After four seasons have passed, my wait is finally over

I'll wait for you ⊷ ⌊even if it takes four seasons⌉
chapter five                                                 .
After four seasons have passed, my wait is finally over


I round the path you left on

You're on your way back to me right now

Like the late first snow and the late summer rain

So, baby I'll wait for you

Like flipping the page on the calendar

I wait for you naturally



credits : weheartit for the pictures & kimchi hana @sfi for the lyrics


*italicized means flashbacks.



After reading some notes and reminders on the calendar, I flipped the pages of it from time to time. While I was continuously flipping it, I stopped on a certain page and read the note written in a bold red marker.


D-day! Meeting with her again after 1 year.


“Ki Bum-ah.. I hope you can understand me. My mom is sick and I need to take care of her that’s why I’ll leave for states.” She explained.


“It’s okay. I understand, she’s your mom and she needs you there” I said, understanding her side even though it’ll be hard for me to deal with it.


She laid her hands in my shoulders, slowly enveloping me into a hug. I hugged her back expressing how I’ll be going to miss her after she’ll fly to the states.


“Ki Bum-ah, remember this. Let’s meet here in the park after one year, same time same place, okay?” she lifted her pinky showing that it’ll be a promise.


I stared at her for a second and little by little, I lift my pinky finger, locking it to her pinky.


“I promise you that” she sincerely told me while looking straight into my eyes.


“I promise too” I nodded, showing that I trust her.


and I, slowly closed the gap that’s between us, lifted her chin and gradually leaned to reach her lips. It was a heartfelt kiss and it’s my first time to kiss a girl ever in my life. After a minute I let go of her lips and enveloped her into a hug again.


“I’m going to miss you” I admitted. Yes. After we have been through, I’ll miss her that much. Well, more than she’ll expect. After that, we departed, walking through our separate ways. It hurts for me to depart this way, knowing that after one year, maybe things will change or worse, her love for me will change also.


I’m still confused whether I’ll go or not. What if she’s not there? But I think there’s no wrong in trying right?


My heart is full of mixed emotions. My mind is pre-occupied with some questions running through my mind. I can’t even think straight knowing that any hours now, I’ll show up to her or not. Deciding what to do is really hard in situations like this.


I love her. Yes I love her from the bottom of my heart that it makes me crazy for the past few months without her. And I decided to show up there. Ready to wait for her even if it takes forever.


Every step that I take, my heart beats faster and faster, not knowing what to expect there in our meeting. I know, she promised she’d appear! She promised no matter what. I’ll wait for her. I won’t let go of this love we have started. I will really wait for her.


I let out a heavy sigh after I got here in the park. It seems like I’m the first one who appeared here. I still have these negative thoughts in my head but I stayed positive every second and minute passed. I waited patiently for her. I promised her after all.


While waiting for her, I sat on the bench where we always sat back then. This bench really reminds me all the good times we’ve shared. It is where we always tease each other then after the next minute serious things were brought up. Then, problems are being shared and making each other feel good after the sharing. It is also where we watch stars at night while making each other assignments. So many good times it is.


I bent to rest my arms on my knees and suddenly my handphone fell on the cold snowy ground. I quickly grabbed it and noticed a carved message under the bench I sat on. I got up from my seat and knelt my left knee to take a clear look of the carved message.


Saranghae kibum-ah together forever <3 <3


I smiled at myself when I read the carved message on the bench. Because of this, I stayed positive. She’ll come! I know she’ll come here willing to start all over again.


“Ki Bum-ah! Why are you bending like that?” a soft voice called me. That lovely and soft voice, the voice I’m missing for a year already, the voice that never fails to soften my heart, that one and only voice.


I turned around swiftly. I found myself staring at a familiar girl, the girl whom I miss for already a year, and the girl whom I love for all this time.



Hey there! this is not yet the end tho. haha. so don't think it's a hanging ending. lol. This will just serve as a cliffhanger. (: I will update the last chapter soon! ^^

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last chapter is upppp! ^^


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Oh my god wow <3
Caithlyn #2
Chapter 6: Wow.... (out of words) the story is just ..... Wow. It's amazing. d[^_^]b
Chapter 6: Aww~ So cheesy. Hehe.
But I love it so much!
Thanks for the wonderful story, author-nim!
Please write more stories. hehe.^^
Chapter 5: They finally meet again after a whole year!
I'm so HAPPY! Update soon!^^
Chapter 4: Kyaah! I'm in love with this story!
They're so sweet!
But why did I feel sad?
What happen to them?
Update soon, I'm waiting for next chapter!^^
It sounds so sweet " I'll wait for you" update soon