The ' point'

Love is war

Quick Christmas update! <3

“Hey Sooyoung, do you want to go check out the biggest roller coaster? They say that it’s the highest one yet!” Jonghyun says adorably like a wet puppy. Sooyoung nods and lets Jonghyun lead her as Key follows along feeling incredibly like a third wheel or even more; as if he was invisible…

“Omo! This is so high! We’re almost at the front of the line Jonghyunie! Kya! This is so exciting!” She says with her Barbie doll voice that key couldn’t help but hate so much. We’re up next this is so scary, thank god there are three seats in each row…Thought Key; who was screaming frantically on the inside.

“Jongie, I’m cold can we go quickly and grab my coat?” Sooyoung said with her irritable voice, “O-oh, yeah of course! K-key wait here and save our spot in the line up okay? We’ll be right back” He says reassuringly as Key hesitantly nods and they run off leaving Key alone and a bit frightened.

It's been around two minutes and the other passengers came back giggling and talking about how fast and scary the ride was; that honestly did not help Key's situation at the slightest.... Others started entering the ride and Key reached the front. Fear seeped through him as he realized exactky what was happening.

“Hey! Are you going to get on or not? There’s a line!” A manly voice yells as Key comes back into reality. “O-oh uhm, m-my friends are c-coming back and I really c-can’t ride this a-alone.” Key says while shaking and stumbling through his words. “I don’t care about your stupid excuses! Either get on or get off!” The person in charge of the lines said. (Sorry don’t know what they’re called >.<)  If I leave Jonghyun is going to get really mad and Sooyoung will pretend to be upset like a little b*tch, but what if I actually do get on?

Key was on the verge of tears. I-I can’t do it, but if I don’t then Jonghyun would call me a wimp and then get mad at me for not saving their spot. This is all her fault! If she was never here then I wouldn’t be in this stupid situation! Key thought who was frantically panicking right now. “Hurry up!” A few people from the line said. “o-okay, I-I’ll g-go…” Key says while taking a tiny baby step.

“Jonghyun, please just this one more time, Please, come and save me again.” Key mumbles under his breath. 3,2,1… No one came…

“Everyone the ride will start in one minute. Please make sure your seat belts are fastened tightly and please keep your hands and feet inside the whole time. I also suggest holding the railing in front of you for the entire ride. The ride will last approximately three minutes to four minutes. Please follow the instructions and have a lovely ride.”

Easy for you to say ... Key thought to himself. Key couldn’t believe what was happening at this second. His heart beat rose by a billion beats and his stomach wasn’t just filled with butter flies he could’ve sworn that they were filled up with enraged stomping elephants.

He never once thought that he could be this terrified, shivering and having quick short breaths. Did he dare look down? Curiosity killed the cat, but this time satisfaction did not bring him back. Key looked down and almost died right then and there. But, something stopped him as he saw Jonghyun and Sooyoung holding ice cream in their hand and what pissed Key off most was that Sooyoung wasn’t even wearing her jacket, she was wearing Jonghyun’s.

This was quite funny, Key was sitting up in the heights; one of the things that he is most frightened of, alone and shivering while on the other hand Jonghyun and Sooyoung were having a lovely time…Standing on the ground, happily as they their ice cream cones.

“BEEP BEEP” The ride started with the sound of the horn.

“Oh no, I really can’t do this! I have to get off!” Key desperately yelled out while receiving a few stares. It was much too late though, the ride already started and it was reaching the point of the fall, mostly known as the ‘’ of the ride.

Everything fell down. Everything fell down fast. Everything went black. Everything went noisy. Everything was quite. Everything didn’t mean anything now.

He was all alone and it was so very quite… Too quiet; so quiet that it was completely silent, Key hated silence more than anything in the world. To him silence was worse than noise, it was louder than noise. Crazy logic you may ask? Not to key and not to many other people in the world. Key wasn’t alone at all in fact.

Blurry; that was the first thing Key thought when he opened his eyes.  “What’s going on?” key asked while slightly jumping to find that he was in an ‘unknown’ place. “Key! Thank goodness you’re awake!” yelled Taemin; who ran with all his might to hug Key. “Whoa, okay Taemin…. Where am I? And where is Jong-“Key was cut off by someone’s voice. “KEY! You’re awake!” A voice yelled and Key smiled knowing it was his Jjong.

