The start of something more

Love is war

Taemin got up extra early today to get some practice for the routine that him and sungmin created , he grabbed his uniform and put it on nicely making sure he put it on right, these uniforms are harder then you think to put on his uniform was blue and white with shorts and a tank top with the team mascot ( a dinosaur) on the back of the tank top! He started practicing his dance solo first, The reason why taemin was cheer captain was his amazing ability to dance not to mention he was flexible but no where as flexible as his best friend-


My phone rang suprising me , i went to close the music before i picked up, "Hey key whats up?"I say to my best friend, he's such a flirt but he's super nice and sweet once you get used to him. "Taemin~Wanna go to the beach today with the group? we're going to have a picnic after," Key says . I was going to decline like i usually does but then i realized that the last time i hanged out with someone other than key was about 2 months, i also had to ask sungmin about the choreography , there was one part i didn't really understand so with that i decided to agree

"Really thats great minnie~i'll see you then miss you~" Key says as I giggle. We saw each other just yesterday! I thought as i started to pack. [ Sunscreen,Towel,second towel, sunglasses, hat, cookies, banana milk, ipod,cellphone, book, kite annnd my bathing suit] my new bathing suit is much shorter then my old one which i really didn't like but it fits well so i'm not complaining. I headed out looking at the amazing weather , maybe today's going to be a great day i heard there are even fire works today! I giggled as i headed outside.

Once i reached to the beach wearing an over sized tank top that looks nice on me if i may say so myself and my swim trunks , "Taeminn!"Key and onew say at the same time as they run over to me and hug me tightly "I- can't.. Breath"i say as they let go of me "Taemin help me with setting up for the picnic okay?"key says as he drags me over to the table, i hand him the plates , spoons,forks and etc as he sets it all up, out of the corner of my eye i saw a Tall guy that i think i've seen in my school before , i could've sworn we locked eyes for a moment .

"Key whose that guy over there?, the tall one"I say as key walks over to me "OHH does minnie finally have a crush? hmm Thats- ..."Key's expression darkens a bit "oh no,no,no,no minnie that guy is choi minho he's a jerk most of the time and he makes fun of the way i dress! I mean look at me i'm a fashionista if i do say so my self!"Key says as taemin giggles. Maybe he's not that bad. I thought and boy did i regret ever thinking that. "Taemin! we're finished lets go for a dip in the ocean now!"Key says as taemin looked a bit scared "oh come on it's not that cold and we're not going in that deep!" Key says as taemin finally gives in and nodds in approval.

He looked over to minho who was staring at him ..thats creepy he thought as he looked at minho too this time locking eyes longer.. He decides to ignore it as he takes of his shirt feeling awkward he trys to casually hide himself , wondering if minho was looking he looks at minho with the corner of his eye and saw minho took his shirt of too and taemin won't lie..he blushed and fan girl squealed a bit, who wouldn't? minho's six pack and nice body would make anyone squeal. To get his mind of minho's figure he runs to key.

While he was running he realized that he was running shirtless and a few girls and guys whistled immediately taemin blushed and ran even faster to get in the water.

Once taemin's foot touched the water he squealed and ran back "oh no you don't!"Key says as he drags his best friend into the water as taemin finally gives in."it's freezing!" Taemin says as he shivers and trys to run back to shore he looks back at key who was pouting but taemin knew that key would finally let him leave this time. Taemin got up and went to grab his towel to find it missing , he was sure he placed it under the tree so he looked everywhere he then realized he made the stupidest mistake. EVER.

The tree was right beside the ocean and taemin realized that he brought the towel near the ocean thinking it was a good idea so that if he got cold his towel would be near by, little did he know that his towel was now far off into the ocean he cursed himself quietlly for being such an idiot. he decided to go into the sun to dry off a bit faster , it helped a bit but, he was at this point shivering .

