
Love is war


Don't forget if the title is a period "."It is an unfinished chapter! :)

Yuri had just suggested that they play truth or dare seeing that they had nothing to lose they all said okay, none of them were dating anyone either way so.. with yuri's rule kissing was aloud.

" since i started the game i'll start!" Yuri says giggling while she twirls her hair and looks around " Minho oppa i choose you! truth or dare?" she says with her evil beady eyes. "truth?" Minho says not wanting to choose dare just yet. Yuri looked a tad bit disapointed but shrugged it off " Oppa, rate everyone in this bus in looks from one to ten!" She says as she fixes her bra while pushing it up a bit and flips her hair and bats her eyelashes cutely.

Minho looks at jonghyun " 1-10.. -100!" Minho says while he sticks his tounge out  at jonghyun who punches minho on his arm jokingly. " alright alright! uhm looks only right? then 6" Minho says as everyone nods he then looks at  key " From 1-10 6.5.. you have weird clothes." Minho says as key scowls at him but then fakes a smile. " My clothes are amazing that you very much!" Key says as he wraps his arm around jonghyun being the natural flirt he is " Right jjong?" Key says . " o-of course key!" Jonghyun says blushing from the sudden touch of key.

Minho looks at onew now " 1-10 i choose.. 6.3?" Onew just nods and returns to playing a hand game with taemin. Minho turns to yuri who was waiting patiently "1-10..8?" Minho says as yuri flips her hair. " See guys? of course i'm the best looking! minho's just hard to get ~" Yuri says and smiles to minho as key snorts and jonghyun rolls his eyes .

"Taemin." Minho says suprising taemin who had to stop his hand game with onew. " Neh minho?" Taemin says "oh right..the rating thing i mean it's okay if-" Taemin got cut of by Minho. "i give you an 11" Minho says suprising everyone in the van " WHAAT?!" Everyone yells as yuri gives a squeal of suprise. "OPPA! That's not even within ten choose a number from one to ten!!" She says as she pouts. "Fine then ten." He says as he winks to taemin who just sits there blushing with his mouth slightly open.

Minho breaks the silence " Okay my turn,Se kyung truth or dare?" He says "truth." she says as she holds jonghyuns arm and chews her gum. Se kyung liked jonghyun and would do whatever she could to get him just like yuri and minho that's why they're best friends and always help each other out with their "crushes".  " if you were a boy who would you date?" Minho says not really intrested in the answer.  " Yuri ofcourse! i mean she's soo hot!" Se kyung says as yuri winks. "yuri truth or dare?" Se kyung says as they give each other a glare. " Dare ofcourse!" Yuri says.

" i dare you and minho to kiss for 30 seconds."

Taemin flinched a bit hearing these words . he decided to look out of the corner of his eyes seeing that minho and yuri were already making out. He stopped the hand game with onew and just stared at minho. " we were doing the same thing just a while ago.. i knew he wasn't different. i knew that i was just a toy like the rest of them." Taemin thought to himself as he felt a lump in his throut and tears stinging his eyes . Onew could see this as well and whisper to taemin " are you okay?" taemin nodded fearing that if he talked he would squeak and make everyone notice him.

Taemin doesn't cry easily it's just that he Really had faith in minho to be the one he was looking for, the prince in shining armor.. i guess not. he let out a hic-up ish sigh as Onew looked at his bestest friend with worried eyes.After Minho and yuri stopped kissing onew decided to take this to his own hands.

he put his thumb on taemin's lip  and kissed his thumb making it look as if they were kissing just as minho turned over. onew stopped after 10 seconds and taemin looked at him and mouthed " what are you doing??"  "follow along i know what you're feeling" Onew says as taemin nods having faith in onew. They giggle as minho starts to look a bit jelous.

They kept pretending to flirt as minho got more and more pissed off. " Lets stop playing now." Minho spat out suprising everyone."i guess so? i mean we're already almost there" Jonghyun says worried for his best friend. After the last few tense moments they finally arrived at the giant house which was almost like a mansion just not quite.

