
Love is war

Sneak Peak :)

Taemins p.o.v

I woke up to a pouting minho. "Taemin!! skip school." He says as i stare at him in disbelief. "what?." I ask as he repeats himself. " I said.
Skip school, Umma says that Taemin should take care of me if I'm sick since she can't. Now feed me breakfast." He says as I pinch minho.
"yah are you crazy?" I say as minho pouts again. "To bad. you have to!" He says as he gives me puppy dog eyes. damnit. Well, I do feel
kinda guilty for  making him teach me basketball in the rain yesterday.. "Fine..." I say as i rub my eyes and check the time.. [ 9:50 ] "well
i slept in." I say as i jump back into my bed as minho joins me. "YAH! Go to your own bed!" I say as he tugs my shirt.. aw, thats so cuute..
"I'm cold. hug me." He says as I laugh. I caved in and hugged him and we stayed there for another 30 minutes or so napping quietly as
the sounds of our heartbeats sound like one just like that one night at jonghyuns house, remembering that I blush. "Taeminnie, I'm hungry..
Breakfast?" He says as i nod and we get headed downstairs to make breakfast.

It's kinda really funny to see minho act like a kid i feel like the older one now.. I giggle at the thought as i make eggs and sausages with
milk and lay them out on the table as Minho goes into his seat. I start eating as minho stares at me as if excpecting something. "what?" I
ask as he looks at me and then back to his plate. "you want me to feed you?!" I ask as minho nods and i realize how Minho's always been
a bit of a spoiled child with his parents always taking care of him  because although he is such a genius and doesn't need
much else. Basically he has no idea of what to do other then be smart and get A's in everything..

I walk over to Minho and stare at him. "Yah, you are sick! You didn't break your hand!" I say as minho pouts "But i want you to feed me." He
says as he opens his mouth "ahhhh" I smile at the cuteness of minho i feed him and we finish eating after 15 minutes or so. "I'll be in my room
now!" He says as he jumps up and runs to his room. You know i have a theory that when minho is sick he pmses. I laugh and wash the dishes
after i text key saying that I can't goto school.. I feel like a jerk for not being able to goto school when needed the most by my bestfriend...


I woke up in my bed. I could've sworn that i fell asleep in my personal reading room/closet... I wake up and get dressed and fix my hair
as I walk down the hall like a zombie to wake up jonghyun.. The memories of yesterday flood my thoughts as I swallow a lump in my throat..
I knock on the door as I get mumbles in response. I open the door to see jonghyun sleeping like a baby in his bed. "Jonghyun wake up,
we're going to be late." I say as i grab his arm and pull but to my suprise jonghyun pulls me into the bed and wraps his arms and legs
around me. " Jonghyun wake up already!" I say as i kiss his cheek. " key...stay with me.....saranghae...."  My eyes widen as i blush thinking
of it as an accident , he probably messed the names up.. "Jjong hurry and wake up!!" I yell as he yawns and opens his eyes.

"oh, key good morning..." He mumbles as he kisses my lips and i kiss back quickly. "Now hurry and get dressed! We have... 18 minutes
left!" I yell as he gets up and starts taking off his shirt. "YAHH! I TOLD YOU TO NOT DO THAT UNTIL I LEAVE THE ROOM!" I yell as he turns
around and just smirks and walks up to me and kisses me again. "Alright key, leave so i can change~" He mumbles sleepily as i nod and
walk out of the room. He walks out of his room 5 minutes later and we head off to the school. "So you remember what we're doing today
right?" I ask as jonghyun nods. "Yup! Date with sooyoung! Just make sure our parents don't find out!" He says grinning as I laugh. "Yah!
our parents left for america yesterday!" I say as he laughs "Riight!" He says as he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Key, I hope you like sooyoung." He says as I smile weakly. "of course i will, if she's that important to you then I'll have to like her.." I say
as he kisses me on the cheek and i smile.. Whatever you want jonghyun... i'd do anything to see your smile.. I think as i smile to myself.
we get off the car and head to our classes... our parents set it up so we were in the same classes. -beep beep-I got a message from taemin.