Suddenly a warm towel wrapped over him , shocked he looked back to see who it was. "M-minho?" taemin said suprised that minho was giving him his towel. " yeah, don't get me wrong your shivering was getting annoying." Minho says as he sits down patting the sand as a gesture of asking taemin to sit aswell. Taemin was about to refuse but then realized that this was after all minho's towel , with the thought of shivering again he sat down without a single complaint.Maybe he's just misunderstood? taemin thought as key's words came to mind. No taemin you can't think this way! he pouted and nodded to himself in agreement,

Minho chuckled . " What?" taemin asked as minho couldn't contain a small smirk " what are you doing pouting and nodding by yourself, and what did key say about me?" Minho said amused, Taemin mentally slapped himself for being an idiot once again and thinking things outloud. " Uhm, nothing it's not important anyways.." Taemin murmmered feeling embarrased Minho noticed and patted his head "I realized that we haven't realy talked at all yet we're ine the same group and see each other alot." Minho said feeling abit awkward. "tell me about yourself" Minho says honestly intrested, that this feminin looking guy caught his attention. "well.. i like dancing and banana milk and i'm the cheer captain ..that should say alot about me already" taemin says with a giggle . that's a REALLY cute giggle. minho thought to himself as he caught himself looking at taemin's features. " how about you?" Taemin says.

"I'm minho.. I'm the star soccer player and team captain..i like to rap a bit i guess.. and sooner or later you're going to fall for me." Minho says with a smirk as taemin smirks back " yeah, i don't think so ." Taemin says as he drops the towel now that he's all dry. "thanks for the towel see you later? or.. maybe not?" taemin says giggling un conditionally , little did he know that minho took that as a challenge " We'll see , see ya ..minnie." Minho says as he kisses taemin's hand and just as all the others came back from the swim and saw what was happening and boy were they shocked..especially Key..

T-TAEMIN! I TOLD YOU THAT CHOI MIHO WAS..YOU KNOW, WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING? OH NO, DON'T TELL ME YOU GUYS ARE DATING NOW?!"key screams as he pulls taemin away from minho. "you are and EVL EVIL Good looking man! "Key says with a hmpf and then walks away while pulling taemin with him "Key, he didn't do anything! We were just playing around a bit! "Taemin says sounding innocent "But that guy is choi minho! he is someone you should not play around with! "Key says as he checks to make sure taemin's still in one piece checking if anything's missing or hurt or even slightly scratched.

"Now don't go off with any strangers now okay minnie?"Key says as taemin nodds with the cutest smile ever. "MY MINNIE IS SO CUTE ! SHARË SOME OF THE CUTENESS WITH MEE~" Key squeals teasingly as taemin pouts "Umma! I'm not cute! I'm Manly !!"Taemin yells as he does a manly cough "see?"He says giggling , "okay i'm going to look for sungmin now for the dance move bye umma!" He says to key as he runs off to find sungmin, after a while of searching he found him near a ice cream shack

"Sungmin! how do you do that move you know the one where you flip backwards then twirl? i can do that twirl but i can't flip over backwards! "Taemin says pouting as sungmin his icecream. "It's not as difficult as it seems taemin you just need someone to spot you, meaning someone who can hold you up while you try it,"Sungmin says as he walks to get a napking as jay park walks over . "I'd help but im hanging with jay for a while sorry taemin and i think everyone else is busy too.."Sungmin says with an apologetic  smile.

Taemin wasn't going to give up though , he definitly wasn'the type to give up! he decided to go to the grass field because it would cushion his fall and barely anyone ever goes there . he starts trying to do the backflip with the result of landing on his back  "OWW!"Taemin yelped feeling a pain all through out his spine. he decides to practice he twirl move first, he may have learned it already but he was still a bit off.


I was sleeping behind a tree in the grass fields peace fully until i heard a girl yelp. "OWW!  i sighed and decided to stand up to tell the girl to shut up, but what he saw wasn't a girl it was taemin I smiled to myself dazzeled by the young boy practicing the dance on his own he looked and the younger who was twirling under the sunset all i could think at that point was how beautiful he looked like i walked up to him and whispered in his ear "hey taemin wanna have a good time?"I whisper ily as he jumps up and falls as i catch him as if a dance move "M-minho?! what are you doing here? and Now! do i look like a e to you? go, i'm not supposed to be near you my umma- i mean key said so!"Taemin says as he pouts and gets himself up.

cute.  "don't worry i never thought you were a e. what were you doing just a bit ago? I say ignoring the fact that key told him not to talk to me, hey i block him and jonghyun ONCE,ONCE and now he hates me for life? jonghyun and key are dating but they're keeping it a secret . "NOTHING!"Taemin says pouting and starts to walk away but he comes running back "OH! Actually.. could you help me with a move? "Taemin says with a bit of an apologetic smile . " Hmm, why should i? you were just screaming at me a while ago." Minho says teasing as taemin pouts " FINE! BE THAT WAY!" Taemin screams as he marches away as minho pulls him back " Of course i will ," Minho says as he patts his head.

