Meeting my match

"Done," Jiyeon said to the Myungsoo who was half asleep in the bench near the OR,

She quietly sat beside him and rested his head to her shoulders. Her heart starte thumping hard like it was about to burst and she just kept a stiff position until she can't take it anymore and looked at his face. He slowly touched his eyebrows, then his eyes, nose and his lips. Such a perfect person, she thought. She quickly snapped back to her thoughts and quickly pulled her hand but he catched it.

"What were you doing with my face?" he asked,

"I I- I-," I stuttered and thought of excuses but nothing came out from my mouth,

"Speechless?" he asked softly,

Where's the arrogant jerk? She thought. She suddenly remembered about her shopping bags.

"Where's my shopping bags?!" she exclaimed and pushed Myungsoo away from her,

"Chill, it's in your room," he said and smiled at me,

"Why aren't you asking?" she asked,

She knew that he was very curious about Seung Ho. Well, he's just her first love. She kept on following him during high school but he find her as a burden to his life so she let go of him painfully because he was also inlove with her bestfriend, Ah Sung, and she left without saying goodbye. She didn't continue her studies in Korea since she has been striving hard to be an idol. She actually trained in California.

"It will hurt you so I didn't," he said,

"Where's the arrogant jerk?" she asked and smiled at him,

"Wae? Do you want him back? I could -" 

"Andwe! You can't!" she crossed her arms and pouted,

"I was just joking," 'You're so cute' he wanted to add,

"Why are you staring at me like that? You should bring me to my room now," she said and clapped in front of his face,

Instead of following her nagging, he stared at her more. He looked at her as if they were the only one in the hospital. She's a perfect creation he thought. She's very beautiful, even prettier than her. He thought. 

"Yah, you're creepy!" she whined,

"Okay fine," I said giving up and carried her to her wheelchair,

"Where are you going?" a voice asked that made us turn to him,

"Oppa, kaja! Palli na!" Jiyeon whined and didn't look at Seungho,

"I'll assist you, Jiyeonnie," he said and Jiyeon rolled her eyes,

"Looks like she doesn't want you to," Myungsoo said and smirked before pushing her wheelchair into the elevator but Seungho was stubborn and rode with them,

"I told you I'll assist you," he just stated,

"Oppa," Jiyeon said,

"Wae?" Seungho and Myungsoo said,

"I'm her oppa!" they yelled,

"Shut up," Jiyeon said and closed her eyes in annoyance with the both of them,

"Yeonnie, who is this guy really? He's so annoying!" Myungsoo said and looked away,

"I told you that he's my knight and shining armor," Jiyeon said and looked at Seungho who was smiling widely,

"Just like the first time we met," he said,

"Eh? But I just met you today," Jiyeon said and Seungho's eyes widened in shock,

He didn't expect that Jiyeon would say such thing to him. Especially because he was her first love. 

"Dont joke like that, Park Jiyeon," he said and laughed,

"I don't really know you," she said defensively,

"Burn!" Myungsoo yelled and punched the air,

"Park Jiyeon!" Seungho yelled, "Why are you like this?" he added,

"That's our song," she said and laughed,

The elevator door opened so Myungsoo pushed Jiyeon's wheelchair once again and Seungho was following them around. He was deeply hurt with Jiyeon. She's not the bubbly Jiyeon I knew.

"Oppa, can you get me food? Mandoo! Lots of them!" Jiyeon yelled,

"Of course, I will. Just wait for me, I'll visit Hyuna too since she didn't bring her phone and I don't have her members' number," he said and got out,

"Park Jiyeon," Seungho tightened his jaw and clenched his fists in anger,

"You're embarrassing, Yoo Seung Ho," she said and slowly went to the bed, "I don't want my boyfriend to know about you so I would like you to shut up about our high school memories," she added and laid on the bed,

"Why are you being like this, Park Jiyeon? Where is the Jiyeon we once knew during high school?" Seungho couldn't help but spill it out,

"It's been 1 year, Yoo Seung Ho ssi. Who wouldn't change in that amount of time?" she answered coldly,

She thought about what she saw during that night. The day that torn her hearts into pieces. The day her bestfriend betrayed her. They day they kissed. 

"Why did you stop liking me? Why did you leave without saying a word?" he asked,

"I stopped liking you because I got Myungsoo oppa. I'm a player, P-L-A-Y-E-R. You know what that means right? I left because I trained," she answered,

"You weren't! It's impossible if you are. You were hurt when you said that you were sorry for ever liking me!" he yelled,

(A/N: Remember in God of Study, Baek Hyun was about to kiss Pulip and Hyun Jung witnessed it? Then the part when Hyun Jung said that she was sorry for ever liking Baek Hyun? That's what I mean. I stated this because some of you haven't watched God of Study yet.)

"Yes, do you remember what I said?" she asked,


Jiyeon was still broken hearted as she watched Seung Ho leaned to her bestfriend, Ah sung for a kiss. She betrayed her. She never thought that her bestfriend would do that to her. Who would thought that the one she loves turns out to be the one who loves her bestfriend? She got into their school and as soon as she stepped on their classroom, she heard Hyunwoo talking to Seung Ho. 

