
Meeting my match

Jiyeon knew that Myungsoo was angry. Of course he would. What he thought was she was just using him. She partly used him but it wasn't really her intention. She was afraid of hospitals. Jiyeon slowly walked over to Myungsoo who was watching the lights of the city and grabbed his jacket slowly.

"I thought you were asleep," Myungsoo said and looked at her. Myungsoo was actually feeling sad because he knew that he was just like the third party in the picture. "Are you still angry?" Jiyeon said softly and slowly putted down her hands. She clenched her fists in nervousness and looked down. She didn't want him to hate her. She just can't.

"Did you really do that on purpose?" he asked and pulled Jiyeon's body into his. He slowly hugged her and her hair. Jiyeon was shocked but just let him hug her. She felt safe in his arms. "I'm partly wrong here so I'm sorry," Jiyeon whispered and released herself from the hug. "Okay, I forgive you but promise me that you won't do that again," Myungsoo said and faked a smile.

"Don't fake a smile," Jiyeon said and weakly went back to her bed while Myungsoo stayed in the terrace and still watching the city lights. Jiyeon fell asleep with a burdened heart. When she woke up, she can't find Myungsoo anywhere and found a note saying. 'I'll be back after lunch so I already ordered food for you. It will be delivered probably around 11 - Myungsoo'

She just smiled and went to the bathroom to pee. When she got out, the nurse and doctor was there so she greeted them politely. "Are you uncomfortable here?" the nurse asked. "Yes, I don't really like staying in the hospital for a long time so it's okay if I'll discharge later right?" Jiyeon asked and hoped that they would say yes. "Of course, you just have to come here next week before your engagement," the doctor said, "Thank you, Mr. Jung," Jiyeon said excitedly.

She immediately looked for her cellphone and called Myungsoo but to her dismay, he didn't answer any of her calls. Sadness filled the room and the people that were there noticed her frown. "Is there something wrong?" the nurse asked, "He doesn't answer any of my calls," Jiyeon whispered. "Maybe he's just busy," she explained.

"Maybe," Jiyeon whispered and walked back to her bed. "I think we should just leave," the doctor whispered to the nurse so they went out,Jiyeon was sad. She wondered if he was still angry with her. Of course he'd be upset right? She used him. She didn't have any other choice but send him a voicemail because he wouldn't talk to her.

"Yah! Kim Myungsoo! How dare you not answer my calls?! Do you want me to kill you when I get well?! Aish! I want to go home. Thanks to someone, I get to stay on the hospital. Oh! I take that back. Keke. Now back to the topic! Do you know that I hate hospitals? Tch. Nado! I don't want to see you if it's not that important! Yah! Pick your damn calls! Mian. I know you're still angry but pick me up 8 in the evening," she sent him the voicemail and slept,

She woke up at the sound of someone knocking so she yelled back to signal that he/she should come inside. She was surprised to see Seungho so she just weakly laid back again. She hoped that it was Myungsoo so that she could say sorry. "Oh, it's you," Jiyeon said and frowned a little. "Were you expecting for someone?" Seungho asked suspiciously.

"Not really," she lied and looked outside. Seungho knows that she was waiting for someone. And even though it hurts to accept it, he knew that it was Myungsoo she was waiting. Sadness was obvious when you look at Jiyeon. She was looking down barely even speaking to him which he finds so... painful. "What are you doing here by the way? Jiyeon asked faking a smile.

"Nothing, I just wanted to check on you," he said and smiled, 

"I'll change first," she said weakly and grabbed the clothes she wore yesterday,

"Are you sure you want to wear those?" Seungho asked,

"I'm fine," Jiyeon said and went to the bathroom to change,

She just stood there motionlessly and felt guilty of what she has done. She shouldn't use other people for her own benefit. That's what bad people do right? Her phone rang so she answered it. "Oh, unnie?" she said when she recognized the voice. It was no other than her bestfriend, Hyomin. Of course T-ara are her bestfriends but she's closer with Hyomin and Eunjung than anyone else. Hyomin could feel the sadness she felt. They're bestfriends, she should know.

