Chapter 1 - The Beginning



Donghae’s POV

I was sitting in this square, cozy and little room, in front of a middle aged woman who seems kind but….. a little suspicious. She was like knitting in front of me with a big round mirror table between us. She was staring at me carefully like observing me. I felt very nervous because of her intense stare. I couldn’t really recall what was going on with me when I accepted my mom’s suggestion to come here to ‘consultate’? I thought it was 2 days ago or maybe yesterday.



I was playing game with my slightly younger cousin, Kyuhyun, when I noticed my mom was approaching me. She seems like she was hesitating to do whatever it is that she intended to do regarding me, I guess…. Anyway, seems like she finally decided to do it. She came and stood behind us and said gently,

“Kyuhyun-ah, could you please kindly leave us alone for a while? I’ve got something important to talk about with Hae?”

Kyuhyun looked at me with what-is-it expression and before he nodded, I gave him a i-don’t-know-too face. Then he left to his room bringing the game along with him.

Mom sit on the place where Kyuhyun was sitting, beside me. She became quiet. Even if it was just 5 minutes past like that, it felt like hours. I became impatient and asked my mom, “What is it mom?”

Mom looked startled and after nervously biting her lips, A habit of hers when she felt very nervous, she asked, “Do you still feel this ‘emptiness’ feeling?”

I was silent for a while. “I do, mom”

“Don’t you remember something that might corresponded with this ‘empty’ feeling?”

“No, mom… It’s just that whenever I tried to remember it, it was like suddenly my heart stabbed by thousand knife and my head started to hurt. So I just think that maybe it was a disability side of my heart and that I should just live with it,”I answered with a big sigh.

“You know, I’ve a friend that might help you, my son. Even I’m not sure too about it. Why don’t you give it a try?”asked my mom with puppy eyes.

Still, I didn’t want to feel that heartache again. It hurt so much, so I deny it saying that my exam was at the end of the month and I have to fix my scores.

“Your scores? What’s with your scores? The last time I checked, you are the top student in your school?! Were you trying you lie to me? Lee Donghae how dare you?!” mom screamed in high pitch.

I became scared and quickly handled the situation with agreeing to come to mom’s friend. Mom smiled happily and stood up and went to the kitchen to make dinner.

“Who’s that friend, Mom?!!” I yelled from the living room to the kitchen room. Have to be loud. But maybe a to loud because not long…

“HEY FISHIE!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M ON THE PHONE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!! SO JUST BE GOD DAMNED QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO THAT I CAN ING TALK WITH MY MINNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”yelled Kyuhyun from upstairs.

“CHO KYUHYUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!”Mom yelled back.



Teens? Well, I can’t deny that I am indeed still a teen with 17 years old age.

End of Flashback

I was still in my own world when someone poked me, bringing me back to the real world. I saw that woman smiled at me. I smiled back. She offered her hand for handshake and she introduces her self as Lee Eunja, the consultant and a medium.

“What is your problem, young man?”

“I feel this emptiness feeling in my heart but I don’t know why or since when I got this feeling.”

“More detail?”
“Like when I talk to someone or do something fun with someone or sad things happened, I couldn’t feel all of that feeling completely, it’s like something deep is not reacting. Shutting itself. Very cold. Uncaring. Like… like an…”

“Ice. Is that right, Son?” She asked while sitting comfortably at her chair while I was surprised by her because she gives a very accurate example for what I was feeling. I was starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was chance even if it’s not big, to cure myself from this feeling and maybe finally filling this emptiness with something.

She was silent for a while and then she prepared a pencil, an eraser, and a blank paper. Then she asked with a smiling, mysterious face,

“Shall we start?”


So here is the first chapter!!!!!!!!! Hope you all enjoy it!!!!!!!
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Chapter 7: Ohh.. :))) Thanks for this, update soon!
Chapter 7: thanks for the update :D
so hyukkie feel empty too but she accept the problem...hope hae will be healing too with hyukkie's help
Chapter 7: Update soon.....^_^
Chapter 6: haha cute healing spell by hyukkie ><
CallMehhBubz #5
Chapter 6: Oooooooo Ahhhhhh
rossy80 #6
Chapter 6: hyukie's spell to heal hae is so sweet......and their interaction is interesting.....thanks for update....
Chapter 4: hahaha the interaction between them just so funny

please update soon, and I hope you overcome your problems, fighting !!