"Everyone lets choose the bedroom partners! i know that everyone is going to get into a fight so i prepared something! we're going to choose by the item game! everyone grab one item from you're bag and place it on the table secretely through out the day, okay everyone got that?" Jonghyun says as he shows us the table. and everyone nods . "Great! Now let's start a camp fire and do a talent show! I'll get the marshmallows and all the other food" Jonghyun says "everyone else go set up the fire and logs and what not down by the lake!" Jonghyun says as he points to a lake near his house. Everyone goes to set up the fire talking about what talent they were going to do.


Taemin told Key everything that happened between him and minho and how he felt and all of that stuff , Key got really mad at minho for a while but after taemin's begging he decided not to kill that frog like bastard. Key and taemin decide to partner up they decided on their routine faster than all the others so key decided to go and help jonghyun.


"Jjong! you need help?" Key shouts out as he walks inside to see jonghyun trying to reach for the marshmallows on the very top cabinet but failing miserably on his tippy toes. Key started laughing as he dropped to the floor in uncontrolable laughter as jonghyun's eyes widen and turns to face the laughing key. " w-why didn't you just ask for help?" Key says still laughing. " I-IT'S EMBARRASING OKAY?!" Jonghyun screams as he blushes from embarrasment as key stands up and pats his head while reaching up to grab the marshmallows and passes it to jonghyun " i won't tell anyone don't worry." Key says as he kisses jonghyun "love you babe " Key says as jonghyun blushes "Yeah, I love you too" Jonghyun says as he walks with key back to the camp fire.


Key left taemin to find jonghyun so taemin decided to wander around by himself and practice the dance a bit before they have to present, they were already presenting last though because yuri decided her and se kyung would go first  then onew and taecyeon and then minho and jonghyun, so that left taemin and key last. Minho spotted taemin wandering around by himself. He suddenly remembered him and onew and got upset for a while. This was new for minho because he rarely ever felt any type of emotions. EVER.

He walked up to taemin startling the younger . " oh, it's just you minho.." Taemin says as he looks down to his feet thinking about that kiss." yeah, are you and onew dating?" Minho says not understanding his own feelings. " Ani! We're just really good friends wheh? are you jealous?" Taemin says giggling at the thought of minho having another emotion other then flirting...although that wasn't even an emotion.

"what are you talking about? No ." Minho says feeling a bit relieved , he didn't understand these emotions but wouldn't question them. " must've enjoyed being kissed from someone so pretty like yuri.." Taemin said as he hid his sadness. " Uh,yeah,sure" Minho said not listening until he just realized what taemin said. Realizing his mistake he looked at taemin who's eyes looked so sad that he couldn't explain how he felt just looking at his eyes.

Taemin's eyes showed sadness , loss of hope , disapointment That made minho feel such guilt that he couldn't explain. He felt wrong. " But, that kiss wasn't anything, i don't like her .. i would never like her." Minho said trying to make taemin feel better not succeding .he couldn't stand this he tilted taemin's head up and held him firmly. "I Do not like her taemin." He said with a firm serious expression with a tad bit of care in his eyes. Taemin looked up and nodded "Yeah, okay..whatever." Taemin said as he shrugged minho off and walked away.

" Onew! What are you guys doing for the talent??" He said as he ran off.leaving a miserable minho.

and turns his head slowly back to the talent show. They finshed off with a complete body wave then made a ty pose. . Taemin couldn't
help but think suprised that he was thinking about such a bad word.
Onew and taecyeon were next they went up to do a really funny musical skit that made taemin laugh like crazy everyone else was too but taemin
fell off the log and was rolling on the grass holding his stomach and tearing up a little. Once onew and taecyeon bowed  taemin mouthed a word
of thanks . His mood was much better now thanks to onew. Taemin smiled lightly until realizing that it was minho's and jonghyuns talent now. great.
just what i wanted to see. taemin thought to himself in sarcasm.

