”

I should of known better than to bother, or care about her. I should of known that she wouldn't want me around, or even cared that I actually existed. I was probably just a tangible person to her that she could buy off with all of her riches. I sighed, and turned away from her. She grabbed my wrist, and yanked me over to the bed side.

“I'm sorry..” She released my wrist, and didn't even look at me. She looked like was ashamed of something.

“..It's ok.” I smiled at her, and she turned her back towards me. I think it was safe to say that the princess of this castle had a bit of anger problem. What was I saying? She was sick, so of course she'd be in a bad mood. She buried herself under the layers of blankets under her bed like she was hiding from me, it was pretty cute.

“I know I'm the last person you want to be around, or talk to, but I was ordered to clean your room by Amber.”

“Carry on then.” I nodded, and looked around at how huge this girl's room really was. It was probably as big as my family's apartment. She was so lucky to grow up in wealth. She must be spoiled a lot by her parents, so lucky. I wish I had a lot of money then I could spoil my parents, and my two older brothers. They work so hard, they really deserve everything. I started cleaning around the huge room, I was surprised at how quiet she was being. It was a little too quiet for my comfort, so I decided to strike up a conversation.

“Can you believe one of your workers said you were cursed? Something like that couldn't be true.”

“It is true.” I turned to look at her, and swallowed hard. Was I going to be cursed too? I'm barely 18 I want to live for much longer! I just pretended I didn't hear her, and continued on working. She stayed quiet for awhile, and then spoke up out of no where.

“If you're worried about catching it then don't. It's something you're born with. You can't catch it. “

“What does this curse do?”

“From my experience, it makes everyone leave me. My parents left, and my sister too. I'm destined to be alone.”

“Why would they leave?”

“They were ashamed of me, they couldn't even look at me. My sister was the only one who really cared about me, but then she just left me too. I can't say I blame them. Who could love a cursed person?”

“I could.”

“...What are you saying!?”

“If I was in that position I'd never leave your side.” She stayed quiet, and stopped talking after wards. I wanted to say more things, but I didn't want her to get angry again. I just decided to keep my mouth shut, and clean.
“If you really meant that then I'd let you.” She said suddenly. I looked over at her, and smiled. She didn't seem like the type to just admit to things, I think this was her way of saying she wanted to be friends.

“I'd love to be your friend, and stay at your side. I'll make sure you're never ever lonely, and I can cook good too.”

“What does cooking have to do with any of this..?”

“I like to make cookies for my friends. I'll make you some too.”

“You're not joking about this right? really want to be my friend? You want to be my friend even after how I've treated you?”

“That's right. I really do.”

“Sulli.” I was surprised to hear her use my name for the first time.


“Call me Soojung.” I had felt a gentle warmness coming from her for the first time.
She shyly smiled at me, and I knew I had made a new friend. Maybe, I was getting closer to finding out who she really was, and what this curse was all about.

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Chapter 10: I missed this
jeansuntang #2
Pease update, it's been a year and a half since you updated.
This is one of the greatest stories I've read so please continue it!!
Trollabear #3
Chapter 10: Good story!! (:
Chapter 10: Oh my gosh I would love to read more of this story.