
Love is war

I was about to go and brush my teeth but Miyoung came in . "Taemin? are you awake?" Her voice chimed as she tip toed into
my new room.. "Yeah i'm here, do you need something?"I said as i took out my tooth brush and tooth paste. " No not really,
but i'm just here to ask if you're feeling comfortable and if everything's alright!" She said as she smiled ,her smile is so warming
i thought as i sat back down onto the comfy bed. "Yeah ofcourse! I Loove this room!" I said as i giggled my cute side showing
by accident.

"Oh thank god, i thought that it was too overthe top but you know i've always wanted a cute son ..but look at what i get! A Stuborn
emotionless genius child who never causes trouble, i wish he was more like you taemin..Get along well okay?" She said as she
took out a box. " Really? But i'm not the prefect child i make mistakes and i'm really clumsy . i get lost easily , i can't cook, I can't
draw.. i DEFINITLY can't cook, i'm not very smart either, and i'm really messy too and i have a bunch of other imperfections.."
I said as she looked at me with big hazel eyes, i could see why she's minho's mom.

" Taemin! You're imperfections are what make
you! The reason i like you is because you're the opposite of minho! I didn't want a perfect child i wanted the opposite so i am
very glad that you're living here now! I already think of you as my son, OH! I know! Call me umma from now on okay?" She said as
i giggled i wonder what key's going to think of that , key always wanted to be my one and only umma."Okay u-umma?" I stutter
as i blush from the awkwardness , my eyes travel to the tiny box in side her palms.

She giggles and shows the box " Here, a present for you!" She says as she unties the ribbon. "Oh no,no,no,no,no! You already
did soo much for me i could never even think about asking for more, please it's okay!" I said feeling guilty and pushing the tiny
box away. She frowned then pouted , aw she's cute i wonder why minho never pouts i want to see him pout, that would be cute!
i thought as she pushed the box towards me again. " Please taemin!! I wanted to get you this i spent at least 2 hours in that store!
And finally minho picked out the exact one i hope it's okay he said that it reminded him of you.." She says as she pushes it
towards me more.

Minho was there too? I wonder what it is.."Pleaasse taeminn? For umma?" She says as she drops the box on my lap and then
runs away "Bye taemin! No give backs!" She says as she giggles then slips then giggles again and then finally escapes to her
room. I stare at the box on my lap and decide to open it ... Inside was a cellphone a beautiful one infact probably the newest model.
It was aqua blue with tiny white gems around the edges and on the back it was half orange and the other half was aqua blue
too. Hmm the colors are actually really pretty together but how does this remind minho of me..and just as i thought that i got
a phone call from..

My hot boyfriend with flaming charisma..Wow.really minho.. i pick it up " Yah! What the hell is wrong with your name?" I yell as
minho laughs on the other side. "Do you like your phone? The colors on the back match well right?" He said as i looked at the
back again. "Yeah i like it alot! especially the back!" I said as minho laughed ever harder. "What?" i could here him laughing
still. "Those are opposite colors but they look really nice together, I thought about us when i saw those two colors."Minho said
as i could basically see the grin on his face. I blushed right away. "I bet you you're blushing" I jumped . How does he know??

"A-anyways thanks.." I waited for a reply, did he hang up? Nope it's still calling " Minho?...minho? ..you stupid frog answer me!"
i said as i got worried..

"YAH !" some one screamed. I yelled as soon as i heard the scream behind me and right after i felt arms wrap me into a hug
"Scared you didn't I?" Minho said as he held me close. "J-jerk get off!" I said as i pouted and pushed him off. "What was that
for?" I said as minho tried to cover his laugh with his hand. " You're cute , let's go to school now taemin" Minho said as he dragged
my along. "Waiit! i'm not in my uniform and i didn't even get ready yet!" I yelled as he nodded and said that he'll wait for me outside.

Why'd i do that? I'm not supposed to be liking him first! No. I don't i never like anyone. i'm a genius i don't need love. i shouldn't
have hugged him, why is his skin so soft? Fricking taemin and his fricking smile and his fricking giggle i thought as i waited for
him in the living room. I should just stop talking to him. wait, everyone's going to think that we're dating if we go to school together
and if i say we live in the same house then people will think weird, maybe me and taemin should keep this to ourselves..

but he reminds me of someone..I just can't put my finger on it..ugh! This is driving me crazy i'm just going to shake it off..
breath in , breath out..now forgeettt~ I think to myself.