Jonghyun sung a beautiful chorus while staring at key and almost everyone could tell. he sent off a wink at key who caught it and sent a heart back.
Taemin giggled at the cuteness of jonghyun and key. but now it was minho's turn he rapped, thought so that's what he told me before . Minho's voice
snapped taemin out of his thought.
His voice boomed with such power and force and seemed as if the lyrics actually had meaning in it..~Even if you can't see me i won't give up ~
He points at taemin and mouths out an apology "I'm sorry forgive my stupidity?" He mouthed out as taemin thought about it and nodded making
minho jump up and sing even more power full but now he was happier, what he did next made taemin laugh and felt happy .

Minho did a back flip.

just one move made taemin smile a wide grin and he thought once again. I'll try to understand him..even if he pushes me away. Taemin clapped. as the
other girls whistled and screamed out meaningless words such as " Minho oppa! you're soo hot!!" or " Jonghyun oppa marry mee!"  but taemin didn't
care now, he was friends with minho. that's all he needed. taemin thought with a smile. The performance ended leaving taemin to realize that it was
his and Key's turn. With a new heart and mood he decided to give it his all,just for minho.would it be worth it though? Maybe he would think i'm a  bad dancer?
All these negative posibilities came rushing throught his brain but with one glance at a smiling minho he wasn't afraid anymore.

Key started singing and he felt nervous but still danced everyone seemed to be enjoying it which gave taemin more confidence the chorus hit and minho
yelled out words of incouragement and his worries went away just with a snap of his fingers and he went full out popping with the music and moving
his body just the right way he didn't even have to think about it anymore his body just moved the part came when he body waved down to move
his knees down to the floor and moved them in a way that you couldn't explain with words.
Everyone was amazed by key's voice who had power to it that no one knew about He sand his heart out as jonghyun was staring at him he felt like
he could've just grabbed the world in his hands that very second. it was perfect.

By the end of the song he ended with a pose and everyone was stunned at the Taemin who could go from body rolling to y moves to powerful
movements to a cool pose then right after giggling and doing a cute bow then cutely walking out of the stage and sitting back down with key.
They all left after roasting a few marshmallows and talking about the talent shows and talking about scary stories Taemin was really scared of things
like that but since he was with a group it wasn't as scary so he decided to just act along with it, he managed to survive it and after they all walked
back to the table . Minho,Jonghyun,Taecyeon and Yuri stood on the other side. as they looked around the items eyeing each one carefully.

They all went up at the same time Jonghyu quickly snatching the ipod Taecyeon grabbing the watch yuri grabbed the first thing that caught her eye
which was ofcourse the compact mirror and out of a complete random choice Minho ended up with the towel. He cursed himself for not taking the
ipod which was probably taemin's but he smelled the dry towel and realized this smell was alot like taemin's scent..maybe.. just maybe?
Jonghyun,minho,taecyeon and yuri turned around as the owners of their item would line up behind them with a count of three they turned around.
Jonghyun and key hugged, yuri and se kyung started talking about where se kyung bought the mirror , onew and  taecyeon talked about how the watch
smelt like chicken.

Taemin was worried if Minho didn't like his partner but the look on minho's face said that it wasn't that . Minho's eyes were wide but then a grin showed
up as he held taemin's hands " I thought it wasn't going to be you!wait but if you did have a towel, were you trying to trick me into lending you mine so-"
Taemin stopped minho "Don't flatter yourself! I just forgot that i brought an extra one.."Taemin says blushing . With everyone fully content with
their partners they went to the rooms. There were 4 rooms jonghyun's room only had one bed. tamein and minho's room had 2, yuri and se kyungs room
had 2 while onew and taecyeons had 2. Jonghyun ordered someone to buy pajama's while at the beach, since he didn't know their sizes he just guessed.

