5 ♥

Meeting my match



I fought my urge to kiss her but I still did it since she was so lovely. I can’t believe that I even did it. What would she think about me? Will her actions towards me change because of that? No! Please not.

“Yah! Our mighty L is already here, the boyfriend of Goddess Park Jiyeon is here!” Sunggyu stood up as he saw me,

“Yah, make your voices lower!” I yelled and smirked,

“I didn’t expect that you’d be Goddess Park Jiyeon’s boyfriend!” Woohyun exclaimed,

“Mianhe if I didn’t tell you about it but we’re getting engaged next week,” I said and showed them my ring,

“Bwoya?! Why are we so late?!” Hoya yelled and threw me a brush,

“We just announced it,” I said and sat in the nearest chair,

“Bwoya! Did you get her pregnant?!” Sunggyu yelled,

“Bwo? You’re thinking too much, Hyung!” I yelled and threw him the brush Hoya threw to me,

“Oh, that’s good but I think our anti-fans will attract more people,” Dongwoo said,

“Mianhe, we can’t just hide it anymore, we’re getting engaged next week and we just can’t shock all the people by saying we’re already engaged right?” I grabbed the drink Sungjong was holding and drank it,

“Hyung!” he yelled,

“I’ll just get you something tomorrow since Jiyeon and I are going on a date,” I said and chuckled, “Seungyeol, why are you so quiet?” I asked and studied him but he suddenly went outside, “What’s wrong with him?” I asked,

“Kim Myungsoo, seriously? You know that he’s obsessed with Goddess Park Jiyeon!” Sunggyu yelled,

“Oh,” I said and kept my mouth shut,

I just remembered that. We were all fan of T-ara and Seungyeol had this obsession on her. He loves her very much that he has every album of T-ara.

“But I think he has the right to get angry. You acted like you love T-ara not as Jiyeon’s boyfriend but a fan and I’m sure Seungyeol hyung is feeling depressed right now,” Sungjong said and slightly frowned,

I’m sorry Seungyeol but as you know, these things are planned perfectly now and I don’t want you to ruin it so please accept it so we could do it without hurting other people.

After talking about nonsense, we went to our dorm and ate first. I received a text from her.

From: Goddess Park Jiyeon♥

Fetch me at the dorm  tomorrow 8 AM okay?Here’s the address ---------. Don’t be late because if you will, I’m going to do something that you’ll regret you even lived! Just kidding, Myungie. By the way, I updated my twitter account and I said that our official couple name is Myungyeon and it received good feedbacks. You sincerely are the best, Myungie. You don’t mind if I call you that right?Keke ^^

From your loving soon-to-be wife and your worst nightmare, Park Jiyeon.

P.S, Don’t do a peck on my lips again because I’ll kill you if you do again. Ara?

And I forgot! Have a good sleep, I hope you’ll find me killing you on your dreams.

I chuckled at the message and when the rest of Infinite read it, they can’t help but laugh too. Seungyeol was still angry with me so he was the first one to sleep. We slept as soon as we finished eating and I saw her on my dream but she wasn’t killing me on this one, instead, we were a very happy couple.

“Hyung, wake up!” Sungjong kept on hitting me with the pillow and as I reflex, I covered myself with my blanket, “You’re going on a date with Noona!” he yelled and I quickly stood up,

I got dizzy and rubbed my neck, yawned a little and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and went out to change. I chose the clothes appa bought me last month since I haven’t wore it since then. I got outside the room and Infinite’s eyes were on me.

“Why are you staring at me like that? Yah!” I yelled and shrugged,

“Nothing, we just wanted to let you give our gifts to T-ara,” Sungjong said and handed me a small box,

“That’s for Hwayoung because you’ve already taken Jiyeon,” he whispered and went back to his seat again,

I threw him the box and stuck my tongue out.

“She’ll get angry with me,” I said and rubbed my neck,

“Of course, I knew you’d say that but just tell her to regards us to T-ara, here’s the list for you to remember,” Sunggyu said and passed me a paper which their names were paired with T-ara,

Sunggyu – Boram | Dongwoo – Soyeon | Woohyun – Hyomin | Hoya – Eunjung | Sungjong – Hwayoung | Seungyeol – Qri |

Yah! Seungyeol is still angry with it but he’ll get over it soon so I hope that you’ll set him up with Qri!


