Summer ⊷ you're warmer than any other summer days

I'll wait for you ⊷ ⌊even if it takes four seasons⌉
chapter two                                                 .
Summer you're warmer than any other summer days


Even for an entire day on a hot summer,

you always stuck by my side

I think of you who would always wipe away

the beads of sweat on my forehead

I'll wait for you



credits : weheartit for the pictures & kimchi hana @sfi for the lyrics


*italicized means flashbacks.


I walked to the basketball court - located just few blocks away from my house - to let myself warmed up. It was a hot day indeed. Of course, It was already summer so expect more hot days to come. I’ve never been into playing basketball for almost a year. As I remembered, the last time I played basketball, I think that was last summer. So now, I planned to play it. Anyways, I miss basketball.

I walked through the court while dribbling the ball. Then, I attempted to shoot the ball into the ring. The ball bounced back in the metal ring then I swiftly made my move to catch it. I attempted to shoot again, trying my luck for this time. Successfully, the ball goes into the ring. I smiled contentedly and repeated this for about 30 minutes. After the last shot, I rested my hands on my knees, catching my breath. Then, I sat in the center of the basketball court.

Again, memories made their way through my mind, letting me remember that last summer we were together here in same spot where we played and laughed like there’s no tomorrow and enjoyed the fun times we had that moment.


“Yah! You know how to play basketball?” I asked her while we made our way through the court.


“What kind of question is that? Of course, I know!” she said a little too proud. I just chortled at her proud self.


“Oh you do? It doesn’t show in your face!” I scoffed at her, not really believing her answer. She plastered a pout on her face.


“I really know how!” she said, insisting me to believe her. After that, she suddenly stole the ball from my hands. She then dribbled the ball pompously.


“Look! I can really play basketball” she said to me while she dribbled the ball.


“Is that all you can do? Dribbling? Give me a break!” I taunted at her arrogantly.


She stopped dribbling after she heard my arrogant judgment. “Of course not! Want me to shoot this ball?” she dared. I just smirked at her and agreed. “Bring it on!” the only words I said.


She then ran swiftly, making her way to the ring, ready to shoot the ball. She then jumped and tried to shoot the ball. Then she became ecstatic when she saw the ball goes into the ring. I laughed at her expression.


“See that! I shoot the ball! Take that!” she laughed hysterically drowning into her overjoyed self.


“Well then, let’s play basketball! Who wins this will treat the other a lunch, agree?” I challenged her.


“Waah? But- Of course you’ll win! You’re so good at it!” she complained.


“No buts! Let’s just play, shall we?” I smiled and started to dribble the ball.


“Are you serious? I mean you-“ I cut her sentence by passing through her way and shoot the ball in lay-up. I then caught the ball and walked towards her spot.


“Yah! I’m not yet ready!” she whined again.


”Then quit talking and start playing!” I retorted at her. I felt bad of retorting at her but it’s better that way to bring her back to her senses. I dribbled the ball again and she prepared herself in guarding me, not letting me pass her way again.


Suddenly, she tickled me and stole the ball away from me. She then ran and shot the ball into the ring.


“Ahh! I scored! I scored! I scored!” she sang happily and ran towards my spot.


“You cheated!” I shouted at her. She just let her tongue out. “You twerp! Come back here!” I chased her around and she just ran for her life. I caught the edge of her shirt and pulled it, enveloping her into a hug and then tickled her sides.


“Yah! Stop it! It tickles!” She hit me on my shoulders while I continued tickling her.


“That’s your punishment for being a cheater!” I said and then slowly stopped myself from tickling her.


“Yah Ki Bum-ah! You’re sweating..” she then got a hanky from her pocket and wiped my forehead and my moistened eyebrows from my sweat.  I just stared at her and still stunned by what she just did. I felt my cheeks are burning so I suddenly turned around, not letting her see myself blushing.


“Hey! Why the sudden turn?” she asked. “You’re blushing!” she teased.


“No I’m not!” I denied and turned around completely to her. I didn’t notice she marched her way to face me and then lift my chin up. “You’re blushing!” she screamed at my face.


“I said I’m not blushing!” I retorted at her then I walked away from her.


She’ll then go to me and say the same thing that I’m blushing then I’ll walk away from her again. She always follows me and then teases me again. She is cute when she’s saying that I’m blushing. She is really one heck of a gal.




As I said, I will update as soon as I can, and now here's chapter 2! ^^ sorry if it's not fluffaaay enough. I like it subtle tho. hihihi. ^^ comments are lovingly appreciated. (: and sorry for the grammar and spelling errors if ever. I will be gladly taking advices and corrections from all of you so don't be shy to notify me, kk? ^^

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last chapter is upppp! ^^


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Oh my god wow <3
Caithlyn #2
Chapter 6: Wow.... (out of words) the story is just ..... Wow. It's amazing. d[^_^]b
Chapter 6: Aww~ So cheesy. Hehe.
But I love it so much!
Thanks for the wonderful story, author-nim!
Please write more stories. hehe.^^
Chapter 5: They finally meet again after a whole year!
I'm so HAPPY! Update soon!^^
Chapter 4: Kyaah! I'm in love with this story!
They're so sweet!
But why did I feel sad?
What happen to them?
Update soon, I'm waiting for next chapter!^^
It sounds so sweet " I'll wait for you" update soon