He handed them their pj's apologizing if the size didn't fit. Key's fitted perfectly which kinda scared everyone with the thought that Jonghyun knew key's size
key's pj's were pink with music notes on it just like jonghyuns ( ehrm matching couple pj's!!)
. he handed yuri her pj's which were a bit to small but still looked nice.they were purple and had hearts on them which was basically the exact same as
se kyungs which what a lighter purple.
He handed minho's his which fitted nicely , it was just plain blue with frogs on them . minho made sure to punch jonghyun for that . Everyone  was
wearing their pj's as taemin came out of the bathroom wearing a light blue shirt with teddy bears it was long sleeved also it was MUCH too big for
taemin. Jonghyun apologized "

Sorry taemin this was the smallest size" Jonghyun says as taemin blushes and nods as he walks over to minho
who looked at taemin, Damn he is really cute and the fact that he's wearing an over sized long sleeved that is showing his shoulders is definintely
NOT helping! Minho thought not being able to stop looking at taemin's shoulder. Damn he has smooth skin. SNAP OUT OF MINHO! This feminin boy is 'dangerous..although he looks innocent he is like a drug better not become to attached.. Minho over thought

Alright you guys can do whatever in your rooms good night see you guys in the morning!" Jonghyun said as he and key happily skipped off to their room. Se kyung and yuri started giggling about Taeyangs abs and headed of to their room as Onew and taecyeon went off talking about music and how suzy in the drama dream high was totally hot and how the other guy should've gotten her, and so that left minho and taemin alone in the hallways

"Uhmm so, we should get going to our room now i guess " Taemin said as he blushed and turned around to head to the room , like the clumsy person taemin was he tripped on the rug causing minho to once again catch him , Damn those reflexes! Minho thought as Taemin got up . I Swear to god i was onews brother in my last life! Taemin thought as he bowed to minho as a thanks and quickly ran into the room which was actually Really nice, it had a big window beside taemin's bed with no curtains and the bed's were both queen sized but the lighting was awfully dark.

Taemin waited for minho to come in but he figured he was brushing his teeth , taemin already did a while before so he got settled into his giant bed , But all the thoughts of the scary stories from before came back haunting his thoughts , Taemin got scared not many knew but he had an phobia of ghost and all things scary he closed his eyes tightly trying to sleep but it wasn't working the images were in his thoughts . he opened his eyes but everything was dark he wanted to get up to turn on the lights but once his toes touched the floor he got scared and curled back onto the corner of the bed.

he looked out the window and could've sworn he saw something behind a tree. he gave out a squeal of fright and didn't dare double check what was outside instead he started tearing up a bit his phobia was bad, he wanted minho here to protect him to make him feel safe " where are you stupid minho.." Taemin squeaked out tearing up more as he heard thunder as the rain started to pour taemin starting giving out small sobs and felt a lump in his throat. he looked around the room and saw the paintings move and he heard creaks in the floors.he heard foot steps coming, closer and closer taemin was now at this point completely scared and tears fell from his eyes now as the door opened and a bright light came into the room.


Squeaky clean, squeaky clean my teeth are now squeaky clean, I sang in my head as i headed off towards the room of taemin and me, i heard a small whimper coming from the room i opened the door as the light went in and i saw taemin huddled up in the corner of his bed tears streaming down his face his eye's wide in shock lips quivering as he held his blanket close he was shivering in fear , the image broke my heart, "Taemin? whats wrong are you scared?" I said softly not wanting to scare taemin he nodded and let out a yelp when there was thunder he started sobbing more and more tears streamed.

I slowly sat next to him on his bed and cupped his face in my hands "Do you maybe want to sleep on my bed with me tonight?" I said quitely as i wiped away his tears lightly and brushed the hair out of his eyes. he nodded in response " yes.." He mumbled out . I was scared to drop the fragile male , holding him in my arms was frightning it was almost as if he could've just broken apart in my arms right that moment. I held him closer to my heart  just so he could hear my heart beat..

I dropped him softly on the bed as he scurried right of to the edge making room for me i sat down on the bed but before i knew it he pulled my arm and i was now lying on the bed with him, he tugged me closer and closer until there was no more room left ,not even a centimeter. not that ,that was a problem in anyway. I looked at taemin who was looking at me with such eyes .. "Don't worry taemin i'll always be there for you, to protect you.." I said as i held him in my arms into a hug that he more than happily went in to. " Thank you minho..thank you.." Taemin said so softly that it was barely audible , but i knew he said it, and that was all i needed.


