winter ⊷ your presence is like my blanket from the cold

I'll wait for you ⊷ ⌊even if it takes four seasons⌉
chapter four                                                 .
Winter  your presence is like my blanket from the cold


The four seasons all seem the same,

I think you're still inside of me

Whenever the cold winter breeze blows, I think of you

I still haven't let go of the hope

That I hold each day of you coming back

It's annoying, It's suffocating, but I could never let you go


During the white winter when lots of snow fell

In the sweater you gave to me, your scent still lingers

So baby I'll wait



credits : weheartit for the pictures & kimchi hana @sfi for the lyrics


*italicized means flashbacks.


Work’s finally done and I went straight to my home. I entered my room and plopped myself on my bed. My gaze unconsciously landed outside the window and on a right timing, a white soft-rounded stuff fell graciously coming from above the sky. It was snowing. That single snow was followed by thousands of snow which slowly covered the ground. I clutched the window and opened it. I reached for a single snow and let it drop on my palm. Cold winter wind blew against my skin, making my reminiscences flashed back again on my view like I was watching a movie.


*ding dong*


I wore my slippers and quickly got to the door. It was already 8pm. Who will be visiting me in this time? I peeked onto the peephole, only seeing her panting. Maybe from the running she did.


I slid the door open and asked her. “Oh? Why are you here?”


“I just wanted to see you!” she answered back and showed the drinks to me she brought.


“You run your way here just to see me?” I asked stupidly. I moved out from the doorway and I motioned her to follow me. She followed me happily skipping her way to me.


I made my way to the long bench in our front yard and signaled her to sit beside me. When she sat already, she handed me the drink she just bought. I grabbed it and opened it, same goes for her. I can feel the coldness of the liquid making its way in my throat when I gulped it down.


After we have some few conversations, like teasing as always, I spotted a certain white soft-rounded thing dropped in my knees, catching my whole attention. As soon as it dropped on my knees, It evaporated quickly. I looked above and saw thousands of that falling from the sky. It was snowing.


I think she noticed that too and looked above changing her expression to same as mine.


“It’s snowing!” she squealed. “I know that it’ll come this evening!” she proudly predicted.


“That’s why I have something for you!” she then got a hold of the box wrapped with a fancy paper and handed it to me. “It’s for you!” she said shyly to me.


“For me?” I asked again stupidly. I unwrapped the box carefully and opened it, only to see a blue sweater with heart doodles on it and my name embedded on the left side of the sweater.


“I made that only for you!” she said in a proud tone. “I’ve had a hard time finishing that one! So take a good care of it! Arasseo?”


“Then what do you want me to do?” I replied to hide my pleased expression.


“Yah! I’m being nice here and the only thing you’ll do is to say thank you to me! Isn’t that hard to say-“ I cut her sentences by suddenly kissing her cheeks.


“Thank you! I appreciated it” I shyly thanked her. I can see her cheeks blushing like a tomato. Seems like, I've already returned that kiss she gave me last autumn.


The first snowfall last year is really unforgettable. Caressing the sweater she gave me softly, I can smell her scent that still lingers in the sweater and feel every bit my longingness for her. I slowly hugged the sweater in order to feel her longing presence that’s been away from me for a long time.




Chapter four is up too! hihi. ^^ i intend this to post earlier but the electricity went out so I just slept. and I had a really really weird dream with kyuhyun. OTL idek. Maybe because of SNL and Weekly Idol that I just watched. XD anyways, I'll be posting up chapter 5 soon. In the next chapter, you will know how they got separated. ^^ stay tuned, people! (:

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last chapter is upppp! ^^


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Oh my god wow <3
Caithlyn #2
Chapter 6: Wow.... (out of words) the story is just ..... Wow. It's amazing. d[^_^]b
Chapter 6: Aww~ So cheesy. Hehe.
But I love it so much!
Thanks for the wonderful story, author-nim!
Please write more stories. hehe.^^
Chapter 5: They finally meet again after a whole year!
I'm so HAPPY! Update soon!^^
Chapter 4: Kyaah! I'm in love with this story!
They're so sweet!
But why did I feel sad?
What happen to them?
Update soon, I'm waiting for next chapter!^^
It sounds so sweet " I'll wait for you" update soon