Chapter 3 - The mission




Mrs. Eunja nodded excitedly and happily.

“Umma, What is the meaning of that? Someone that can heal me? Are you joking?”asked Eunhyuk, shocked.

“Are you sick, umma? Ah, maybe you are..”she said worriedly while put her hand on Mrs. Eunja forehead, measuring her temperature to check if she was sick or healthy. But she found it normal.

“Eunhyuk, I’m serious!!!”Mrs. Eunja yelled at Eunhyuk.

“Fine….”said Eunhyuk, still worried.

……………………. *silent*


“What?”Mrs. Eunja asked.

“Well…. Who is that person?”asked Eunhyuk while hugging her bagpack and tried to relax herself on the chair.

Mrs. Eunja smiled again at her with a mysterious and suspicious stare.

Eunhyuk had a bad feeling about this because she knew what’s going to happen and she was sure she wouldn’t like it… AT ALL….

“I know that smile! I know that!!!!! Ah, come on, umma?! This is a serious matter?! Why does umma have to do this to me? More over AGAIN?!!!! Umma!!!!!!”Eunhyuk protested with puppy eyes and completed with her infamous and super duper cute pout.

“Umma won’t be fooled with that cute eyes and pout of yours again!”said Mrs. Eunja sternly.

After a while………


“Fine!!!! But this is the last time I do this! Now what?”Eunhyuk frustratedly stated.

“First, you are going to be my assistant at work. Means that you’re going to be beside me in all of my sessions with my patients. This won’t be to difficult for you since you have tried become my assistant not long ago.”

Eunhyuk nodded.

“Next, you are going to help me healing psychological sickness of one of my patient! He is about the same age with you so I think it will be much easier if you’re dealing with him. If he is healed then you are free from this and you can meet that person that can heal you. Any question?”

Eunhyuk thought for a while and asked, “When will this end?”

“You’ll know when it’s time, my child.”

“One more, why does this room’s aura feel so… so… s-so familiar to me? Is it just me? Or have I met that person that caused this?”Eunhyuk felt very curious.

“You may have not meet this person but you will! Because the person that caused this is the person that you will heal. And for your information, he has the same illness as you,”answered Mrs. Eunjae while continuing her knitting.

“Oooooh… That’s why….”

“This is the document and profile about the person. Study this when you get home okay,”said Mrs. Eunja, giving Eunhyuk the documents with a photo.

She passed the profile and searched for the illness description. Her heart felt stabbed when she read,

“Illness            :           Emptiness.

Cause             :           still unknown”

“Are you sure umma?”

“I’m 100% sure”

“Maybe I’ll try to help…. But I’m not sure… because I, myself, have this emptiness with the same cause…. We are the same kind… so I’m not sure if I can change him….”said Eunhyuk.

“Don’t worry! I believe you will! Now study the documents I gave you and you’ll start working tomorrow. At 08.00 a.m. sharp!”

“No prob, umma.”

Eunhyuk then stand up and started to walk toward the door.

“Don’t be late!!!!!!! Remember at eight!!!!!!!!!!!! And don’t go home to late!!!!!!!! Study the documents!!!!! Umma will cut your pocket money if you come late tomorrow!! And no clubbing for 1 month!!!!!!!!!!!! Drinking alcohol too!!!!!!! You have a very low alcohol tolerance!!!!!!!!!!”

“De!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”answered Eunhyuk. She is already outside of the room.

“So noisy….”she muttered.

“I HEAR THAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!”

“MIANHAE UMMA!!!!!!!!!”she apologized almost at the same time.

She read the profile and muttered,


“Lee Donghae……”


So... here is my update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please read and comment and subscribe!!!!! thank you for all the supports!!!!!! Enjoy...


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Chapter 7: Ohh.. :))) Thanks for this, update soon!
Chapter 7: thanks for the update :D
so hyukkie feel empty too but she accept the problem...hope hae will be healing too with hyukkie's help
Chapter 7: Update soon.....^_^
Chapter 6: haha cute healing spell by hyukkie ><
CallMehhBubz #5
Chapter 6: Oooooooo Ahhhhhh
rossy80 #6
Chapter 6: hyukie's spell to heal hae is so sweet......and their interaction is interesting.....thanks for update....
Chapter 4: hahaha the interaction between them just so funny

please update soon, and I hope you overcome your problems, fighting !!