I looked at minho, he was perfection that i couldn't deny.. i wanted him to be my blanket to hold me when i'm scared to protect me from the cold to sheild me from the night..and for this night he was.. " Taemin.. you are so going to fall for me." Minho said in a whisper. Maybe i am.. "No way we'll bet on it" I muttered softly still in the olders arms . i felt so safe it was the best feeling in the to kissing him ofcourse nothing could've beaten that feeling. " okay if you fall in love with me , you have to do whatever i say for a month." Minho said holding me tightly  " Okay..." I say softly as i look at the painting from before and he thought " You can't hurt me , i'm not scared anymore. i have minho he promised to protect me and i'm going to believe him.." With that he held minho closer and he heard his heart beat with minho's and slowly as time passes their heart beats became one..and that was the end of the night.


Taemin woke up early the next day at around 6:00am from a call by his parents . " Hello ?" He replied trying to blink the fatigue away. " Taemin.." Thats weird this isn't my dads usual cheerful voice..i wonder whats wrong.. Taemin thought " last night.. our house burned down.."  That did it, taemin was no longer tired. "What? Dad tell me you're joking,Are you and dad okay?..what about the necklace..? Is it completely ..gone? DAD! Tell me whats happening now, please.." Taemin  started to tear up. " Taemin don't worry to much, me and Mir are okay, Mir ran to grab you're necklace so that's safe too, and yes..the whole house is..gone.. Taemin don't panic though we have everything covered!" Taemin's dad said in a "cheerful" Voice but taemin knew that it wasn't the same voice like before..

Why, is the happening..i never should've left the house.. " What caused the fire?" Taemin asked as minho started to wake up. " it was a fire that started at the back of our lawn so we have no idea what started it.." Taemin's dad said. " dad..where are we going to live now?" Taemin said softly so minho couldn't hear. "You know our best friends? they said that we could come over and live with them.. they've been to our house before so you might know them" Taemins dad said . " Wow, i'm really grateful, if not we'd be living in some weird hotel.. how long is the construction going to take?"

Taemin said knowing that cosntruction takes a long time, last time onew's house was being re-built and it took 3 and a half years! he crossed his fingers . " Around 3 years.." taemin sighed " That isn't that long but it still isn't anywhere close to short." Taemin said as he packed up to go back to..well.. the new house.. " Taemin here's the adress come by here in around an hour or so? the adress is 2680 sajikro street." Taemin's dad said as taemin quickly wrote the adress down . " I'll take the bus. be there soon." Taemin said as he hung up.

What the hell is happening?

he ran out the door and headed to the bus checking the schedule. - bus # 9, 5:30 or 6:45 - Taemin cursed his luck. " Damnit and the bus ride its self is around 20 minutes!" He held his backpack close realizing that he was still in his pj's he went to the washroom to change. "I wonder whose house i'm going to be living in.. " Taemin thought .


I over heard taemin talking about something with his parents and then leaving , damn it's early the suns just coming up, what time is it? - 6:02- I sigh as my phone rings i stumble over to pick it up " hey mom whats up?" I say in a tired voice ( A/N Imagine it wouldn't minho's tired voice sound ing y!!? okay lol i'll shut up now. ENJOOYY :D ) . " You know our best friends the lee's right? They're Moving in!! My moms cheerful voice perked in through the phone " OH MY GOSH IT'S GONNA BE SOOO MUCH FUN!! THEY HAVE A CHILD, HE'S SOOO CUUUTEE! I SAW HIS BABY PHOTO'S. WHY COULDN'T I HAVE GOTTEN A CUTE SON INSTEAD OF A BORING EMOTIONLESS GENIUS CHILD?! " I cut her off " Yeah, yeah i get it!!" I say as i pack up and change putting blue toooth on " Be here in 15 minutes your car is waiting outside!" His mom chirpped as he walked out into the cold

He started the engine from his car and drived quickly he got there in 30 minutes tops . " Minho the guests are here! " His mom says as he introduces
him tot he lee's . " This is Mir and this is Joon they have child but he's not here yet." Mir and joon bowed politely as minho bowed back .
" We apologize our son isn't the best organized and not the brightest either " Joon says as the parents all laugh .  
in around 45 minutes or so almost everything was packed easily, after all they didn't have much at all but my mom bought alot
 of stuff for Mr.Lee's son's room. after a while of waiting in side the living room my mom told me to greet their son..
" Minho! their son is here i hope you guys can be good friends!" my mom said as i grinned when i saw who it was. oh i think we'll be great friends..