Taemin gives minho a glare but decides that he needs his help. " Okay do you know how to spot someone? i need to learn how to do a back flip but i need someone me." Taemin says " Yeah i do, i've volunteered at a gymnastics program before." Minho says thankful that the teacher made him take that course. "

.Minho decided to take the lead and put his hand on taemin's back as taemin flinched from the sudden touch "w-what are you doing?" Taemin squeaked.
"..i'm spotting you, like you told me to? Remember?" Minho says as taemin looked embarrassed " Oh, okay sorry continue on.." Taemin says
as minho chuckles at the cuteness of the yougner male. Minho places his hand on taemin's back again but this time taemin doesn't flinch.

he places
his other one on taemin's shoulder " Taemin just know that for a back flip you need two people to spot you most of the time but we'll just try with one."
Minho says as taemin becomes nervous auto matically and gulps " O-okay, don't let me fall okay! uhm so now what do i do?" Taemin says confused.

"do the backflip." Minho says as taemin looks to see if minho's joking but only see's a serious expression . "What?! You expect me to just be able
to do a backflip out of thin air?! Are you crazy?!" Taemin yells as minho rolls his eyes at the cute child. "Like i said, I'll catch you if you fall." Minho
says as he tilts taemins face up as taemin blushes and looks away from minho's eyes "if you say so.." Taemin mumbles out as he gets ready to jump.
Minho fixes his position to spot taemin .

3,2,...1! Taemin says as he jumps up and trys to flip back knowing he would fail but he felt some strength help him and so he uses even more energy
then before and pushes himself down to his feet completing the back flip. "DID YOU SEE THAT? I WAS LIKE A NINJA!!" Taemin squeals like a
little kid as minho chuckles to himself " Yes, that was really cool." Minho says as he pats the cute boys head. -kiss him!- Minho's inner mind thought.
-What?! no way!- he thought again now confused by his own mind . Taemin was running around like a little child. "Okay lets try it again!" Taemin says
as minho puts his hand on taemin's back again.

" ani, it's okay minho i wanna try by myself this time!" Taemin says giggling in a cute voice that minho couldn't help but resist " Are you sure..i really
don't think you can do it after just being spotted once.." Minho says in disaproval not wanting the younger to get hurt. Taemin looks into minho's eyes
and saw the worried expression so he patted minho's head to try and comfort him , realizing what he just did he looked down at the ground and blushed.
Minho was suprised by this action but was some how incredibly happy and he blushed as well. Minho what are you doing?! Choi minho does NOT  blush.
he stopped immediately after hearing his thoughts.

After a while of thinking minho decided it was okay and nodded in approval. Taemin bounced up and down , his hair flying as his laugh filled the evening
sky. " Thanks minho!" Taemin says as he gets into position. " Okay but if you fall i'm catching you okay?" Minho says as taemin nodds . Taemin starts
to jump but slips "H-HYUNG!" Taemin screams as Minho rushes to catch him .

Time stopped for that very moment.with the relfection of himself in Minho's pure Dark chocolate brown eyes .
their faces 15 centimeters from each other close enough to kiss, as it became dark that very second with a cresent moon shining bright that dark night.
Taemin's arms aroung Minho's neck , Minho's arms around Taemin's waist, it was the perfect moment, so perfect that Taemin couldn't help but pull
in and kiss minho.

The older was shocked by the sudden move but he leaned into wards the perfect kiss,  everything was perfectly balanced. it wasn't a passionate make out
session but more of a kiss by your true love type of kiss that minho couldn't help but love every second of. For the few moments that they kissed nothing
else was in their minds except for "this person is the one" . But the kiss ended when they were to out of breath as they slowly pull away and taemin slowly
let go of minho's neck and held his hands  instead.