"Why are you so sad?" she asked. "What do you want?" Jiyeon answered coldly. "I -I, I just wanted to ask if you were okay," Hyomin stuttered. "I'm fine," Jiyeon said before hanging up,

"I heard you're getting discharged, want me to send you home?" Seungho suggested and smiled at her but she didn't response. Jiyeon acted like she didn't hear anything and just continued to change her clothes. Since she looked like a puppet with the strings on her hands she pulled it and shrieked in pain. Seungho became worried so he slammed the bathroom's door and asked if she was okay.

"Nan gwaenchana! Don't worry," she assured but bit her pain to stop groaning in pain. She wore her clothes without much using her left hand and went out hiding it by putting it on her pocket. Seungho quickly examined her. "Are you sure you're okay?" he cupped her face but she yanked away knowing it was wrong for them.

"I'm fine, I'll get some sleep first so wake me up when it's quarter to 8 okay?" she asked and slowly went to the bed. "Of course," he grinned and helped Jiyeon get in the bed. She didn't mind since he was just helping so she slept again enduring the pain she was feeling on her hand. Seungho just kept on looking at her while killing time until he  noticed that her facial expressions were that of pain so he checked her knee if it was alright. He instead saw dried blood on her left hand. 

"Pabo. You should've told me that you hurt this," Seungho whispered not wanting to wake her up from her deep sleep. He gently wrapped her hand using his handkerchief. "Kajima! Tteonajima! Jjebal!" Jiyeon yelled as she dreamt of that day.


"Kajima! Tteonajima! Jjebal!" Jiyeon whispered to herself as she watched Seungho's shadow disappear. "Couldn't you just pretend that it's only me? Even just today? Why does it always have to be her?" she whispered to herself again and wiped the tears that were formin on her eyes. She ran until she reached their classroom. Her teacher was still there talking to Lawyer Kang.

"Ssaem, I'm going to transfer schools," she blurted out. Though she was torn between taking those words back, she knew that it was best for her if she would transfer. Her heart started to get heavy so she clutched it and breathed in and out repeatedly. "Jiyeon-ah, but you know what would happen if you quit," Han ssaem worriedly reminded her. "My parents wants me to study abroad. This is my chance to be back with them," she stil pleaded and showed her puppy eyes.

"I understand," Han ssaem just sighed in defeat and hugged Jiyeon like there was no tomorrow. "I'll leave tomorrow so I think I'll leave the burden to you by letting them know. Mehrong," she said and stuck her tongue out to Lawyer Kang before getting her bag and going home. "Did something happen between her and Seung ho?" Ssaem asked herself. "Pabo! P-A-B-O!" Lawyer yelled. "Wae?!" she asked. "It's her birthday today but her friends didn't know. It must've been so really hard for her today. Her eyes were puffy afterall," he worriedly explained.


The 4 students that were a part of the special class were already on their respective seats not even noticing that Jiyeon wasn't with them. Jang Ma Ri walked like a model (As usual!) and slammed her fists on the table catching everyone's attention. They straightened their seats like soldiers and shivered a bit. "I have an important announcement to make! So listen carefully. Park Jiyeon is no longer a part of the special class," 

"Mwo?!" everyone's reactions and all stood up. Jang Ma Ri slammed her fists on the table once again so they sat back and waited for further details. "She's probably midway to California right now since she decided to continue her studies there," she added and rubbed her temple. "Did she leave something for us? A letter perhaps?" Ah Sung asked and hoped that there was.

"Sadly, no. She only told Lawyer Kang and Han ssaem but she promised that she would frequently call me," Ma Ri bragged and smirked at them. "Oh, by the way, what did you do for her birthday?" she asked innocently referring to Jiyeon. "For Ah Sung? We gave her seaweed soup-" "How about Jiyeon's?" she cut Hyun Woo off and blinked innocently. She was proud since she gave her the necklace that was given by her mom when she was probably 5 years old.