I bowed to the people who were kind enough to let me and my dads stay at their place. " Taeminnie! This is Mrs.choi and Mr.Choi!"
My parents said as i bowed respectfully. " Oh my gosh you are even cuter in person!!" Mrs.choi said with a giggly laugh.
..choi?..choi minho? Nah not possible- "Hey I'm minho- oh.. hey taemin!" Minho said with a mocking smile. I probably
looked like a complete retard with my mouth hanging open but this can NOT be happining!

"oh you already know each other? are you guys friends?" Mrs.choi chirpped . " Yeah, Good friends " Minho says smirking
Hell no i am not going to like you! I am winning this bet! i thought as minho guided me inside. "Taemin!! Your room is upstairs
to the right , it's next to minho's you should show him the way minho, !" Mrs.choi said as she started bringing out a bunch of boxes.
"Thank you so much mrs.choi!" I said with a smile and i bowed so low that i probably broke my spine..maybe not..but you get the

"Oh please! Call me Miyoung!" Miyoung said with a smile on her face " Go on, i'll be there soon! Minho don't you dare be a jerk
to taemin!" She said as she slipped and dropped all the boxes . "I AM OKAY!! " She yelled as she blushed and started picking
up the boxes. " Shouldn't you help her? Is she hurt?" I asked as minho laughed a bit. " Noo way, my mom slips alot she falls
down the stair almost every day , i swear she's like onew!" Minho says as he opens the door of my room.

My mouth once again was hanging .. The room was magical, or a palace, litteraly the wall paper was palace themed and the
bed was the king sized bed and had drape like things over it the sheets were the colour of red velvet and  there was a huge
mirror on the side of the room, he had a big table which was white and pearly with decorative crowns on the side. and oh my
god.. there was a laptop! It had a crown as a design and it was a silver color that was soo shiny! <- ( A/N HAHA lol okay, i'll stop.)


My breath was litterely blown away..although my house may have been lost i feel safe here. I think i could get used to this place.. Minho looked at me before he left " Hey minnie! now that we're living under the same roof it's going to be MUCH easier to get you to fall inlove with me" He said as he smirked and went out . "Don't say things like that..I Might just really fall inlove with you.." I said quitely..



:D GOSH THAT TOOK A WHILE . I hope you enjoyed this chapter..keke the ending~ I will get started on the nxt chapter verysoon but i have a whole box load of homework that i haven't even touched. but down't worry like i promised i will update more then once every week! although it might be one and a half it's better than nothing right?

They will be going to school half way throught out the next chapter ! look forward for it! this will be a looong series around 20/30 or more chapters! Don't  forget to comment or subscribe i really appreciate it! :) Thanks for reading!

Oh yeah btw the dance routine that taemin does is this but with key singing :):















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Chapter 9: I read this chapter again to refresh my memory from Christmas and I really can't wait til the next update
Chapter 9: UPDATE soon!!! love itttt~~~
sujing #3
Chapter 9: This is such a great story! I love reading it! please update soon!
SHINeeLove1st #4
Chapter 9: I Love the story so far! T_T Cliffhanger, I hope Key forgives jongie!! And Jongie do something and save your yeobo D:<
watwotwut #5
Chapter 8: My friend actually fainted halfway through a rollercoaster ride. That was even scarier than the actual ride.
Chapter 7: i lolve this story please update it soon!! :)
Chapter 7: i lolve this story please update it soon!! :)
SHINeeLove1st #8
Chapter 7: I Love this story so far! I can not wait till the next update! PLEASEE Update soon
Chapter 3: The story was just wonderful as it is... countinue writing :))
goojayhee #10
Chapter 7: omg I can't wait for the next chapter