I heard stpes coming this way so i looked up to see a cute taemin wearing his uniform with his tie crooked, i laughed and
got up to fix it, he flinched when i got too near " You're tie is crooked, it's annoying." I said as i fixed it . He mumbled a thanks
as he grabbed his backpack and we started to leave. We headed out to the subway since my mom's using the car after 2minutes
of walking in silence except for taemin humming some song i heard some rustles in the bushes "What the hell" I mutter as i stare at
the bush but it didn't move again. maybe it was just my imagination.

we were almost at the subway when i heard another rustle I stared at the bush for a bit longer now until taemin called me " Minho!
What are you doing? Slow poke!" Taemin says as he giggles and pulls out a lolipop. I look back at the bush to see it completely
still.. hm, maybe it's just an animal.. I walk faster to catch up to taemin who has a lolipop in his mouth i grab the stick and pull it out.
"YAH!! That's mine!!" Taemin yells as he trys to grab it back but i bring it higher . " Minhoo!! Give it backk!" He whines as i laugh.

"call me oppa!" I say as i make it higher by going on tip toes. "No! Give it back!" He says as i laugh more now," Nope i'm not gonna
till you say it!" I say as taemin try's to grab it by jumping his hair bouncing up and down. " O-oppa give it back!" Taemin says as he
pouts and crosses his arms in defeat as he glares at me. I smirk and the lolipop then i put it in his mouth. "Y-yah!" Taemin says
as he blushes immediately as i pat his head. "Lets go we might miss the subway!"  I Say as  taemin and I run off to catch the subway.


"Are they dating?" "No way! Really? they did that?!" " Omo  why are they coming to school together?" "I never knew taemin was that
type of person!"  " I can't believe it! They're gay?!"  " No, that's not possible!"

A bunch of voices started popping out once minho and taemin came into the school together. Rumors started and taemin got even
more embarrased . " M-minho..they think that we did something..i don't like people talking behind my back..make it stop.." Taemin
says as minho looks at the yougner tugging on his sleeves . Minho's heart skipped a beat at the cuteness of the male he could
feel a blush coming on but he shook the idea out of his head . Minho stood onto a bench and shouted out: " WE ARE NOT

Minho had the popularity to make rumors appear then disappear with a snap of his fingers, that's why jonghyun and his earlier
girlfriends didn't create any chaos.  They all nodded at minho and started talking to their friends and texting again
"See i told you they weren't!" "What a relief" Alot of voices started speaking again and taemin sighed a sigh of relief.
"Thanks i'm going to find key now.." Taemin says as he runs off to find his umma leaving minho alone to look for jonghyun.


Taemin found key within minutes, key stands out ..ALOT.. his colorfull streaks and he always finds a way to change his uniform
but keep it in the rule books. "Umma! I have to tell you something ..secretly!"  Taemin says as he drags his umma to a corner.
"What taemin? I was talking to those cuties!" Key says as he puts his hands on his hips . "This better be good-"
"I moved into choi minho's house." Taemin cut key off. " WHHHAT? WHAT WHAT WHAT WAIT WHAT HOW WHY?!" Key
yells as taemin has to cover his mouth but key bites his hand and taemin lets go. " explain it to me noooww!" Key says as
tamein nods and tells key the WHOOLE story ( A/N Yes all 2 and a half chapters ) and that left key speachless.

" Umma you alive? hello? hello? " <-( AHAHA Okay i really should stop now.. naah i'm gonna leave these everywhere >:D )
Taemin said as he poked key like a door bell " Ring ding dong you there key?" But key didn't move the slightest and just
stood there with his mouth wide open. "Umma, you're gonna catch a fly like that.." Taemin said as he tickled key.
"YAHH WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST WAKE ME UP THEN?" Key says as Taemin looks scared. " Sorry umma but it was
urgent back then" Taemin said as he pouted and key felt guilty right away. " AWW I'm sorry taemin it's just that i
wanted to be there for you and i didn't take in count that your house burnt down an- wait is the locket with the note okay?"
Key says as taemin nods " Luckily my dad  grabbed it .." Taemin said smiling as he takes out a not and a tiny locket with
 a sakura petal in the slot and the other slot had a tiny key < - ( i think you guys will be able to figure out which key is which)  

~The note~

Taemin i've loved you since kindergarten till now and i think i'll love you forever I'll always love the way you make me smile
the way your eyes reflect myself in them how your dancing is my favorite thing in the world if i went a day without you I
don't think i would survive , You make me laugh and i love your awkward smiles when you say my name it makes
me feel like the happiest person alive, there isn't a single thing i don't like about you i've always noticed you
since i first saw you , you were wearing a white shirt with ripped jeans and you were complaining that you couldn't
get the basket ball into the hoop, because of that i learned basket ball so that one day i could teach you.Just remember
 i've never seen any one else in my life except for you.. When we talked that one time at lunch
how you passed me a pencil in class i've never forgotten those moments no matter how simple they may be, in feild
trips or dances i've only looked at you and i will always only look at you, if you get this note that means i'm finally brave
enough to send you this pathetic piece of paper because i am not brave enough to say this to your beautiful face.
but that also means that somethings happened to me and my best friend has sent this note  to your locker.along with
the locket inside the locket is a sakura petal you probably won't remember that moment that includes this one
sakura petal but that memory will always be with me the other side of the locket is a key and i have the lock it is a
one of a kind lock and key so if you think some one may be me show them the key. That way we may just meet

You probably won't ever figure out who wrote this letter but i'm sure if we were meant to be fate will guild us to each
other once again.

but i love you, and will always love you until my very final breath, i love you Taemin.