"Seung ho ya, you didn't know it's Ah Sung's birthday today right?" Hyun woo asked Seung Ho,

Jiyeon stopped at the back of Baek Hyun for a second. It was her bestfriend's birthday but it was also hers. But why do they get to celebrate hers and not Jiyeon's? She thought. She went to her seat still wearing a sad expression.

"Ah, I already gave her my gift last time," Seung Ho said,

It shattered her heart more. She couldn't take it yet she didn't want to seem weak in front of her friends. She looked at her bestfriend and knows what she was thinking, of course. That night was the night they kissed.

"What kind of gift?" Hyun Woo asked followed by Chan Ho who was very curious,

"It's a secret," Seung Ho asked and Jiyeon directly stared at him,

He looked at her but then she looked away since she didn't want him to know that she knew. Then Jiyeon received a text message coming from her parents, maids and her cousins.

"Saengil Chukahae, Jiyeonnie. I wish you were here so we could celebrate your birthday," her father said,

A tear fell from my left eye and she quickly wiped it away. She bit her lip since her friends didn't know it was her birthday too. She was very sad that time that she wanted die in that position directly. 

"Jiyeon-ah, Hyun woo made this, try having a drink," Ah Sung said happily and showed Jiyeon her seaweed soup that she got from Hyun Woo,

"No need," Jiyeon said and slightly bowed her head,

"It's really nice to drink, have a try!" Ah Sung said stubbornly so Jiyeon pushed it away from Ah Sung hands which caused it to drop,

"Bian," she said and went outside,

She went to the field and just sat there quietly. She wanted to cry. She wanted to tell her friend it was her birthday too but she was too hurt to admit it.

"Park Jiyeon, did you know?" Mr. Kang asked,

She looked at him confusely and just sat back. 

"That you don't have a birthday yet?" he added,

"What?" she answered,

"You will only have your birthday when you are genuinely happy and energetic on that day," he said and winked at me before walking away,


It was already dark so she decided to get her things in the classroom but when she was about to go down since she took the stairs. Seung Ho was waiting for her. 

"Park Jiyeon, let's talk," he said and she followed him outside and sat on the stairs,

"What happened to you recently?" he asked breaking the silence between the two of them,

"What do you mean what happened to me?" Jiyeon answered sadly yet kept a cold tone and Seungho glared at him,

"Are you angry with me? What have I done wrong?" he asked, 

"What you have done is none of my business," she said and looked away, "We were close before this happened," she added and smiled dully,

"Aren't you and I close? Hyun Woo, Chan Ho, Ah Sung, aren't you guys also close? They're your friends too," he explained,

Of course they were close but they didn't even remember her birthday and worst, they celebrated her bestfriend's birthday, not hers.

"Friends, a certain person would also say the same thing," she said and looked at him, "The words that I like to hear and think about are all the same right?" she said and looked down, "You, you don't like me like I like you," she said,

"It's not that I don't like you. It's better to say that there's a sense of burden," he said,

"Ah Sung likes you. You don't think of that as a burden, right?" she said, "I am very strange, I always become other people's burden, especially to the people close and important to me," she said referring to her friends before,

They were all like that to her too. She was a burden for them that's why she acted like she wasn't that rich, to let people treat her but the outcome is still the same. She becomes a person's burden. She stood up and walked away but Seung Ho called her. She slowly turned her hair to face him.

"I'm sorry for ever liking you, Seung Ho-ah," she yelled before completely disappearing from the dark,


The room was covered with silence when they remembered what happened. It was painful for her to recall those memories again. She wanted to bury it.

"I want you back," he said and Jiyeon's eyes widened in shock as she clenched her fists since she didn't want to believe him, "You'll be mine again, Park Jiyeon. I'll make sure of that," he added,

"Try but you'll never get me. I'm going to get married soon and you expect me to come back to you?" Jiyeon said and smirked,

'I won't go back to you anymore. Too much time has been wasted and even though I still love you, I won't do anything. I'll just have to wait for myself to fall in love with my fiance and that will be soon' Jiyeon thought.

'You still love me, Park Jiyeon. I know that so I'm going to make you mine again' Seungho thought.


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Retsel_ #1
update soon.!!
Chapter 11: naeun is really thick skin! just leave myungyeon alone!
Chapter 11: KYAHH ! >.< ! I'M BADLY HURT AUTHORNIM ..
BUT A LITTLE HAPPY *They're even _myungeun@jiseung* YET GUILTY ! *Jiyeon unnie starts to fall for him already*
please update soon authornim ..
Chapter 11: ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh Naeun kiss him ..
Chapter 10: aisshh , Myungsoo you're just watching the whole time .

please update:)
Chapter 10: Myungyeon moments more~! Please update soon. ♥ :)
Chapter 10: Seriously, I have been waiting for your update. Update soon again. XD
Chapter 9: Ahh chingu~ah you always make me fall in love with your fics♥♥♥ hehehe update soon my friend ;)
stacyberd #9
Chapter 9: Myungyeon overloaded of
Cuteness and i love it.
update soon.