“Taemin and Minho arrived a few minutes after you… fainted….” Jonghyun said with a sudden sadness to his voice. “Minho, lets leave for a bit okay?” Taemin said as Minho looked confused but nodded and left Key and Jonghyun alone. “Look I’m so sorr-“

 Key cut of Jonghyun this time. “You know what, it doesn’t matter any more. You can just go and play with Sooyoung.” Key said with a bit of harshness in this voice. Key wasn’t as mad as he was upset and Jonghyun knew this quite well, however he hated it when Key was upset it made him feel a bit sad.

“No, please just listen to me-“

“No. Listen to me okay? What were you guys doing eating ice cream?! I was so scared; I was waiting for you to hurry up and come back.  But apparently you guys decided to just forget that I have a ing phobia  of heights and roller coasters! Why weren’t you there when you said you would be?! I was so…Scared…” Key said while sniffling and tears escaping slowly as Jonghyun stood there and walked up to Key.

“ I was… I was… waiting f-for you to come back… Why didn’t you ever come back?...” Key said with tears dripping. He wiped them off quickly but they just kept on falling again and again. “Look at me now! My eyeliner is dripping and I’m a mess.” Key said as Jonghyun sat next to him.

“Key, I am really sorry… I never thought that it would’ve ended up like this. I should’ve waited for you and let Sooyoung go by herself… I am so sorry Key… I’m sorry I mess everything up…”

Jonghyun said as Key looked away from Jonghyun. “I’m sorry too Jonghyun, sorry that I’ve been hopelessly in love with you for over  SIX stupid years! I’m sorry that I’ve been waiting for you for so long! I know it’s stupid and I know that you like someone else. I’m sorry for being in love with you Kim Jonghyun; you know what? I’m sorry that I even exist. I’m sorry that I’m so ing in love with you!” Key finished as he stood up with a frozen Jonghyun by his side.


Wait, what? K-key likes me? Or now that I ed up... Liked me..., could I ever fix this? Key You're my- 'Trololol nope, nope not telling you guys yet wait a few more chapters ^^'



“Key! Where are you going?!” Jonghyun managed to stumble out as he tried to grab Key’s hand but Key pulled away. “ I don’t want any more bullshi*t okay?!” Key screamed as he ran out of the room while a few nurses tried to tell him to rest. But, he didn’t care. He was over everything. “Key! KIM KIBUM! Wait! KEY!” Jonghyun’s voice became quieter and quieter and Key ran down the empty hall ways.

This wasn’t at all how it was supposed to turn out… When I was just a kid Jonghyun would always read me fairytales of all sorts like; Cinderella, Snow white, Rupunzel or Beauty and the beast and every other fairytale. I was obsessed with perfect, happy endings but reality sinks in and I realize that perfect endings don’t exist…

In the end the tables have turned and I would’ve never thought that this was how it would’ve turned out…

Kim Jonghyun I wish I never met you, I wish I never loved you, I wish that none of this would’ve happened. I wish I had 6 years of my life back and most importantly;

I wish that you would’ve loved me back… But apparently that is too much to ask for…

Merry Christmas guys! :) I'm going to update all my stories faster now since it's the Winter break <3 Omg, Don't worry this story has alot coming it's way. Jonkey and 2min will always prevail! I promise this story will be worth reading! The next few chapters will be a bit dramatic ( not that much ) But then the fluffiness will appear <3 ^_^ I hope your christmas was amazing! Mine wasn't that great... I did nothing all day except eat,sleep and go on the internet. :( I hope you guys like it!

I'm not gonna write any more Jonghyun p.o.v's ^^ I only wrote that one sentence because it's Christmas~

Comments make me so happy! So please give me a magical christmas gift and subscirbe or leave me  a comment. I didn't get any presents because my parents don't 'do' christmas so Comment me something and I'll be more happier than someone recieving an ipad C:

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Chapter 9: I read this chapter again to refresh my memory from Christmas and I really can't wait til the next update
Chapter 9: UPDATE soon!!! love itttt~~~
sujing #3
Chapter 9: This is such a great story! I love reading it! please update soon!
SHINeeLove1st #4
Chapter 9: I Love the story so far! T_T Cliffhanger, I hope Key forgives jongie!! And Jongie do something and save your yeobo D:<
watwotwut #5
Chapter 8: My friend actually fainted halfway through a rollercoaster ride. That was even scarier than the actual ride.
Chapter 7: i lolve this story please update it soon!! :)
Chapter 7: i lolve this story please update it soon!! :)
SHINeeLove1st #8
Chapter 7: I Love this story so far! I can not wait till the next update! PLEASEE Update soon
Chapter 3: The story was just wonderful as it is... countinue writing :))
goojayhee #10
Chapter 7: omg I can't wait for the next chapter