"What the hell did we just do.." Taemin says with a low murmer and lets go of minho's hands and looks away blushing to scared to even look at
the others face. "Should we just forget what happened?" Minho and Taemin both say at the same time as the break out into chuckles as they both
nod in agreement. " Okay, memory forgotten!" Taemin says and little did he know that neither of them were ever going to forget that perfect kiss that
they shared.

A few more perfect silent seconds later Key's voice shouted from the beach " Taemin! Apparently it's going to be a sleep over at jonghyun's house today!"
Key shouts waving his arms as he see's minho beside taemin and stops "Whats he doing here? what ever, minnie ask your parents if you can go!" Key
says as he hugs taemin showing minho a glare that says back off.

"Okay key!" Taemin says as he laughs and grabs his cellphone and dials his home phone number and within a few rings taemin's dad pick's up. "Taebabyy!
Whats up?" Taemin's dad says as Taemin giggles "I'm at the beach but it turns out it's a sleepover am i aloud to go it's at jonghyuns i'll text you the
 adress!"Taemin says cutely. "Let me ask your dad," Taemin's dad says. as he yells for the other dad " Yeobo~ Can taemin go to a sleepover at jonghyuns?"
"Okay! Make sure to be here by tomorrow lunch!" The other dad says . "Yup, he said it's okay love you taebaby be safe!" Taemin's dad says as he kisses
him through the phone as he hangs up after.

"My dads say it's okay!" Taemin says to key as key laughs and jumps up and down. "This is gonna be sooo much fun!" Key says as he looks over at minho
"are you going to? don't you have to ask your parents?" Key says at minho. "Uhm, they already said it's okay.." Minho says as he looks around at the
night sky. damn it's already dark.. he thinks to himself as he looks at the watch " crap, it's already 9:45 we should go now if we wanna get to jonghyun's
by 10:00" Minho says as Key's eyes go wide and drags minho and taemin back to the beach so they can pack up.

After packing everything only a few people were left : Jonghyun,Minho,key,Taemin,Yuri,se kyung, Onew, and taecyeon. The rest already
left.. They got the Jonghyun's trailer van ready which was actually really nice and cozy, it was four people per seating except for the people driving
which was just the driver that jonghyun had hired. they all got seated and the van started to head off to jonghyun's place.

The seating arangements were in this order:  Se kyung, Jonghyuun, Key, Taecyeon. The ones behind them were, Yuri,Minho,Taemin and Onew were
good friends and Onew could always tell what was going on with Taemin.The first while was okay everyone was just talking.until yuri said something,
"hey guys wanna play a quick game of truth or dare?" Everyone thought about it and agreed to join.


I'm soo sorry that they didn't move in yet i wanted to make the moment when they meet in more meaningfull so decided to add a bit of drama right before. It all works out in the end! Please stay with me :) Thanks for reading the first chapter . ( all the chapters with a "." For the title is unfinished!) Anyways stay tuned for the next chapter which will be updated soon! Everyweek i will update twice! i'm not sure which days but i will up date twice starting from Sunday! :)

Tell me how the first chapter was in the comments ! I would really appreciate it! :)

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Chapter 9: I read this chapter again to refresh my memory from Christmas and I really can't wait til the next update
Chapter 9: UPDATE soon!!! love itttt~~~
sujing #3
Chapter 9: This is such a great story! I love reading it! please update soon!
SHINeeLove1st #4
Chapter 9: I Love the story so far! T_T Cliffhanger, I hope Key forgives jongie!! And Jongie do something and save your yeobo D:<
watwotwut #5
Chapter 8: My friend actually fainted halfway through a rollercoaster ride. That was even scarier than the actual ride.
Chapter 7: i lolve this story please update it soon!! :)
Chapter 7: i lolve this story please update it soon!! :)
SHINeeLove1st #8
Chapter 7: I Love this story so far! I can not wait till the next update! PLEASEE Update soon
Chapter 3: The story was just wonderful as it is... countinue writing :))
goojayhee #10
Chapter 7: omg I can't wait for the next chapter