Actually, she was the one who sent her to the airport and she just knew her pain. She didn't exactly ask everything about it in detail but she knows how much it actually hurts Jiyeon. Though she was a day late to give a gift, Jiyeon accepted it happily since of course, you just knew the story. "What do you mean? It wasn't Jiyeon's birthday yesterday, it was Ah Sung's," Hyun Woo grinned and did his infamous eye smile to Ah sung which made her giggle.

"Eh? But it's really her birthday yesterday," she wondered and just realized that they didn't knew about it. "Yah! It was also Jiyeon's birthday yesterday! Don't tell me you didn't know?!" she yelled and everyone's face was puzzled by what she just said. "Aish! What kind of friends are you? I wonder how hurt she is! I'm getting angry for her position instead. You're not worthy to be called her friends!" she flared up in anger and went outside bumping to Han ssaem.

She didn't want to be angry like that but since she also experienced like that. She can't help herself and tell them that. "Ssaem, was it really Jiyeon's birthday yesterday?" Ah Sung sadly asked. "Yes, I'm not really feeling good about it. I'm also sad since I didn't know but don't you think you should? Truthfully, it annoys me to think that you're her friends but you didn't know that it was actually her birthday. More over, you celebrated Ah Sung's birthday in front of her. I'm really disappointed with you guys," she said and went out not wanting to show her weakness more.

A pang of guilt hit Hyun Woo, Seung Ho, Ah Sung and Chan ho. "So that's why she wasn't herself yesterday," Ah Sung whispered and buried her face on her desk, beginning to sob over it.


"It's okay! I'm just here, oh? I'm just here," Seung Ho panicked and wiped the sweat on Jiyeon's forehead as she calmed down. She woke up yet she didn't open her eyes since it would be embarrassing. "What time is it?" Jiyeon spoke in a stiff tone. "Quarter to 8," he replied and sat back to his chair. 

"But it didn't seem like hours at all!" I argued and widened my eyes. "So you weren't asleep?!" he teased and kept on showing her a shocked face. "Ani! Aish! Stupid," Jiyeon said and slowly walked outside. She wondered if Myungsoo was already there. Seung Ho just followed her quietly. She was still limping and stood at the entrance waiting for Myungsoo. 

She waited despite the cold weather and just whistled a happy tune instead of getting gloomy. Minutes turned to an hour yet she was still waiting for him to come. "Kim Myungsoo, how long are you going to take? Get me now! I'm freezing to death!" she cursed under her breath and hugged herself still enduring the pain she felt. 

Seung Ho who was watching her for the past 2 hours stopped counting seconds and covered her with his jacket. "I'll just bring you home," he whispered and she fainted right on the spot. He carried her towards his car and drove her home. Little did they know that Myungsoo was watching it all.


Oh my God! It's been a long time since I've updated this. Mianhe. I promise to update more frequently. Here :D The next chapter would be Myungsoo's something. HAHAHA! I wouldn't spoil anything. :p 



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Retsel_ #1
update soon.!!
Chapter 11: naeun is really thick skin! just leave myungyeon alone!
Chapter 11: KYAHH ! >.< ! I'M BADLY HURT AUTHORNIM ..
BUT A LITTLE HAPPY *They're even _myungeun@jiseung* YET GUILTY ! *Jiyeon unnie starts to fall for him already*
please update soon authornim ..
Chapter 11: ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh Naeun kiss him ..
Chapter 10: aisshh , Myungsoo you're just watching the whole time .

please update:)
Chapter 10: Myungyeon moments more~! Please update soon. ♥ :)
Chapter 10: Seriously, I have been waiting for your update. Update soon again. XD
Chapter 9: Ahh chingu~ah you always make me fall in love with your fics♥♥♥ hehehe update soon my friend ;)
stacyberd #9
Chapter 9: Myungyeon overloaded of
Cuteness and i love it.
update soon.