“Of course, I have to go now since she’ll get angrier if I’ll be late,” I went outside and drove my car like a maniac and when I arrived at their dorm,

She was already outside wearing an outfit that makes her all. y, cute, beautiful!

“You’re 1 min. late but I’ll accept that for now so let’s go?” she said snapping me back to my thoughts,

“Of course, hop in,” I said and smiled at her,

She casually went to my car and stared at me for a minute and started taking pictures of herself. How vain.

“Let’s take a selca together o?” she said,

“Let’s take one later,” I said without looking at her,

“Okay,” she said and started playing something on her phone instead,

We arrived at Coex and she was so happy. I fought the urge to hold her hand but I lost again. I slipped my hand to hers, at first she was shocked but she held my hand too anyway. When we entered the mall, people started to look at us but they didn’t know it was us since we wore scarves that covered our noses and mouth.

“Yah, daebak!” I yelled and jumped in joy as I looked around me,

“What do you want to do?” he asked still holding my hand,

“I heard that there are food stalls here,”  I said and slightly showed my face to him and smiled happily,

“Let’s go there so you’ll know what normal people eat,” he said and we took the elevator which is full,

“What do you mean? That I’m not normal just because I don’t eat those?” I asked annoyed,

“Ani, it’s just today will be your first time eating them,” he said innocently,

“Tch, but it’s not really my fault I couldn’t eat those. I’m busy with business and the schedule, I’m the busiest member,” I said and rolled my eyes,

“Can’t you two shut up? We’re on an elevator,” a guy said and I showed him my face so his eyes widened and gave me an apology,

“It’s nothing really, I’ve done a bad thing but next time, please be polite when you want the people to shut up,” I said and went out as soon as the door opened,

I heard L chuckled and when I looked at him, I raised my eyebrows so he shut up.

“Who knew that you’re like that?” he said and I glared at him,

“Shut up, it was your fault!” I said and pouted,

“Aigoo, kyeopta,” he said and pinched my cheek,

“Ah!” I yelled and tried to stop him from pinching even more but I failed and now my cheeks are very red,

“Ah, ah, ah,” I said and tears started to fall from my eyes,

“W- wae?” he asked and he was shocked at my sudden actions,

I started to cry even more and sat in a nearby bench. You bad man! It hurts so freaking much that it hurts even in a slightest movement of my cheeks.

“Yah! Everyone is looking at us,” he whispered,

"It hurts very much," I said and looked down,

"I'll just buy you ice cream okay?" he said and rushed off the the ice cream parlour,

I stopped crying and went to the restroom to fix myself. It still hurts but I just over reacted. I heard someone knock the stall since I took a pee too so I knocked back 2 times. After another few minutes of just staring at the blank wall, I got out and fixed myself once again.

"I wonder if he's finding me right now," I thought and went to the bench earlier,

"Where is he?" I thought and looked everywhere but he was nowhere to be find,

Aish! That boy chincha! Why did he leave me here when I don't have any idea where I should go? Ottoke?!

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Retsel_ #1
update soon.!!
Chapter 11: naeun is really thick skin! just leave myungyeon alone!
Chapter 11: KYAHH ! >.< ! I'M BADLY HURT AUTHORNIM ..
BUT A LITTLE HAPPY *They're even _myungeun@jiseung* YET GUILTY ! *Jiyeon unnie starts to fall for him already*
please update soon authornim ..
Chapter 11: ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh Naeun kiss him ..
Chapter 10: aisshh , Myungsoo you're just watching the whole time .

please update:)
Chapter 10: Myungyeon moments more~! Please update soon. ♥ :)
Chapter 10: Seriously, I have been waiting for your update. Update soon again. XD
Chapter 9: Ahh chingu~ah you always make me fall in love with your fics♥♥♥ hehehe update soon my friend ;)
stacyberd #9
Chapter 9: Myungyeon overloaded of
Cuteness and i love it.
update soon.