Forever and always your secret admirer.

" Don't worry taemin you'll find that person." Key said as taemin smiled re-reading the letter.
Taemin could recite this whole note because he always reads it every night before he goes to sleep his dads would
always make fun of him but taemin wouldn't care he didn't even know who the sender was but he would love that person
no matter what gender or if that person was broke or rich it didn't matter one bit he knew that he loved him and thats all that
mattered. " Taemin? Taemin? You there? Don't you dare go all space alien on me!" Key says as he pokes taemin. "Huh?
oh sorry umma i was just thinking about stuff , anyways you're not mad about the minho thing anymore right?" Taemin said
as key smiles  " Of course not! I mean it's not like you guys did anything weird!" Key says smiling as taemin nods

"Yup! We only kissed twice!" Taemin says as his eyes widens and he clamps his hands over his mouth. Crap.

"WHAT?! WHEN WAS THIS WHY-HOW WHAAT?" Key shouts as taemin has to hold his umma down before key
goes on a killing rampage. " Taemin let go of me! I have to kill minho for poisoning my precious minnie!" Key says
as taemin pouts. The reason why his umma wasn't the hottest was because of this very personality he gets really
mad alot but taemin knows he's really sweet inside. " Ani! You can't umma you're going to get in trouble!" Taemin says
as key finally nods " Alright okay, whatever." Taemin smiles and lets go of his umma.

" Just kidding. I'M GONNA KILL THAT FROG!" Key says as he runs full speed to minho as taemin just stands there
speachless. "Oh no.. this is not going to end well." Taemin mutters as he runs to hide near a bush.


Key ran to minho at full speed “CHOI MINHO YOU BUGGY EYED FROG YOU ARE DEAD!" Key screamed as Minho’s eyes
Widened. " K-key? Wha-" Minho was cut off by key grabbing him by the collar and dragging him into the recording room. The room
was usually empty so no one could hear them. "OW! What's wrong with you?!" Minho yelled as key pushed him to the recording
Table. "What do you mean what's wrong with me?! You kissed my taeminnie!" Key yelled as Minho’s eyes widened again.

"H-how-" Key cut Minho off again. “tell me right now, did you or did you not kiss Lee taemin." Key said as Minho looked away
"I-i did kiss him..." Minho said as key sighed and pushed Minho to the table again. “Fine, I guess that I can’t help it but I swear if you
 ever make him cry or even sad in the slightest bit I will use all my power to end you. Also don’t toy with taemin. He’s too innocent.
Either you love him or you don’t.” Key said as he gave at him a look and went off to find taemin.

Minho sighed and slunk back on to a seat. “I really don’t ever want to hurt taemin or make him cry… but I can’t love him. I just can’t.”

A/N: Holy crap this took long to finish i am SOO sorry.. :( I have a presentation at school to do and my partner's hand is broken and she had to do surgery and my teachers a moron i have to apply for a mini school and send the application before december the second and i need letters of recomendations and i have to study my off for a giant test that is going to decide my future everyone please wish me luck! The test is at december the eleventh! But i will try my absoulute best to update as much as i can i hope you guys can forgive me~ <3 Comment and subscribe if you like what you're reading~ See i knew that my ranting would get longer as the story progresses >.>

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Chapter 9: I read this chapter again to refresh my memory from Christmas and I really can't wait til the next update
Chapter 9: UPDATE soon!!! love itttt~~~
sujing #3
Chapter 9: This is such a great story! I love reading it! please update soon!
SHINeeLove1st #4
Chapter 9: I Love the story so far! T_T Cliffhanger, I hope Key forgives jongie!! And Jongie do something and save your yeobo D:<
watwotwut #5
Chapter 8: My friend actually fainted halfway through a rollercoaster ride. That was even scarier than the actual ride.
Chapter 7: i lolve this story please update it soon!! :)
Chapter 7: i lolve this story please update it soon!! :)
SHINeeLove1st #8
Chapter 7: I Love this story so far! I can not wait till the next update! PLEASEE Update soon
Chapter 3: The story was just wonderful as it is... countinue writing :))
goojayhee #10
Chapter 7: omg I can't wait for the next chapter