Chapter 5 - The second session



Chapter 5 – The second session

Donghae checked his outfit once again, after checked it for like millions time, and take a deep breath. He was wearing black t-shirt with a blazer worn on top and jeans. The outfit he prepared carefully just for today or let’s say, for the session. Why? Simply because of this was the first step of courting Eunhyuk. He looked hot and irresistible for any normal female, but since Eunhyuk was not a normal female…. Well, let’s just see.


He entered the room just to see Eunhyuk was sitting calmly and reading some documents beside Mrs. Eunja. Mrs. Eunja was knitting like usual. Eunhyuk lifted her head and saw Donghae. She blushed at the sight of hot Donghae. But quickly shrugged it off even if it wasn’t missed by Donghae. He smirked.

‘Today is gonna be interesting for sure,”Donghae thought.

He sitted in front of Mrs. Eunja. Mrs. Eunja then gave him a paper and a pencil and told him to draw a man and a woman with a tree and a house. He draw it seriously. When he was finished, he gave it to Mrs. Eunja that said,

“What an interesting drawing. Will you kindly explained it to me?”

“Umm. Sure. Well, the man is staring at the woman that is sitting in the house beside the big old tree,”explained Donghae.

“Why was the man staring at the woman?”asked Eunhyuk suddenly.

“He… he loved her.”

“Why do you use past sentences for that?”

“because he doesn’t love her anymore, I guess.”

“Why is that?”asked Mrs. Eunja calmly, looking directly to his eyes.

“I… i-I don’t know…”answered Donghae, slightly hesitant with his answer. He felt like he know the answer but it refused to come out.

“You know, Donghae-ssi. Try to remember!”said Eunhyuk sternly.

“I don’t know,”Donghae felt the headache he hated so much came back again.

“You know! Tell us!”


“Just tell us! You know the truth!”

“No I don’t know God Damnit!!! my head hurts like hell! Why don’t you understand that?!”Donghae yelled at Eunhyuk. His head really hurt and he couldn’t seem to think really well at that condition.

“Enough, Eunhyuk. Go heal him,”said Mrs. Eunja to Eunhyuk and said to Eunhyuk with her eyes, “This is his second session. Don’t push him to hard!”

Eunhyuk sighed and nodded. She walked to Donghae and put her hand to Donghae’s head and it gently while saying shoftly,

“Pain pain go away. It’s alright to feel pain but joy as well. Pain pain go away.”

And then the headache Donghae felt, gone away. He was happy but then with a confused and curious feeling, asked practically to no one,

“What the hell have happened?!”

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Chapter 7: Ohh.. :))) Thanks for this, update soon!
Chapter 7: thanks for the update :D
so hyukkie feel empty too but she accept the problem...hope hae will be healing too with hyukkie's help
Chapter 7: Update soon.....^_^
Chapter 6: haha cute healing spell by hyukkie ><
CallMehhBubz #5
Chapter 6: Oooooooo Ahhhhhh
rossy80 #6
Chapter 6: hyukie's spell to heal hae is so sweet......and their interaction is interesting.....thanks for update....
Chapter 4: hahaha the interaction between them just so funny

please update soon, and I hope you overcome your problems, fighting !!