- To : The almighty key
From: Your one and only son~

Umma, Mianhe.. Minho is sick and his mom made sure that I have to take care of him..
I really hope that you and jonghyun are going to be okay.. Don't worry about the date though
I'm gonna help you with that no matter what! Key, just know that I will always be cheering for you!

Hwaiting!~ best wishes, your bestest friend in the universe!!! ^_^

I smile at the cuteness of the message. It's okay minnie! I can survive this if i survived those endless years of middle school!
I walk into class as I sit next to an empty chair that was supposed to be Onew's. Right! He's taking care of his 2 year old cousin
today, damn of all days... I look to my left to see jonghyun, great... I can do this it's just Science! I think as the teacher comes in. " Alright kids,
today we will be watching a film about all the great scientest in the world. quite an interesting one if i do say so myself!" He says with his
boring monotoned voice, This teacher is THE most boring teacher in the whole school, The great thing is that if it's a film we're watching
he always leaves the class un attended and heads off to the staff room to drink coffee and read a book so no one really pays attention
to the film.

He plays the movie and heads outside. "Everyone behave okay?" He says as we all nod like innocent little angels but once we can't hear
the footsteps a bunch of girls start gossiping about how hot Jonghyun and I look today as a few guys start arm wrestling and the rest of the
class is probably just playing truth or dare. " Sooo Key," Jonghyun starts as I look around for someone i can talk to.. "Key!! Wanna play
truth or dare with us?" A girl asks as I thank the lord for a chance to not get awkward with jonghyun. "Sure!" I say as we create a circle and
start. "Let me join too then" Says jonghyun as I curse myself for this terrible luck. "no problem!" The girl says as i start to wonder who the hell
she is.

"I'm Sunny by the way!" She says as i let out a little "ohh~"  but then stop right away. That name sounds familliar
 "alright is it okay if i go first?" She asks as everyone nods. "alright then, Jonghyun truth or dare?" She says as he laughs a little
and chooses dare. "I dare you to make out with .... key for more then 30 seconds.." She says giggling as i finally know where i heard that
name from shes the captain of the " Kingdom " They have in our school where a bunch of girls talk about cute guy couples in the school.
oh god.. what is wrong with my luck?! I curse over and over again as jonghyun shrugs .

"Sure whatever." He says as  pulls me into a kiss. I decide that it wasn't much of a big deal, we do this every day so i thought why not?
It gets deeper and deeper as jjong fights for dominance as i gladly give it to him. taking short breaths then continuing on. It felt as if he truly
did love me but i don't want to excpect anything.  we didn't realize it but half the class was watching. I look at the clock to only realize that
 that one kiss just took around 4 minutes. damnit key you got carried away, we stop and then it was jonghyuns turn. " Key truth or dare,"
he asks as I question him as he tells me to pick truth.

"I choose dare." I say as jonghyun frowns , I always choose dare it's just a known fact. "I dare you to tell me truthfully who you like." he says
as I almost choke on air. uhmm yeah well here's the thing i kinda am madly inlove with you... "no one.." I respond as he frowns and
asks again. "I'm 100% that you like someone key i can tell!" He says as i feel awkward. "Someone... i guess" I say not wanting to tell him.
But as soon as the game started it finished by the bell signaling the next class. I sigh a sigh of relief and head off to the next class not giving
a single glance at jonghyun.. oh this  is going to be a loong day..

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Chapter 9: I read this chapter again to refresh my memory from Christmas and I really can't wait til the next update
Chapter 9: UPDATE soon!!! love itttt~~~
sujing #3
Chapter 9: This is such a great story! I love reading it! please update soon!
SHINeeLove1st #4
Chapter 9: I Love the story so far! T_T Cliffhanger, I hope Key forgives jongie!! And Jongie do something and save your yeobo D:<
watwotwut #5
Chapter 8: My friend actually fainted halfway through a rollercoaster ride. That was even scarier than the actual ride.
Chapter 7: i lolve this story please update it soon!! :)
Chapter 7: i lolve this story please update it soon!! :)
SHINeeLove1st #8
Chapter 7: I Love this story so far! I can not wait till the next update! PLEASEE Update soon
Chapter 3: The story was just wonderful as it is... countinue writing :))
goojayhee #10
Chapter 7: omg I can't wait for the next chapter